Indigenous to Indonesia and Madagascar, clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) can be found in nature as the unopened pink flower buds of the tropical evergreen tree. Lavender spike has a sharp camphoraceous fragrance, more lavender-y than other lavender, if that makes sense? However, in the go-to source for all things essential oils, Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Edition, by Robert Tisserand, T. vulgaris and T. zygis are listed as being the same oil. They are all different. It is possibly one of the most useful and important essential oils available on the market today. Fragrance GroupHerbals. Lovely sage can cause heavy bleeding in women, so although it as a tremendous oil for men, especially for muscular aches, it can be too aggressive for feminine blends. Clove Essential Oil 100 Pure & Natural Undiluted Therapeutic Grade HUGE 1oz Bot. Aroma Substitutes for Galbanum Essential Oil Myrrh, labdanum, spikenard, oppoponax, Therapeutic Substitutions for Galbanum Essential Oil. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) EnergeticLanguid, sedate, romantic, enticing, Aroma Substitutes for Ylang Ylang Essential OilRose, jasmine, honeysuckle, neroli, geranium, monarda, Therapeutic Substitutions for Ylang Ylang Essential Oil. Its famous essential oil has been used in pomades … You may want to find an alternative for angelica root essential oil of you are worried about phototoxicity, or if you suffer from diabetes. The level of ketones actually drops after the plant has flowered but the majority of commercial oils are distilled from the plant before it has come into flower. Aroma Substitutes for Jasmine Essential Oil (absolute) Patchouli, ylang ylang, tuberose, vetiver, sandalwood, Therapeutic Substitutions for Jasmine Essential Oil (absolute). Often, substitutes can be subjective or unique to you as an individual. Aroma Substitutes for Eucalyptus Essential Oil Pine, frankincense, tea tree, manuka, kanuka, inula, ravensara, Therapeutic Substitutions for Eucalyptus Essential Oil. Clove oil uses include the natural treatment of acne, the common cold, influenza, high blood pressure and digestive complaints. Clove has an amazing aroma that helps in calming down the nerves and reducing stress. Neither Sacred Soul Holistics nor its products are intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease. Muscular aches and pains - Lavender, juniper, black pepper, clary sage, ginger, Before going to sleep – lavender, chamomile, rose, geranium, valerian, vetiver, Specific therapeutic use - mandarin, helichrysum, When you are worked up or overwhelmed - lavender, chamomile, geranium, nutmeg, mandarin, frankincense, myrrh, Supports a healthy immune system – tea tree, ravensara, inula, eucalyptus, helichrysum. We love using Sheild essential oil during the fall and winter season to fight off the sickies. The lesser reported orange, but just as delightful. Avoid if you have platelet issues or are using any liniments that already thin the blood. This is a hot and strong oil that can be to aggressive for some people. A beautiful liberating sense of fresh air, pine helps us relax when we feel the walls closing in. Thanks for visiting the page and enjoy your day. So, learning how to choose the right essential oil substitutes for recipes, blends, diffusing or therapeutic use is an extremely valuable skill. Not so, plai has very strong properties that only serve to deepen the prowess of ginger, copaiba and black pepper. Deep, sultry and almost priest-like, galbanum often turns up in skin care preparations, but not in people’s boxes! Try not to mix up ravintsara (Ho Leaf) with Ho Wood and ravensara. A single drop of clove essential oil on an aching tooth temporarily relieves the pain. Be careful of confusing ravensara with ravintsara, this beauty is much more benign and is a powerhouse of healing. Despite Davana coming from a silver leaved bushy herb it smells of a deep woody orange, sultry and gorgeous! A quiet and gentle oil that packs a huge punch. Another citrus with a short shelf life, but potentially one you will use plenty of and run out of well before the expiry date! That said, it’s not an oil everyone has in their box. Put a few drops of clove oil on a cotton swab and apply the oil directly to the gums around the painful tooth. Clove essential oil is typically not recommended for use with children under the age of 2. Aroma Substitutes for Lime Essential Oil Lemongrass, yuzu, bergamot, monarda, Therapeutic Substitutions for Lime Essential Oil. It was also observed that eugenol reverses inflammation and cellular oxidation (which speeds the aging process). Perhaps more importantly, in this world of over exploitation of the plant matter, it’s becoming more necessary to avoid certain oils completely, to give Mother Earth her chance to replenish. Clove cultivation used to occur pretty much exclusively in Indonesia until late in the 1700s when the French smuggled cloves from the East Indies to the Indian Ocean islands and the New World. Unlike other oils which may oxidise over time, patchouli is like a fine wine becoming more delicious with every year that passes. A study using various animal models published in 2011 finds that clove oil has both gastro-protective and anti-ulcer properties. Fragrance GroupClinical, herbal, resinous, Aroma Substitutes for Fir (Silver) Essential Oil Frankincense, pine, eucalyptus, lemon, myrrh, Therapeutic Substitutions for Fir (Silver) Essential Oil. Like lying on the grass on a summer’s day. Aroma Substitutes for Hyssop Essential Oil Clary sage, camphor, rosemary, Roman chamomile, Therapeutic Substitutions for Hyssop Essential Oil. 4.5 out of 5 … Native to Australia, blue cypress oil is good for breathing and great for blend. 5 out of 5 stars (9) Total Ratings 9, ... CLOVE BUD TruPurity Essential Oils 30 ml Therapeutic Grade (White Label) $0.99 to $11.99. Have a a toothache? 4.7 out of 5 stars 722. To do a candida or parasite cleanse, you can take clove oil internally for two weeks, but I recommend being under the care of a physician or nutritionist when doing so. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by our trained editorial staff. Back then, people would hold cloves in their mouths to improve breath odor during audiences with their emperor. When taking cloves essential oil internally, I always recommend taking a probiotic supplement twice daily to restore beneficial flora. (4). The oil can be pressed or extracted from the seeds and is a dense source of volatile compounds and acids, including linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and myristic acids, among other powerful antioxidants. It's up to you to decide… sleep or seduction…you can’t have both, I’m afraid. Nerve-related conditions - lavender, chamomile, Melissa, angelica root, ylang ylang, neroli, valerian, yarrow. So, as with all essential oils, it’s important not to overdo it! Lots of oils have 'similar' properties so knowing which essential oils to try as a substitute could prove really useful. This is a harmful oil to use in therapy as it is thought to be carcinogenic and toxic to the liver. Although every attempt has been made to gather accurate information about the oils, you will still find different claims and variations of the benefits/properties associated with each oil around the web. Bright, fresh and clean, but often you may discover