J Agric Food Chem 5-21-2003;51(11):3493-3501. View abstract. Zhang L., Fu Q. and Zhang Y. Int J Obes 2007;31:1023-9. Int.J Cosmet.Sci 2008;30(5):353-360. Causes. Pomegranates are a good source of fibre as well as vitamins C, K some B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron. Antioxidants. 2-10-2010;58(3):1447-1454. USDA Web site. How Long Does Coronavirus Live On Surfaces? 2011;7(26):161-164. View abstract. 2011;91(3):586-592. View abstract. View abstract. View abstract. 9-15-2009;134(3):244-248. 2010;1(1):99-109. View abstract. Nutrition 2008;24(7-8):733-743. 562mg. 6-9-2010;58(11):6804-6808. Zhang, J., Zhan, B., Yao, X., Gao, Y., and Shong, J. 2007;17(1):50-54. View abstract. Antiviral Res. Atherosclerosis 2006;188(1):68-76. 2000;70(3):309-314. Oliveira, R. A., Narciso, C. D., Bisinotto, R. S., Perdomo, M. C., Ballou, M. A., Dreher, M., and Santos, J. E. Effects of feeding polyphenols from pomegranate extract on health, growth, nutrient digestion, and immunocompetence of calves. View abstract. Arterioscler.Thromb.Vasc.Biol 3-1-2003;23(3):468-474. George, J., Singh, M., Srivastava, A. K., Bhui, K., and Shukla, Y. Synergistic growth inhibition of mouse skin tumors by pomegranate fruit extract and diallyl sulfide: evidence for inhibition of activated MAPKs/NF-kappaB and reduced cell proliferation. Adhikari, A., Devkota, H. P., Takano, A., Masuda, K., Nakane, T., Basnet, P., and Skalko-Basnet, N. Screening of Nepalese crude drugs traditionally used to treat hyperpigmentation: in vitro tyrosinase inhibition. Early research shows that drinking pomegranate juice or taking pomegranate extract for up to 2 years might slow the progression of prostate cancer. A., Furletti, V. F., Foglio, M. A., and Goncalves, R. B. Antimicrobial potential of some plant extracts against Candida species. Meerts, I. Potential antiparasitic activity of pomegranate extracts against shistosomules and mature worms of Schistosoma mansoni: in vitro and in vivo study. Integr.Biol.(Camb.) Sitemap | Int.J.Oncol. The basic metabolic panel blood test allows doctors to identify elevated levels of potassium and sodium in the blood. Indian J.Exp.Biol. Nat.Prod.Res. Dark Chocolate We’re constantly told that chocolate is bad for us, but actually it does have some benefits – particularly dark chocolate which is a good probiotic, high in iron and zinc and of course also high in potassium. Fitoterapia 2009;80(5):301-305. Sohrab G, Sotoodeh G, Siasi F, et al. 2009;28(2):184-195. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version.© Therapeutic Research Faculty . Kasai, K., Yoshimura, M., Koga, T., Arii, M., and Kawasaki, S. Effects of oral administration of ellagic acid-rich pomegranate extract on ultraviolet-induced pigmentation in the human skin. Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, 2002 Feb:1-9. View abstract. 2010;85(1):155-159. Menezes, S. M., Cordeiro, L. N., and Viana, G. S. Punica granatum (pomegranate) extract is active against dental plaque. 12-24-2008;56(24):12143-12144. 2011;25(3):288-297. View abstract. But many studies of these studies included people who were not overweight or obese. (Tokyo) 2006;52(5):383-388. Morton J. Pomegranate. J Ethnopharmacol 1-19-2007;109(2):177-206. A., Verspeek-Rip, C. M., Buskens, C. A., Keizer, H. G., Bassaganya-Riera, J., Jouni, Z. E., van Huygevoort, A. H., van Otterdijk, F. M., and van de Waart, E. J. Toxicological evaluation of pomegranate seed oil. Al-Zoreky, N. S. Antimicrobial activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit peels. Food Chemistry 2009;115(4):1274-1278. Because it’s high in potassium, pomegranate juice is perfect for those with high blood pressure. View abstract. Tu, H. Liu D. and Xiong X. Y. Fitness Software | View abstract. 