your lemon oil has become to old to use. If there's an oil that you think should be added to this list, please comment the oil below along with your recommended substitutes. To create this list of 88 oils and their substitutes and to make sure it was the best available, we consulted with Elizabeth Ashley (AKA The Secret Healer), NAHA UK Director, Qualified Clinical Aromatherapist and Best Selling Author. What are you going to use? This study demonstrates that low doses of eugenol can protect the liver against disease. Repeat this every night before going to bed for best results. High in salicylic acid, it has powerful therapeutic properties, great for aches and pains, but it also thins the blood. Cloves can be anywhere from a half-inch to three-quarters of an inch in length. Aroma Substitutes for Niaouli Essential Oil Tea tree, cajeput, manuka, kanuka, ravensara, inula, Therapeutic Substitutions for Niaouli Essential Oil, Specific skin therapeutic uses - helichrysum, lavender, jasmine, tea tree, Breathe - Eucalyptus, tea tree, frankincense, bergamot, Feeling under the weather - lemon, myrrh, tea tree, Calm chesty breathing - Tea tree, thyme, monarda, ravensara, eucalyptus, Specific therapeutic uses - Mandarin, tea tree, helichrysum, manuka, kanuka, Feeling very under the weather - tea tree, helichrysum, manuka, kanuka, cinnamon, oregano, thyme, Ward off unwanted outdoor guests - vetiver, eucalyptus, tea tree, Aches and pains - Lavender, juniper, black pepper, ginger, rosemary, davana, plai, Support the sinuses - tea tree, myrrh, frankincense, eucalyptus. See tea tree for substitutes for melaleuca essential oil. Aroma Substitutes for Elemi Essential Oil Frankincense, myrrh, pine, cinnamon, Therapeutic Substitutions for Elemi Essential Oil, Eucalyptus globulus | Eucalyptus radiata | Eucalyptus polybractea. Aroma Substitutes for Coriander Seed Essential Oil Dill, coriander, angelica, cardamom, patchouli, cedarwood, Therapeutic Substitutions for Coriander Seed Essential Oil. Glorious fir brings us the fragrance of the mountains but is often not a great draw when you see it on the shelf. Clove essential oil is high in antioxidants and has potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, making it effective for a large variety of common health concerns including toothaches and candida. Ylang ylang oil is one of the best balancing oils and suitable for people with blood pressure problems. Eucalyptus, frankincense, tea tree, cajeput, pine, spruce fir, Patchouli, petitgrain, cedarwood, sandalwood, vetiver, jasmine, mandarin, Make you hungry and think of food - Tarragon, chamomile maroc, black pepper, Dry skin - Patchouli, rose, jasmine, geranium, Fatigue - mandarin, geranium, rosemary, peppermint, When you are worked up - lavender, chamomiles, vetiver, melissa, clary sage, Mandarin, sweet orange, petitgrain, ginger, neroli, cardamom, davana, cypress, Specific skin issue - chamomile, calendula, helichrysum, cardamom, patchouli, Mature Skin - Neroli, frankincense, vetiver, Bloating massage - juniper cypress, fennel, Supports a specific bodily function - Helichrysum, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, chamomile maroc, Aggressive, invigorating, reassuring, masculine, Cinnamon, ho wood, ho leaf, cedarwood, black pepper, cloves, nutmeg, Calming stomach rub - peppermint, cinnamon chamomile, mandarin, spearmint, ginger, Bloated stomach rub - cumin, coriander, chamomile, Calming for young ones - chamomile, mandarin, dill, Aches and pains - juniper, ginger, black pepper, lavender, Feeling under the weather - Eucalyptus, inula, monarda, frankincense, lemon, myrrh. Clove oil has been used in dentistry for years to dull the pain of a toothache. Middle to top although vibrationally acts as a base, Sensuous, thoughtful, calming, removed negatives thoughts, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Nutmeg, Coriander, Amyris, Vetiver, Cumin, Skin - Jasmine, bergamot, tea tree, helichrysum, lavender, vetiver, Aches and pains - Juniper, black pepper, davana, ginger, lavender, Breathe- Eucalyptus, benzoin, myrrh, Monarda, Calm breathing- Myrtle, eucalyptus, inula, Specific skin issue - helichrysum, calendula, geranium, chamomile, helichrysm, When you are worked up - lavender, chamomile, geranium, vetiver, Cassia, ho wood, ho leaf, cedarwood, black pepper, cloves, nutmeg, Stomach rub - Cardamon, coriander, cumin, dill, Feel under the weather - Eucalyptus, clove, eucalyptus, frankincense, niaouli, monarda, When you are worked up - ginger, nutmeg, lavender, chamomile, geranium, Myrtle, marjoram, hyssop, lavender, chamomile, tea tree, niaouli, cajeput, geranium, Crisis and trauma - Rose, vetiver, amber, valerian, Therapeutic - helichrysum, tea tree, cinnamon, Skin healing - rose, lavender, neroli, geranium, Support menstruation - Geranium, clary sage, sweet basil, Calming - lavender, chamomile, melissa, clary sage, valerian, Lemon, lemon verbena, Melissa, Monarda, Bergamot, Dill, coriander, angelica, cardamom, patchouli, cedarwood, Coriander, dill, cardamom, fenugreek, turmeric, fennel. Like hyssop though, it has high levels of ketones which can be problematic for people with epilepsy, high blood pressure and psychosis. According to their study, clove has the greatest antimicrobial ability over E. coli and also exerted considerable control over Staph aureus, which causes acne, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which causes pneumonia. The sharp spice of clove is delicious but hot and can be mildly irritating. The sensuous orange blossom carries the romance of a thousand wedding bouquets and a deep sense of calm. This study highlights yet again that the so-called benefits of fluoridating our water supply and mainstream dental products is not worth the risk. EnergeticUplifting and gentle, focusing, nurturing, soothing, Aroma Substitutes for Spearmint Essential OilLavender, hyssop, Melissa, chamomile, Therapeutic Substitutions for Spearmint Essential Oil. These are great to use when you are wanting to wean your baby but should be avoided until then. However, since you can use it for pretty much anything, and it does not carry a particularly hefty price tag, it’s so easy to use it all up and not realise you’ve run out! (8), Additionally, research has suggested that clove oil has even more far-reaching effects. A rich and important oil that sometimes gets overlooked by marketeers and so does not make its way into novice users’ boxes. One of the traditional clove oil uses has been for the treatment of common complaints related to the digestive system, including indigestion, motion sickness, bloating and flatulence (accumulation of gas in the digestive tract). Research also demonstrates that clove oil may be able to help when it comes to ulcer formation in the digestive system. There’s a whole host of different ingredients that improve the quality and appearance of our skin, hair and nails. Brilliant oils, but very, very strong. As a natural remedy to eliminate acne, take 3 drops clove oil and mix with 2 teaspoons raw honey. Just like there are some essential oils and herbs that help increase milk supply, there are also essential oils that can decrease your milk supply. Diffusing it is an especially helpful method of using clove oil for improving immune health and blood pressure. Unit 20b Yarrow Business Centre, Yarrow Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 0LP, COVID-19 UPDATE: All products available but delivery times may be slightly longer than usual | Free shipping, To create this list of 88 oils and their substitutes and to make sure it was the best available, we consulted with, we've had to edit the therapeutic essential oil substitutes. Do not use this with breast cancer, the tumour could get worse due to estrogens. Energetic Soothing, cosseting, rejuvenating, Aroma Substitutes for Cumin Essential Oil Coriander, dill, cardamom, fenugreek, turmeric, fennel, Therapeutic Substitutions for Cumin Essential Oil. Adulteration. Patchouli essential oil sometimes gets a bad press being linked with 1970’s bikers, however patchouli oil smells very different to the synthetic version people associate it with. When you are starting out in aromatherapy, it's exciting to learn about all the amazing things you can do with essential oils. Energetic Bright, shining, refreshed, confident, Aroma Substitutes for Sweet Orange Essential Oil Bitter orange, neroli, petitgrain, mandarin, tangerine, Therapeutic Substitutions for Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Stomach/digestive system various therapeutic uses – rose, carrot, cumin, turmeric, ginger, dill, carrot seed, aniseed, cardamom, coriander, fennel, chamomile, Dull Skin – angelica root, neroli, lemon, myrtle, Feeling very under the weather - cinnamon, clove, tea tree, oregano, kanuka, manuka, niaouli. EnergeticRomantic, excited, exotic, playful, loving, Aroma Substitutes for Zdravetz Essential OilGeranium, ylang ylang, rose, palma rosa, Therapeutic Substitutions for Zdravetz Essential Oil. In addition, researchers noted that taking large doses internally could harm the digestive lining and using it externally can irritate sensitive skin. Bright, sharp peppermint essential oil is a blitz through the senses to awaken and focus the mind. For example: older texts often suggest Rosewood, but the planet simply cannot sustain us using it any longer. :), P.S You can grab a copy of Liz's book free on Kindle: The Complete Guide To Clinical Aromatherapy and The Essential Oils of The Physical Body. She has become known for being a skin irritant and an adulterant for Melissa, but in fact verbena is so romantic and rejuvenating, I’d encourage you to take another look. A lesser known oil, which is second to none for respiratory complaints. That said, its use as an oil for inhalation to help stimulate the appetite cannot be understated. Energetic Happy, bright, positive, uplifting, Aroma Substitutes for Citronella Essential Oil Lemon, lemon verbena, Melissa, Monarda, Bergamot, Therapeutic Substitutions for Citronella Essential Oil. The ancient Persians supposedly used clove oil as a love potion. Fragrance GroupSour, sharp, herbal, green note, Energetic Adaptogen, tranquil and restorative. Aroma Substitutes for Chamomile Maroc Essential Oil Chamomile Roman, clary sage, dill, hyssop, melissa, lemon grass, bay, laurel. Beautiful hyssop is chock full of ketones which make it so gorgeous for breaking stuff down. Specific skin therapeutic uses – Calendula, geranium, myrrh, calendula, chamomile, cajeput, Skin calming – Roman chamomile, German (blue) chamomile, vetiver, Nervous Exhaustion – Mandarin, bergamot, vetiver, Feeling under the weather - lemon, myrrh, tea tree, eucalyptus, myrtle, ravensara, inula, monarda, Feeling very under the weather - tea tree, helichrysum, manuka, kanuka, cinnamon, oregano, thyme – oregano, eucalyptus, Breathe - Eucalyptus, niaouli, tea tree, frankincense, bergamot, ravensara, niaouli, Clear the airways – eucalyptus, thyme, bergamot, frankincense, monarda, Skin healing – Geranium, helichrysum, tea tree, lavender, myrrh, Aches and pains – Lavender, juniper, black pepper, ginger, davana, plai, Stomach rub – coriander, dill, fennel, carrot seed, chamomile, When you are worried or nervous – lavender, chamomile, valerian, yarrow, geranium, sandalwood, ylang ylang, rose. Using the oil undiluted on skin can cause irritation. It’s not an oil many people decide to buy because it’s costly, and frankly vanilla kind of needs re-branding. (18) Clove oil (and all essential oils) are extremely concentrated, so remember that a little truly goes a long way. If someone has quite a fragile personality, (as opposed to a fragile constitution, where angelica is then indicated – it’s very useful in hospice work) then angelica can be a little tough. Pine, frankincense, tea tree, manuka, kanuka, inula, ravensara, Frankincense, pine, eucalyptus, lemon, myrrh, Rose, cistus, davana, lavender, chamomile, petitgrain, cardamon, Lemon, lemon verbena, Melissa, petitgrain, bergamot, yuzu, Cedarwood, sandalwood, patchouli, myrrh, calendula, Clary sage, camphor, rosemary, Roman chamomile, Patchouli, ylang ylang, tuberose, vetiver, sandalwood, Lemongrass, citronella, lemon verbena, melissa, Lemon, citronella, lemon verbena, melissa, Lemon, citronella, melissa, lemon myrtle, lemon scented eucalyptus, Tea tree, myrtle, kanuka, niaouli, inula, ravensara, cajeput, Thyme, lavender, hyssop, clary sage, fennel, lovage, angelica seed, Lemon grass, lemon verbena, lemon, citronella, Bergamot, melissa, clary sage, lemon verbena, Benzoin, vetiver, Amyris, patchouli, frankincense, sandalwood, Nerolina, cajeput, hyssop, lemon verbena, tea tree, Tea tree, cajeput, manuka, kanuka, ravensara, inula, Bitter orange, neroli, petitgrain, mandarin, tangerine, Marjoram, hyssop, tarragon, tea tree, cajeput, Harsh, awakening, brightening, cooling, focusing, Clearing, spacious, opening refreshing, freeing, Invigorating, warming, decisive, rejuvenating, Ginger, turmeric, lemon verbena, cardamom, Light, soft, romantic, uplifting and content, Bitter orange, neroli, sweet orange, mandarin, tangerine, Rosemary, inula, eucalyptus, thyme, tea tree, Invigorating, driving, motivating, aggressive, Soothing, romantic, aphrodisiac, calming, restoring, Rose, geranium, Ho Wood (probably the best substitute for Rosewood), Uplifting and gentle, focusing, nurturing, soothing, Machiavellian (cunning/scheming), sly, sharp, dark, I can’t imagine anyone would ever be without, Eucalyptus, cajeput, manuka, kanuka, myrtle, niaouli, Wise, solemn, calming, reassuring, warming, Sandalwood, coriander, cumin, ginger, helichrysum, Smothering, restricting, pacifying, tranquillising, heavy, dominating, Vetiver, patchouli, sandalwood, myrrh, amyris, Slowing, anchoring, calming, pacifying, grounding, Myrrh, patchouli, vanilla, palo santo, amyris, sandalwood, Clearing, revitalising, strengthening, rejuvenating, simultaneously warming and cooling, Rose, jasmine, honeysuckle, neroli, geranium, monarda, Flirtatious, explosive, fizzy, delectable, Mandarin, grapefruit, lime, tangerine, orange, lemon, Romantic, excited, exotic, playful, loving,, The Complete Guide To Clinical Aromatherapy and The Essential Oils of The Physical Body, Support a specific bodily function – Cypress, Fennel or Juniper, Support a specific bodily function – Eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, helichrysum, or carrot seed, Breathe – Eucalyptus, frankincense or monarda, Cooling – Peppermint, spikenard (although it is ill advised to treat fevers with essential oils as the sudden change in temperature can be more dangerous than the fever itself. It’s like the heaviest blanket forcing you to lie down and close your eyes. Energetic Invigorating, warming, motivating, Aroma Substitutes for Ginger Essential Oil Nutmeg, cinnamon, davana, orange, Therapeutic Substitutions for Ginger Essential Oil. are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed studies. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by medical practitioners. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. Always make sure you are using a 100 percent pure, organic and therapeutic grade clove essential oil. EnergeticRefreshing, motivating, focusing, direct, Aroma Substitutes for Rosemary Essential OilEucalyptus, tarragon, hyssop, Therapeutic Substitutions for Rosemary Essential Oil, Aching Muscles - Lavender, juniper, black pepper, ginger, Aches and pains – lavender, juniper, ginger, Dull Skin – angelica root, myrtle, geranium, rose, neroli, Exhaustion - mandarin, geranium, grapefruit, Calming massage for nerves – tuberose, chamomile, melissa, Warming for the circulatory system – geranium, black pepper. Aroma Substitutes for Lemongrass Essential Oil Lemon, citronella, lemon verbena, melissa, Therapeutic Substitutions for Lemongrass Essential Oil. Dr. Josh Axe is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips and healthy recipes in the world...Sign up to get VIP access to his eBooks and valuable weekly health tips for FREE! Energetic Light, airy, trusting, delightful, Aroma Substitutes for Monarda Essential Oil Bergamot, melissa, clary sage, lemon verbena, Therapeutic Substitutions for Monarda Essential Oil. Energetic Deeply soothing and reassuring, priest-like. Unlike most other spices, clove can be grown throughout the entire year, which has given native tribes that use it a distinct advantage over other cultures because the health benefits can be enjoyed more readily. Clove oil uses are incredibly impressive, ranging from improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation to helping acne and boosting gum health. Remember oils high in monoterpenes oxidise quickly and can cause skin sensitisation. All content on this page is for information only. EnergeticGrounding, pacifying, tranquilising, Aroma Substitutes for Spikenard Essential OilVetiver, myrrh, palo santo, Therapeutic Substitutions for Spikenard Essential Oil. White Fir essential oil includes the monoterpenes limonene and beta-pinene, which are known for giving essential oils an uplifting aroma. Beautifully fragranced it adds a light romantic feel to a blend and is so benign, can be used on even the most delicate of people. Today, the essential oil extracted from White Birch is used in a plethora of situations. White clover leave plays a role of good luck omen: the one who found 4 leafed clover will be blessed by luck and God’s protection. It is contraindicated until the last 37 weeks of pregnancy because of its stimulant action on the uterus. In a nutshell, antioxidants are molecules that reverse the damage caused by free radicals, including cell death and cancer. Energetic Saucy, romantic and just a little bit naughty! Clove essential oil is a sweet and spicy smelling oil with incredible antifungal benefits. Rather than the overwhelmingly clinical note of your eucalyptuses and tea trees, palmarosa cajoles you into feeling better as you drift off into rejuvenating sleep. Like other citrus oils, it can be prone to oxidisation, so watch your oil is in date to avoid skin sensitisation. The Earth fragrance of coriander is delicious and adds warmth to a blend, but can also be reminiscent of curry for some people. Again, not as well used outside Australasia as it should be, niaouli is gentle yet fierce. 3 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil; 2 drops Clove Essential Oil; 1 drop Zen Essential Oil; 3) Fresh Fruit Cake. Dilution of clove oil with a carrier oil like coconut is recommended for topical use. You might also like some of these lovely alternative essential oils. (12), To evaluate its effectiveness as an antibacterial agent, researchers from the University of Buenos Aires set out to determine which bacteria are most sensitive to clove’s potency. Strident, punchy, like it means business! Also, consume large amounts of probiotic-rich foods and/or take a probiotic supplement and make sure to eliminate processed sugar and grains. It calms, entices and flicks the off switch so you have to give in and relax. EnergeticInvigorating, driving, motivating, aggressive, Aroma Substitutes for Ravintsara (Ho Leaf) Essential Oil Ravensara, eucalyptus, thyme, cajeput, Therapeutic Substitutions for Ravintsara (Ho Leaf) Essential Oil, Calming – lavender, chamomile, geranium, vetiver, When you feel down – bergamot, Melissa, yuzu, Feeling very under the weather – Eucalyptus, ravensara, thyme, tea tree, clove, cinnamon. More people tend to complain of headaches and achy legs from using latifolia, so it isn't a common choice these days. For that reason, I’ll list properties once here, but please know, anything cedarwood, is cedarwood as far as aromatherapy goes. (6). The plant grows naturally in dry calcareous soils of high elevation. 99. Many children live in orphanages for long periods while their parents are away foraging. (11), Clove oil has been shown to inhibit gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria as well as yeast. Chamomile Roman, clary sage, dill, hyssop, melissa, lemon grass, bay, laurel. The Indian Department of Public Health Dentistry recently conducted a study that evaluated clove’s ability to slow tooth decalcification, or dental erosion, compared to eugenol, eugenyl-acetate, fluoride and a control group. Ho Wood is an excellent essential oil alternative to Rosewood, for both fragrance and therapeutic actions. Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. For the most part the actions are interchangeable for Roman Chamomile, but paradoxically, since the azulene component in maroc is lower, the Moroccan chamomile is gentler than either Roman or blue. But what if you already feel jittery, do you want that extra boost? Energetic Comforting, seductive, delightful, Aroma Substitutes for Davana Essential Oil Orange, neroli, petitgrain, cedarwood, Amyris, patchouli, jasmine, Therapeutic Substitutions for Davana Essential Oil, Aroma Substitutes for Dill Essential Oil Lavender, hyssop, chamomile, tarragon, parsley, coriander, Therapeutic Substitutions for Dill Essential Oil. This is, Lime, Lemongrass, Chamomile Roman, Dill, Fennel, Tarragon, Breathe - Eucalyptus, Monarda, Elemi, Frankincense, Support the sinuses - Myrrh, Lemon, Ravensara, Myrrh, Help pick you up when you are tired - Mardarin, and Ginger, Calming when you are worked up - Yarrow, Geranium, Melissa, Valerian and Bergamot, Help to keep you focused to avoid bad habits - Black Pepper, Adaptogen, tranquil and restorative. (9). A group of robbers was caught by the the king and he asked them why they weren’t ill or dead from the plague exposure they said it was because they covered themselves with this protective blend of oils (“thieves oil”), which included clove. Energetic Invigorating, warming, decisive, rejuvenating, Aroma Substitutes for Plai Essential Oil Ginger, turmeric, lemon verbena, cardamom, Therapeutic Substitutions for Plai Essential Oil, Support respiratory system - eucalyptus, frankincense, inula, ravensara, tea tree, Feeling very under the weather – eucalyptus, cinnamon, cloves, tea tree, ravensara, Calming stomach rub – ginger, peppermint, chamomile, coriander, cardamom, dill, spearmint, carrot seed, Aches and pains – lavender, juniper, ginger, black pepper, copaiba, Support ligaments – frankincense, Roman chamomile, Calming muscle rub - clary sage, rosemary, Swelling – juniper, fennel, roman chamomile, Support during menstruation - lavender, geranium, rose, clary sage, ylang ylang, Calming abdominal muscle rub – chamomile, dill, clary sage. A 2007 study found that clove essential oil has antifungal properties and can destroy fungus. This is huge, especially since gram-negative bacteria are often resistant to antibiotics and other antibacterial interventions. Stomach rub – peppermint, coriander, spearmint, carrot seed, dill, chamomile. With its potent ability to kill the offenders that make us sick, clove oil is commonly highlighted as a top natural remedy for guarding yourself from illness, especially during cold and flu season. (2). Ginger’s energy is smoking hot if you’d like a rather aggressive action, (either on your thermal warming, your digestion or your disposition). Eugenol / ˈ j uː dʒ ɪ n ɒ l / is an allyl chain-substituted guaiacol, a member of the allylbenzene class of chemical compounds. It’s also a potent antibacterial ingredient to add to homemade cleaners. The familiar fragrance of eucalyptus essential oil is not to everyone’s taste and can be a little strong for little children’s delicate respiratory systems too. Aroma Substitutes for Thyme Essential OilHyssop, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, Therapeutic Substitutions for Thyme Essential Oil. Peppermint. As you can see so far, there are so many clove oil uses! Often considered the poor man’s rose, but that sells geranium essential oil short. For high blood pressure, you can also dilute it with coconut oil and apply it to your wrists. Cloves are used in traditional medicine as the essential oil, which is used as an anodyne mainly for dental emergencies and other disorders. It smells like the Foreign Legion have just taken their shoes off after traipsing across the desert. If you want to harness the health benefits of clove essential oil, consider diffusing it in your home to clean the air. Soft and feminine, Sweet Basil, Coriander, Patchouli, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Clary Sage, Lemon Grass, Calming muscle rub - Clary Sage, chamomile and rosemary, Respiratory system - Eucalyptus, niaouli, Monarda, frankincense, Support you in times of menstruation - Clary sage, rose, jasmine, spikenard, sweet basil, Cooling and calming to the head - sweet basil, rosemary, peppermint and lavender, Rosemary, coriander, aniseed, black pepper, fennel, angelica, lovage or hyssop, Respiratory system - Eucalyptus, frankincense, elemi, ravensara, lemon, myrrh, tea tree, When you're under the weather - lemon, tea tree, manuka, kanuka, ginger, inula, Calming breathing - myrtle, frankincense, monarda, benzoin, thyme, Exhaustion - marjoram, mandarin, geranium, melissa, Stomach rub - dill, coriander, carrot seed, Bug bites - eucalyptus, lavender, chamomile, Help to ward off unwanted guests when you're outside - citronella, catnip, vetiver, Tired, achy muscles - lavender, ginger, rosemary, black pepper, geranium, juniper, plai, Resinous, sweet, bitter, balsamic and earthy, Jasmine, amyris, sandalwood, cedarwood, myrrh, vetiver, galbanum, labdanum or patchouli, Breathing & respiritory system - Frankincense, eucalyptus, ravensara, inula, niaouli, myrtle, myrrh, monarda, Skin - Chamomile, cardamom, rose, geranium, calendula, myrrh, Lemon, lime, melissa, lemon verbena, monarda, Calming when you're worried or nervous - neroli, lavender, chamomile, valerian, varrow, Pick you up when you're feeling down - Yuzu, melissa, geranium, rose, Calming for the skin - Lavender, chamomile, yarrow, Oily Skin - Lavender, helichrysum, vetiver, Specific skin issue - Cajeput, angelica root, Calming when you are worked up - Neroli, lavender, melissa, clary sage, geranium, Benzoin, Jasmine, amyris, sandalwood, cedarwood, myrrh, vetiver, galbanum, labdanum or patchouli, Tea tree, manuka, kanuka, ravensara, niaouli, cypress, eucalyptus, Breathing - Frankincense, melissa, spikenard, monarda, eucalyptus, bergamot, manuka, kanuka, tea tree, niaouli, inula, Calm breathing - myrtle, benzoin, ravensara, inula, benzoin, Muscle Aches - plai, lavender, juniper, black pepper, ginger, clary sage, sweet basil, rosemary, Aches and pains - plai, lavender, juniper, black pepper, davana, Support the sinuses - lemon, myrrh, tea tree, eucalyptus, Lavender, chamomile maroc, fennel, carrot seed, melissa, lemon verbena, lemon grass, hyssop, catnip, Specific skin issue - Galbanum, helichrysum, myrrh, benzoin, Pollen season - melissa, lavender, helichrysum, Aches and pains - Juniper, black pepper, ginger, davana, plai, Specific skin issue - calendula, geranium, myrrh, benzoin, helichrysum, Support you through menstrual times - geranium, clary sage, lavender, rose, Stomach rub - carrot seed, coriander, dill, Cooling and calming for the head - lavender, basil, rosemary, Skin - rose, lavender, patchouli, geranium, Good before you go to sleep - valerian, hops, lavender, vetiver, spikenard, If you're feeling nausious - peppermint, ginger, spearmint, mandarin, Specific pains - rosemary, clary sage, lavender, Aches and pains - black pepper, juniper, plai, lavender, ginger, Sporting aches and pains - lavender, fennel, frankincense, Calming when you are worked up - neroli, lavender, vetiver, geranium, Skin healing - helichrysum, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, Chamomile Roman, yarrow, blue cypress, fragonia, neroli. However, watch your bottle does not go out of date as the oil can oxidise quickly due to the monoterpenes meaning it becomes irritable to the skin. There is enough similarity between their properties and uses to use them more or less interchangeably. Saucy, romantic and just a little bit naughty! I think you're going to find this post really useful! Also, fragrance is such an innately personal thing, it’s actually not that often that two people love and trust the same oils anyway! Like coriander, the lovely, warm fragrance of cumin can make a blend smell a bit like curry! The people of Nepal are incentivised to collect their myriad medicinal flora to be exported out of the country. You may decide that you want to find an alternative for Holy Basil essential oil if you have any kind of blood clotting issues or on blood thinning medications. Today, clove oil continues to be used in numerous products for health, agricultural and cosmetic purposes. This oil has a relatively short shelf life. Please NEVER buy this if you see it and always find an alternative essential oil substitute. From blends, DIY products, household use, therapeutic properties, diffusing to support your desired emotional or mental state and more. Hair Rinse. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. Clove essential oil … You’re so focused on finding the oil that does the job best, you forget to double check the safety considerations. One of the best-known clove oil uses is to reduce the pain associated with dental problems. Energetic Clearing, spacious, opening refreshing, freeing, Aroma Substitutes for Pine Essential Oil Silver fir, black spruce, Therapeutic Substitutions for Pine Essential Oil, Feeling under the weather – Frankincense, monarda, tea tree, eucalyptus, Calm chesty breathing – Myrtle, monarda, chamomile, Feeling very under the weather – eucalyptus, tea tree, cinnamon, cloves, ravensara, Support the sinuses - lemon, myrrh, tea tree, frankincense, Breathe and support respiratory system – eucalyptus, thyme, monarda, tea tree, silver fir. Fragrance GroupResinous, sweet, bitter, balsamic and earthy, Energetic Soothing, calming and masculine, Aroma Substitutes for Benzoin Essential Oil Jasmine, amyris, sandalwood, cedarwood, myrrh, vetiver, galbanum, labdanum or patchouli, Therapeutic Substitutions for Benzoin Essential Oil. Make sure to dilute clove essential oil before using it topically and don’t take it internally for longer than two weeks at a time. One of the lesser known oils outside of Australasia, and broadly speaking, with pretty much the same applications as tea tree. Clove buds are one of the most used spices all over the world but are most often used in Middle Eastern cooking. For high blood pressure and cold/flu relief, try diffusing clove oil in your home or office. One person may simply react differently to an oil than another. In addition to its common medicinal uses (especially for oral health), eugenol is also commonly included in mouthwashes and perfumes, and it’s also employed in the creation of vanillin. Clary sage has a gorgeous, soft fragrance reminiscent of cold tea. It also carries a hefty price tag, I’m afraid. Angelica is quite an expensive oil, but also it can be extremely stimulating to the nervous system. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. The frustrating thing is that oils are not cheap and you might not have them all to hand, which leaves you struggling to find approved recipes and uses that align with your specific collection of oils and desired effects. Here are some of most common medicinal clove oil uses today: Scientific research demonstrates clove oil’s ability to effectively kill off both the planktonic cells and biofilms of a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus or S. aureus. This means that per gram cloves contain 30 times more antioxidants than blueberries which have a value of 9,621. I personally recommend it as an effective treatment for a short-term parasite cleanse. We must leave that plant alone. You may want to start off with some subtler oils first. Likewise, if you have any recommended substitute oils to add to the existing list, please also comment below. Its deep, rich aroma draws energy down from the head and into the body making it a superb oil for alleviating stress related conditions or sexual anxiety. Before leaping to grab your frankincense every time you want to relax, perhaps consider if other oils will do the trick first. Below, I have listed almost 400 maximum dilutions of essential oils that I found in the book: “Essential Oil Safety” by Tisserand and Young. Aroma Substitutes for Lemon Verbena Essential Oil Lemon, citronella, melissa, lemon myrtle, lemon scented eucalyptus, Therapeutic Substitutions for Lemon Verbena Essential Oil. It’s an odd energetic because some people sail it with ease where others immediately flinch at its energy. These Rose substitutions might help for the days where the pay packet won’t quite stretch to rose…although no oil could ever really come close to aromatherapy’s most treasured elixir. Alternatives to benzoin essential oil are useful if you are dealing with someone who has very sensitive or reactive skin, and benzoin carries a mild risk of skin irritation. EnergeticSoothing, romantic, aphrodisiac, calming, restoring, Aroma Substitutes for Rose Essential Oil (absolute)Geranium, zdravetz, palmarosa, Therapeutic Substitutions for Rose Essential Oil (absolute), When you feel down – yuzu, bergamot, melissa, Specific skin therapeutic uses – chamomile, helichrysum, myrrh, calendula, geranium, Frigidity – patchouli, vetiver, jasmine, sandalwood, Mature skin – frankincense, neroli, vetiver, helichrysm, Support during menopause – Chasteberry, geranium, clary sage, bergamot, Support during menstruation – geranium, lavender, clary sage, Before going to sleep – lavender, chamomile, geranium, vetiver, valerian, hop, When you are worked up or overwhelmed – lavender, geranium, vetiver, myrrh, frankincense, mandarin, nutmeg, Salvia rosmarinus (Synonym : Rosmarinus officinalis). Aroma Substitutes for Oregano Essential Oil Marjoram, hyssop, tarragon, tea tree, cajeput, Therapeutic Substitutions for Oregano Essential Oil, Specific skin therapeutic uses – lemon, tea tree, myrrh, Calm chesty breathing – tea tree, myrtle, eucalyptus, niaouli, monarda, Feeling under the weather – tea tree, eucalyptus, frankincense, monarda, manuka, kanuka, Breathe – eucalyptus, myrtle, inula, manuka, kanuka. A stunning oil, potentially with even more applications than lavender, but since its yield of essential oil is so low it carries an exorbitant price tag. Clove is known to act as a natural blood thinner, so much so that it’s not recommended to combine clove oil with other conventional blood thinners. Clove oil can be used externally or internally depending on the health concern. Essential oils are potent and powerful and we should never take that for granted. We do not promote internal use of essential oils and you should check with a qualified aromatherapist or medical professional for individual or specific advice. Source: It is a colorless to pale yellow, aromatic oily liquid extracted from certain essential oils especially from clove oil, nutmeg, cinnamon, basil and bay leaf. In this post, you will find a complete list of essential oils and for each oil, a list of potential substitutes for that oil based on aroma and therapeutic actions. Not as well known as ravensara, this is a slightly more complex oil to get used to. (10). Energetic Bright, reviving, optimistic, citrus, Aroma Substitutes for Bergamot Essential Oil Lemon, lime, melissa, lemon verbena, monarda, Therapeutic Substitutions for Bergamot Essential Oil, Fragrance GroupBitter, resinous, masculine, sour, Aroma Substitutes for Birch (White) Essential Oil Benzoin, Jasmine, amyris, sandalwood, cedarwood, myrrh, vetiver, galbanum, labdanum or patchouli, Therapeutic Substitutions for Birch (White) Essential Oil, Aches and pains - Juniper, ginger, black pepper, Supports bodily function - Cypress, juniper, fennel, Aroma Substitutes for Cajeput Essential Oil Tea tree, manuka, kanuka, ravensara, niaouli, cypress, eucalyptus, Therapeutic Substitutions for Cajeput Essential Oil, Aroma Substitutes for Chamomile Roman Essential Oil Lavender, chamomile maroc, fennel, carrot seed, melissa, lemon verbena, lemon grass, hyssop, catnip, Therapeutic Substitutions for Chamomile Roman Essential Oil, If you are missing beautiful blue chamomile from your box, or if you are worried about drug interactions with medications here is our list of alternatives for German chamomile, Aroma Substitutes for Chamomile Blue (German) Essential Oil Chamomile Roman, yarrow, blue cypress, fragonia, neroli, Therapeutic Substitutions for Chamomile Blue (German) Essential Oil, Ormenis multicaulis (Synonyms: Moroccan Chamomile). This is an important oil but can often carry a hefty price tag. A powerful but difficult oil to use, rosemary essential oil can be unpredictable for high blood pressure and because it is high in ketones, can be problematic for epilepsy and psychotic conditions. Energetic Reflective, comforting, refreshing, Aroma Substitutes for Cypress Essential Oil Pine, ginger, fir, juniper, geranium, Therapeutic Substitutions