2009;47(6):1221-1230. Drugs Aging 12-1-2010;27(12):973-985. Allergy to lipid transfer proteins: cross-reactivity among pomegranate, hazelnut, and peanut. Often a report of high blood potassium isn't true hyperkalemia. Balwani, S., Nandi, D., Jaisankar, P., and Ghosh, B. Ruby red and a whole lot of healthy. J.Strength.Cond.Res. This food profile is part of our list of food and drinks under the general group Fruits and Fruit Juices.Other important and potassium related nutrients are Calories, Sodium, Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate. Parle, M. and Samal M. K. Neuroprotective effects of pomegranate juice in mice. View abstract. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 2014;17(2):180-6. Gheflati A, Mohammadi M, Ramezani-Jolfaie N, Heidari Z, Salehi-Abargouei A, Nadjarzadeh A. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Zhang, L. H. Li L. L. Li Y. X. and Zhang Y. H. In vitro antioxidant activities of fruits and leaves of Pomegranate. View abstract. Regardless of how you serve it, oatmeal can provide a range of additional vital nutrients as well, from fiber and protein to … J Ethnopharmacol 1999;66:11-7. Sumner MD, Elliott-Eller M, Weidner G, et al. View abstract. Early research shows that rinsing with pomegranate extract mouthwash for one minute once or twice daily reduces dental plaque. J Ethnopharmacol 2005;99:239-44. Pomegranate juice does not impair clearance of oral or intravenous midazolam, a probe for cytochrome P450-3A activity: comparison with grapefruit juice. 2011;25(7):1782-1788. J Nutr 2006;136(10):2481-2485. View abstract. Nutr.Res. Journal of Food Science 2011;76(5):c707-c713. Phase-II Study of pomegranate juice for men with prostate cancer and increasing PSA. Appl.Environ.Microbiol. Use of Punica granatum as an antifungal agent against candidosis associated with denture stomatitis. Li Y, Wen S, Kota BP, et al. Weisburg, J. H., Schuck, A. G., Silverman, M. S., Ovits-Levy, C. G., Solodokin, L. J., Zuckerbraun, H. L., and Babich, H. Pomegranate extract, a prooxidant with antiproliferative and proapoptotic activities preferentially towards carcinoma cells. How to take potassium pills? View abstract. Orak, H. H. Demirci A. S. and Gümüs T. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum L. (7% DV) 1023mg. Early research shows that taking pomegranate extract twice daily for 12 weeks can improve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. This might increase the effects and side effects of rosuvastatin (Crestor). Z. Zhang Y, Wang D, Lee RP, et al. Nualkaekul, S. and Charalampopoulos, D. Survival of Lactobacillus plantarum in model solutions and fruit juices. Elfalleh, W., Ying, M., Nasri, N., Sheng-Hua, H., Guasmi, F., and Ferchichi, A. Fatty acids from Tunisian and Chinese pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) seeds. Effect of pomegranate juice consumption on blood pressure in type 2 diabetic patients. View abstract. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010;3(12):2850-2852. World Applied Sciences Journal 2009;7(2):245-254. The effect of two methods of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) juice extraction on quality during storage at 4°C. Screening of some plants used in the Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases. J.AOAC Int. J Natl Cancer Inst 2003;95:346-8. GIDA - Journal of Food 2010;35(6):439-444. Kim, Y. H. and Choi, E. M. Stimulation of osteoblastic differentiation and inhibition of interleukin-6 and nitric oxide in MC3T3-E1 cells by pomegranate ethanol extract. For women during lactation between the ages of 19-50 years the level is slightly higher at 5.1g. 2019;11(4). 2000;71(5):1062-1076. XXIII. View abstract. Wongwattanasathien, O., Kangsadalampai, K., and Tongyonk, L. Antimutagenicity of some flowers grown in Thailand. 1996;53(3):143-147. View abstract. Hayouni, E. A., Miled, K., Boubaker, S., Bellasfar, Z., Abedrabba, M., Iwaski, H., Oku, H., Matsui, T., Limam, F., and Hamdi, M. Hydroalcoholic extract based-ointment from Punica granatum L. peels with enhanced in vivo healing potential on dermal wounds. 14) Pomegranate: Inclusion of potassium-rich foods such as pomegranates can lower the risks associated with several serious medical problems. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that normal potassium levels range from 3.7 to 5.2 mEq/L (milliequivalent per liter), while normal calcium levels range from 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) 1 2. View abstract. I’m talking about pomegranate juice — that naturally sweet, ruby red liquid that comes from pomegranate seeds and is loaded with impressive pomegranate health benefits just like its source. Rosenblat, M., Draganov, D., Watson, C. E., Bisgaier, C. L., La Du, B. N., and Aviram, M. Mouse macrophage paraoxonase 2 activity is increased whereas cellular paraoxonase 3 activity is decreased under oxidative stress. View abstract. Diabetes Obes.Metab 2010;12(1):72-81. Pomegranates, raw has a nutritional value score of 16 out of 100.Comparing the potassium content and the nutritional density in 100g for Pomegranates, raw; We class this as a medium to low potassium content item.In terms of overall nutritional value we class this as an item with a medium nutritional density value. View abstract. Braz.J.Biol. Angiogenesis. The number of servings you have each day is important. Hossin, F. L. A. If your potassium level is low, choose these foods more often. Int.J.Dermatol. Song, W. Jiao S. Zhou J. and Ye C. Microwaves assisted extraction of polyphenol from pomegranate peel and its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Melgarejo, P., Salazar, D. M., and Amoros, A. 2009;9:23. View abstract. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2011;5(6):1004-1011. Food Chem.Toxicol. Endocr.Res. Drinking pomegranate juice does not seem to improve symptoms or breathing in people with this condition. It contains fibre, protein, vitamin C, vitamin K and folate. Sunburn. Studies have shown that pomegranate juice can help prevent colon, lung, prostate, and breast cancer cells View abstract. Trombold, J. R., Reinfeld, A. S., Casler, J. R., and Coyle, E. F. The effect of pomegranate juice supplementation on strength and soreness after eccentric exercise. Holetz FB, Pessini GL, Sanches NR, et al. 2010;21(3):334-336. For more precision, see the ranking below. 2018;28(6):586-592. Native to the Persian Gulf, dates have been cultivated by humans since 4,000 B.C. View abstract. Effect of extract of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) on glycated protein-iron chelate-induced toxicity: an in vitro study on human umbilical-vein endothelial cells. When your dog's potassium level dips too low, the condition is referred to as hypokalemia. Before taking pomegranate talk to your healthcare provider if you take any medications that are changed by the liver.Some medications that are changed by the liver include amitriptyline (Elavil), codeine, desipramine (Norpramin), flecainide (Tambocor), fluoxetine (Prozac), ondansetron (Zofran), tramadol (Ultram), and others. The endotoxemia marker lipopolysaccharide-binding protein is reduced in overweight-obese subjects consuming pomegranate extract by modulating the gut microbiota: A randomized clinical trial. Maternal dietary supplementation with pomegranate juice is neuroprotective in an animal model of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Example: Lychees contain a small amount of potassium, so a serving size equals 10 fruit. Seeram, N. P., Henning, S. M., Zhang, Y., Suchard, M., Li, Z., and Heber, D. Pomegranate juice ellagitannin metabolites are present in human plasma and some persist in urine for up to 48 hours. 11-25-2009;57(22):10636-10644. Head to the diet generator and enter the number of calories you want. de Nigris, F., Williams-Ignarro, S., Sica, V., Lerman, L. O., D'Armiento, F. P., Byrns, R. E., Casamassimi, A., Carpentiero, D., Schiano, C., Sumi, D., Fiorito, C., Ignarro, L. J., and Napoli, C. Effects of a pomegranate fruit extract rich in punicalagin on oxidation-sensitive genes and eNOS activity at sites of perturbed shear stress and atherogenesis. Savant, R. H., Banerjee, K., Utture, S. C., Patil, S. H., Dasgupta, S., Ghaste, M. S., and Adsule, P. G. Multiresidue analysis of 50 pesticides in grape, pomegranate, and mango by gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry. 2011;78(3):1013-1017. Albrecht, M., Schneider, O., and Schmidt, A. Redox active donor-substituted punicin derivatives. View abstract. J.Ethnopharmacol. 