for Cypress Essential Oil. Fragrance GroupWoody, smokey, slightly sweet, Aroma Substitutes for Blue Cypress Essential Oil Chamomile matricaria, yarrow, lavender, Therapeutic Substitutions for Blue Cypress Essential Oil, Aches and pains - Lavender, juniper, ginger, black pepper, Respiratory system – Vetiver, frankincense, monarda, eucalyptus. Energetic Relaxing and stimulating. EnergeticMasculine, fortifying, robust, shouty! Deeply soothing and reassuring, priest-like. Energetic Grounding, sensuous, sacred, taboo, Aroma Substitutes for Myrrh Essential Oil Benzoin, vetiver, Amyris, patchouli, frankincense, sandalwood, Therapeutic Substitutions for Myrrh Essential Oil. Clove oil can fight cavities. Aroma Substitutes for Helichrysum Essential Oil Cedarwood, sandalwood, patchouli, myrrh, calendula, Therapeutic Substitutions for Helichrysum Essential Oil. Therapeutic Substitutions for Angelica Seed Essential Oil. Energetic Joyful, accepting, hopeful, sacred, arcane, Aroma Substitutes for Melissa Essential Oil Lemon grass, lemon verbena, lemon, citronella, Therapeutic Substitutions for Melissa Essential Oil. This page is a great starting point for helping you to find essential oil substitutes... but it can't cover every possible combination of substitutes. Think of the property or therapeutic use of the oil you want to find a substitute for, match this as closely to the substitute oils as possible then conduct further reading to confirm the most appropriate substitute for your therapeutic needs. FAST 'N FREE. For this reason, Himalayan cedarwood and Cedarwood Atlas essential oil are distilled from wood taken from members of the Pinacea family, while all other cedarwoods belong to the Cupressae family. The clary sage plant has a lengthy history as a medicinal herb. However, ketones can make it a difficult oil to use if you have epilepsy or any problems with psychosis. Oily skin – lemon, ylang ylang, clary sage, lavender, Warming and support circulatory sustem – geranium, black pepper, ginger, Before going to sleep - vetiver, hop, lavender, chamomile, geranium, Cooling and calming for the head – lavender, basil, rosemary, Stomach rub – chamomile, dill, coriander, cardamom, spearmint, peppermint, Nervous tension – vetiver, geranium, rose, frankincense, sandalwood, When you are worked up or overwhelmed – Vetiver, lavender, geranium, ylang ylang, When you are worried or nervous – valerian, neroli, jasmine, Before going to sleep – lavender, geranium, ylang ylang, mandarin, Aches and pains – clary sage, lavender, geranium, patchouli, Nervous stomach rub – lavender, chamomile, dill, spearmint, coriander, cumin, cardamom, Feeling nauseous – chamomile, mandarin, ginger, spearmint, Specific skin therapeutic uses – lavender, tea tree, helichrysum, bergamot, jasmine, Aches and pains – lavender, juniper, ginger, black pepper, sweet basil, clary sage, Skin healing – lavender, tea tree, niaouli, myrtle, When you feel down – bergamot, yuzu, rose, melissa, Before going to sleep – lavender, chamomile, valerian, vetiver, Support during menstruation – lavender, clary sage, geranium, rose, ylang ylang, Calming muscle rub – clary sage, rosemary, Nervous tension – rosemary, sweet basil, lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang, jasmine, Oily skin – lavender, lemon, grapefruit, clary sage, vetiver, helichrsum, Support circulatory system – Holy basil, turmeric, Specific therapeutic use – roman chamomile, sweet basil, black pepper, copaiba, Aches and pains – copaiba, lavender, chamomile, ginger, black pepper, yarrow, German chamomile, blue cypress, juniper, rosemary, Specific skin therapeutic uses – lavender, tea tree, helichrysum, jasmine, clary sage, calendula, geranium, chamomile, myrrh, Sports muscle aches massage – lavender, black pepper, Support during menstruation - lavender, clary sage, geranium, rose, ylang ylang, Calming for the skin – lavender, chamomile, Skin healing – jasmine, myrrh, helichrysum, chamomile, galbanum, When you are worried or nervous – lavender, geranium, jasmine, When you feel down – Melissa, bergamot, yuzu, Frigidity – jasmine, sandalwood, vetiver, myrrh, patchouli, cedarwood, When you are worked up or overwhelmed – geranium, vetiver, sandalwood, Specific skin therapeutic uses – cypress, grapefruit, fennel, Feeling under the weather – tea tree, eucalyptus, monarda, Support recovery - nutmeg, bergamot, helichrysum, Energise the skin – angelica root, grapefruit, lemon, Feeling very under the weather – clove, cinnamon, oregano, lemon, Nervous exhaustion – geranium, ylang ylang, melissa, Stomach rub – chamomile, dill, coriander, cardamom, peppermint, spearmint, Nervous tension – vetiver, neroli, geranium, Massage for the nerves – rosemary, tuberose, sweet basil, Calming for the skin – geranium, myrrh, chamomile, Frigidity – vetiver, jasmine, sandalwood, patchouli, Before going to sleep – lavender, chamomile, geranium, ylang ylang, valerian, hop, Support during menstruation – lavender, chamomile, geranium, rose, clary sage, ylang ylang, When you are worked up or overwhelmed - lavender, chamomile, geranium, vetiver, clary sage. EnergeticMachiavellian (cunning/scheming), sly, sharp, dark, Aroma Substitutes for Tarragon Essential OilHyssop, sage, clary sage, lovage, Therapeutic Substitutions for Tarragon Essential Oil. This essential oil substitute guide is designed to help you take into consideration three different factors, depending on your motivation at the time. Alternatives to bergamot essential oil are useful if you are worried about the risk of photoxicity. If you don’t have any clove oil on hand, a whole clove can work well, too, by putting it in your mouth near the problem area and letting it remain there until you feel some relief. Energetic Strident, punchy, like it means business! (13), There’s a good reason why clove oil is included in the Four Thieves Oil Blend. Likewise, its high levels of menthol make it a difficult oil to use on young children because it can slow respiration if used too close to their faces. Aroma Substitutes for Myrtle Essential Oil Nerolina, cajeput, hyssop, lemon verbena, tea tree, Therapeutic Substitutions for Myrtle Essential Oil. Energetic Relaxing, euphoric and delightful. 4 essential oils that are not safe for breastfeeding moms. Wonderful frankincense essential oil renews our connection with the world, opening our lungs, minds and consciousness. Gorgeously heavy, masculine and grounding, really I can’t think of a single reason why you’d want to substitute this one other than if you've ran out! are clickable links to these studies. They generally are composed of 14 percent to 20 percent essential oil. When added to water and used to rinse the hair, Birch Essential Oil fights against dandruff and adds lustre to the hair. Wintergreen has had a change of status over the last few years from hazardous oil to mainstream. For that reason, please refer to the below substitutes for all Cedarwood essential oils. Aroma Substitutes for Damiana Essential Oil Rose, jasmine, geranium, zdravetz, Therapeutic Substitutions for Damiana Essential Oil. Aroma Substitutes for Clary Sage Essential Oil Lavender, chamomile, hyssop, davana, juniper, pine, Therapeutic Substitutions for Clary Sage Essential Oil. Aroma Substitutes for Palmarosa Essential Oil Rose, geranium, neroli, zdrevetz, Therapeutic Substitutions for Palmarosa Essential Oil, Specific skin therapeutic uses – helichrysum, lavender, tea tree, clary sage, jasmine, galbanum, geranium, myrrh, Stomach rub – chamomile, dill, cardamom, coriander, Irritability – chamomile, geranium, mandarin, Muscular aches – lavender, juniper, rosemary, black pepper, clary sage, Restlessness – lavender, clary sage, vetiver, patchouli, sandalwood, opoponax, frankincense, myrrh, Support the sinuses – lemon, myrrh, tea tree, eucalyptus, When you are worked up or overwhelmed – lavender, chamomile, geranium, vetiver, patchouli. The best example to help communicate this is imagine you have a cold. This is definitely a significant finding since antiplatelet, or blood thinning, medications are commonly used to treat coronary heart disease and to reduce the risk of heart attack. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, clove is highly acclaimed for its antifungal and antibacterial abilities. Energetic Happy, relaxing, reassuring, wise, Aroma Substitutes for Geranium Essential Oil Rose, cistus, davana, lavender, chamomile, petitgrain, cardamon, Therapeutic Substitutions for Geranium Essential Oil. Due to its strength, clove oil should be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil or other gentle oils for most topical applications and only used for short periods of up to two weeks internally. If you’re exposed to people with a cold or flu, you can mix it with coconut oil and rub it on your neck and chest for natural antioxidant protection. Published in the journal Oral Microbiology & Immunology, a study was conducted to see how clove fared against other antifungal treatments and observed that it was as effective as nystatin, a drug commonly prescribed to manage yeast infections of the mouth (thrush), which has a slew of ugly side effects. One of the most powerful clove oil uses is fighting candida — which is something that I have spoken of at length — and something that continues to plague Americans because of their high-sugar, acidic diets. Aroma Substitutes for Bitter Orange Essential Oil Sweet orange, davana, petitgrain, Therapeutic Substitutions for Bitter Orange Essential Oil, Stomach/digestive system various therapeutic uses – rose, chamomile, dill, carrot seed, aniseed, cardamom, coriander, fennel, cumin, turmeric, Feeling very under the weather – cinnamon, clove, tea tree, oregano, kanuka, manuka, niaouli, When you are worked up or overwhelmed – neroli, lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang, geranium. The fresh zingy note of grapefruit is usually in a therapist’s box, but since you should not use old oils because of its high monoterpene content, it can often be out of date, which in turn can lead to a risk of skin sensitisation. It’s not a perfect science, since blends tend to have three or more oils in that can mess it up a bit, but often good enough will do. It gets you drunk very fast but can the cause absolute worst hangover in the morning as well as hallucinations. Clove is known to interact with blood thinning medications such as anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs and for this reason should not to combined with such drugs. Masculine. Clove oil makes a great addition to homemade personal care products like deodorant and and toothpaste. A comparative study of antiplaque and antigingivitis effects of herbal mouthrise containing tea tree oil, clove, and basil with commercially available essential oil mouthrinse. You don’t see it shouted about much and yet it is tremendous for children, in particular. (1). Lavender essential oil blends well with clove aromas as it mellows out the intensity. If you haven’t already, check out my article for an easy, healthy Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe, which includes clove oil and will help you steer clear of the dangers of fluoride products! I find this book to be a highly reputable source for this information. This is an oil that is often overlooked, but has the remarkable quality of being highly therapeutic but smelling delicious. Indian Sandalwood is now critically endangered, please opt for beautiful Australian. Aroma Substitutes for Rosewood Essential OilRose, geranium, Ho Wood (probably the best substitute for Rosewood), Therapeutic Substitutions for Rosewood Essential Oil, Specific skin therapeutic uses – lavender, tea tree, helichrysum, clary sage, jasmine, geranium, chamomile, calendula, myrrh, cajeput, When you are worried or nervous – lavender, vetiver, valerian, sandalwood, patchouli, Breathe and therapeutic respiratory support – eucalyptus, monarda, When you feel down – yuzu, Melissa, bergamot, Nervousness – lavender, chamomile, geranium, ylang ylang, valerian, vanilla, Skin healing – helichrysum, jasmine, galbanum. Energetic Stimulating, invigorating, lifting, Aroma Substitutes for Juniper Essential Oil Pine, fir, cypress, spruce, Therapeutic Substitutions for Juniper Essential Oil. Aroma Substitutes for Vanilla Essential OilVetiver, patchouli, sandalwood, myrrh, amyris, Therapeutic Substitutions for Vanilla Essential Oil. Poor old lemon verbena gets a bad rap. The researchers found acetyl eugenol to be a “potent platelet inhibitor” in human blood cells, which means it prevents the clumping together of platelets in the blood. Beautiful, positive and popular, but as with bitter orange, mind your monoterpenes are still intact to avoid hurting anyone’s skin. The strange early, aniseed-y, curry-like fragrance is both delightful yet disconcerting all at once! The Journal of Dentistry, for instance, published a study in 2006 proving that clove essential oil had the same numbing effect as benzocaine, a topical agent commonly used before needle insertion. In addition to being a proven anti-inflammatory and pain reducer, one of the common clove oil uses is as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial to keep countless diseases at bay, which is why it can be such a wise choice for boosting your immune system as well as a powerful addition to homemade cleaning products. Terrifyingly fierce, the Doberman to cinnamon’s Rottweiler. Artizen Clove Essential Oil (100% PURE & NATURAL - UNDILUTED) Therapeutic Grade - Huge 4oz Bottle - Perfect for Aromatherapy, Relaxation, Skin Therapy & More! Potentially the only reason you might want to substitute this lovely oil is if you have run out! The island of Zanzibar (part of Tanzania) is the world’s biggest producer of cloves. Zesty, positive and strident, lime is reasonably inexpensive and easily accessible to most people’s pockets. However, somehow pine does not have the energetic of spring or summer and if you are run down out of the winter seasons. EnergeticBracing, strict, no messing, sharp, Aroma Substitutes for Tea Tree Essential OilEucalyptus, cajeput, manuka, kanuka, myrtle, niaouli, Therapeutic Substitutions for Tea Tree Essential Oil. 30 Gluten-Free Recipes Although it has been suspected for centuries to treat inflammatory conditions, the Journal of Immunotoxicology just recently published the first-ever study proving that the eugenol in oil of cloves is indeed a powerful anti-inflammatory. As I have covered at length in previous articles, why take the risk of using a fluoride product, when clove can accomplish the same goal? Energetic Fortifying, methodical, trustworthy, Aroma Substitutes for Manuka Essential Oil Tea tree, myrtle, kanuka, niaouli, inula, ravensara, cajeput, Therapeutic Substitutions for Manuka Essential Oil.