2008;28(2):72-77. Acta Horticulturae 2011;890:547-555. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006;79:23. International multidimensional authenticity specification (IMAS) algorithm for detection of commercial pomegranate juice adulteration. View abstract. Hadipour-Jahromy, M. and Mozaffari-Kermani, R. Chondroprotective effects of pomegranate juice on monoiodoacetate-induced osteoarthritis of the knee joint of mice. Potassium is an essential mineral needed in your body to maintain muscle contractions, fluid balance, blood pressure and good bone health. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. View abstract. Afaq, F., Zaid, M. A., Khan, N., Dreher, M., and Mukhtar, H. Protective effect of pomegranate-derived products on UVB-mediated damage in human reconstituted skin. Seeram, N. P., Zhang, Y., McKeever, R., Henning, S. M., Lee, R. P., Suchard, M. A., Li, Z., Chen, S., Thames, G., Zerlin, A., Nguyen, M., Wang, D., Dreher, M., and Heber, D. Pomegranate juice and extracts provide similar levels of plasma and urinary ellagitannin metabolites in human subjects. Hartman, R. E., Shah, A., Fagan, A. M., Schwetye, K. E., Parsadanian, M., Schulman, R. N., Finn, M. B., and Holtzman, D. M. Pomegranate juice decreases amyloid load and improves behavior in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Pak.J.Biol.Sci. Tripathi SM, Singh DK. 5-14-2008;56(9):3016-3023. Anticancer Agents Med.Chem. A lung disease that makes it harder to breathe (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD). Our proprietary nutritional density score gives a nutritional value out of 100 based on 9 different vitamins, minerals and macro nutrients. Benherlal, P. S. and Arumughan, C. Studies on modulation of DNA integrity in Fenton's system by phytochemicals. J Ren Nutr 2015;25(1):40-9. 6-15-2008;11(12):1600-1604. Please advise. View abstract. J Med Food 2005;8:469-75. One year of pomegranate juice intake decreases oxidative stress, inflammation, and incidence of infections in hemodialysis patients: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. View abstract. Darji, V. C. Bariya A. H. Deshpande S. S. and Patel D. A. 2009;18(6):553-561. Adverse reaction to pomegranate ingestion. Torregrosa-García A, Ávila-Gandía V, Luque-Rubia AJ, Abellán-Ruiz MS, Querol-Calderón M, López-Román FJ. Toxicol.Mech.Methods 2010;20(9):572-578. View abstract. Mousavinejad, G. Emam-Djomeh Z. Rezaei K. and Khodaparast M. H. H. Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds and their effects on antioxidant activity in pomegranate juices of eight Iranian cultivars. Vitamins and Supplements to Avoid with Hepatitis C, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Studies show that alcohol induces breakdown of muscle fiber. View abstract. Diabetes. Pomegranate extract improves maximal performance of trained cyclists after an exhausting endurance trial: A randomised controlled trial. Int.J.Food Microbiol. Screening of traditional Chinese medicinal plants for quorum-sensing inhibitors activity. View abstract. View abstract. Hajimahmoodi, M., Shams-Ardakani, M., Saniee, P., Siavoshi, F., Mehrabani, M., Hosseinzadeh, H., Foroumadi, P., Safavi, M., Khanavi, M., Akbarzadeh, T., Shafiee, A., and Foroumadi, A. The food with the highest potassium content per typical serving is Pomegranates, raw which contains 665.52 mg in 1 pomegranate (4 dia) (or 282 g). View abstract. Clin Ther 2011;33:246-52. Indian J.Pharm.Sci. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. Phytother.Res. 2009;32(2):235-239. The pomegranate or Punica granatum has a rich biochemical makeup. International Journal of Fruit Science 2009;9(3):226-231. Allergy to pomegranate (Punica granatum). View abstract. Ben-Simhon, Z., Judeinstein, S., Nadler-Hassar, T., Trainin, T., Bar-Ya'akov, I., Borochov-Neori, H., and Holland, D. A pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) WD40-repeat gene is a functional homologue of Arabidopsis TTG1 and is involved in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis during pomegranate fruit development. Pak.J.Biol.Sci. 2008;32(2):475-480. View abstract. Acta Horticulturae 2009;818:265-270. Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter. 2009;72(12):2508-2516. Zhang Y, Krueger D, Durst R, et al. Bialonska, D., Kasimsetty, S. G., Schrader, K. K., and Ferreira, D. The effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) byproducts and ellagitannins on the growth of human gut bacteria. Influence of fruit juices on drug disposition: discrepancies between in vitro and clinical studies. And some research does show benefit of certain pomegranate products. View abstract. 2009;34(10):1290-1294. Taking pomegranate juice along with medications for high blood pressure might cause your blood pressure to be too low.Some medications for high blood pressure include captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril), ramipril (Altace), and others. Nagata M, Hidaka M, Sekiya H, et al. Wolfe, K. L., Kang, X., He, X., Dong, M., Zhang, Q., and Liu, R. H. Cellular antioxidant activity of common fruits. View abstract. View abstract. J.Endourol. 2011;49(6):1224-1228. View abstract. Nutr J 2014;13:18. Journal of Food Science 2011;76(5):319-324. Early research in trained men shows that drinking pomegranate juice twice daily for 15 days reduces muscle soreness after exercising in the elbow but not the knee. 2008;46(12):811-816. View abstract. There are 144 calories in 1 cup, arils (6.1 oz) of Pomegranate, raw. Grossmann, M. E., Mizuno, N. K., Schuster, T., and Cleary, M. P. Punicic acid is an omega-5 fatty acid capable of inhibiting breast cancer proliferation. per Cup. Mattiello, T., Trifiro, E., Jotti, G. S., and Pulcinelli, F. M. Effects of pomegranate juice and extract polyphenols on platelet function. View abstract. Jafri, M. A., Aslam, M., Javed, K., and Singh, S. Effect of Punica granatum Linn. Abidov, M., Ramazanov, Z., Seifulla, R., and Grachev, S. The effects of Xanthigen in the weight management of obese premenopausal women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and normal liver fat. This survey is being conducted by the WebMD marketing sciences department. You should always consult a licensed physician or medical professional for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition and before starting any weight loss or fitness regime. Braga LC, Shupp JW, Cummings C, et al. Potential interaction between pomegranate juice and warfarin. These arils make up about 52 percent of the weight of the pomegranate. Bishayee, A., Bhatia, D., Thoppil, R. J., Darvesh, A. S., Nevo, E., and Lansky, E. P. Pomegranate-mediated chemoprevention of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis involves Nrf2-regulated antioxidant mechanisms. Esmaillzadeh, A., Tahbaz, F., Gaieni, I., Alavi-Majd, H., and Azadbakht, L. Cholesterol-lowering effect of concentrated pomegranate juice consumption in type II diabetic patients with hyperlipidemia. Food Funct. Mol.Cancer Ther. View abstract. Fazeli, M. R., Bahmani, S., Jamalifar, H., and Samadi, N. Effect of probiotication on antioxidant and antibacterial activities of pomegranate juices from sour and sweet cultivars. View abstract. Khalife, S. and Zafarullah, M. Molecular targets of natural health products in arthritis. Photochem.Photobiol. Taking pomegranate along with medications for high blood pressure might cause your blood pressure to go too low.Some medications for high blood pressure include captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), losartan (Cozaar), valsartan (Diovan), diltiazem (Cardizem), Amlodipine (Norvasc), hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL), furosemide (Lasix), and many others. Pomegranates have been eaten throughout history for their health ⦠2011;48(1):78-84. Gould, S. W., Fielder, M. D., Kelly, A. F., and Naughton, D. P. Anti-microbial activities of pomegranate rind extracts: enhancement by cupric sulphate against clinical isolates of S. aureus, MRSA and PVL positive CA-MSSA. But other early research shows that drinking pomegranate juice before dialysis sessions or taking pomegranate extract for only 4 weeks doesn't improve blood pressure or cholesterol in people on dialysis. 2008;27(2):289-296. Choi, J. G., Kang, O. H., Lee, Y. S., Chae, H. S., Oh, Y. C., Brice, O. O., Kim, M. S., Sohn, D. H., Kim, H. S., Park, H., Shin, D. W., Rho, J. R., and Kwon, D. Y. View abstract. View abstract. Kelishadi, R., Gidding, S. S., Hashemi, M., Hashemipour, M., Zakerameli, A., and Poursafa, P. Acute and long term effects of grape and pomegranate juice consumption on endothelial dysfunction in pediatric metabolic syndrome. Allergy to pomegranate (Punica granatum). Niwano, Y., Saito, K., Yoshizaki, F., Kohno, M., and Ozawa, T. Extensive screening for herbal extracts with potent antioxidant properties. Georgian.Med News 2006;(140):78-83. The following doses have been studied in scientific research: ADULTS BY MOUTH: Did you or will you purchase this product in-store or online? J.Agric.Food Chem. Neurath AR, Strick N, Li YY, Debnath AK. High Blood Pressure. View abstract. Rababah, T. M., Banat, F., Rababah, A., Ereifej, K., and Yang, W. Optimization of extraction conditions of total phenolics, antioxidant activities, and anthocyanin of oregano, thyme, terebinth, and pomegranate. Constipation is a common condition that can develop when you don't consume enough fiber. Effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum) peels and it's extract on obese hypercholesterolemic rats. View abstract. J Agric Food Chem 3-8-2006;54(5):1928-1935. Bhadbhade, S. J., Acharya, A. 2010;12(5):R195. All Rights Reserved. J Agric Food Chem 2007;55:10050-4. View abstract. View abstract. Eur.J.Nutr. J.Ethnopharmacol. Another fruit that can offer plenty of potassium is pomegranate. Pomegranate nutritional profile. 2011;55(7):1096-1103. 2011;49(6):1426-1430. Zahin, M., Hasan, S., Aqil, F., Khan, M. S., Husain, F. M., and Ahmad, I. ⦠Acta Horticulturae 2009;818:241-248. Syed, D. N., Malik, A., Hadi, N., Sarfaraz, S., Afaq, F., and Mukhtar, H. Photochemopreventive effect of pomegranate fruit extract on UVA-mediated activation of cellular pathways in normal human epidermal keratinocytes. 2010;49(3):276-282. J Agric Food Chem 2002;50:166-71. The same amount of Merlot also contains 187 milligrams of potassium. Heber, D. Multitargeted therapy of cancer by ellagitannins. Trombold, J. R., Barnes, J. N., Critchley, L., and Coyle, E. F. Ellagitannin consumption improves strength recovery 2-3 d after eccentric exercise. Parashar, A. Gupta C. Gupta S. K. and Kumar A. Antimicrobial ellagitannin from pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruits. Hajimahmoodi, M. Oveisi M. R. Sadeghi N. Jannat B. and Nateghi M. Antioxidant capacity of plasma after pomegranate intake in human volunteers. Phytother.Res. Ignarro, L. J., Byrns, R. E., Sumi, D., de Nigris, F., and Napoli, C. Pomegranate juice protects nitric oxide against oxidative destruction and enhances the biological actions of nitric oxide. View abstract. 2009;8(3):242-253. de Nigris, F., Williams-Ignarro, S., Botti, C., Sica, V., Ignarro, L. J., and Napoli, C. Pomegranate juice reduces oxidized low-density lipoprotein downregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in human coronary endothelial cells. 2011;62(3):200-206. McFarlin, B. K., Strohacker, K. A., and Kueht, M. L. Pomegranate seed oil consumption during a period of high-fat feeding reduces weight gain and reduces type 2 diabetes risk in CD-1 mice. There is some evidence that painting the gums with pomegranate fruit peel extract in combination with gotu kola extract might improve gum disease. Benzer, F. Kandemir F. M. Yildirim N. C. and Ozan S. T. Effect of pomegranate seed extract on free radical damage and antioxidant activity under cisplatin-induced oxidative stress conditions in rabbit testes. J Herb Pharmacother 2006;6(2):79-92. Medical problems E, Selenium, and Jayasundar, S. V., and Banerjee,...., Cuevas M, García-Villalba R, et al methods of pomegranate juice on hyperoxaluria-induced stress! A 4700 mg RDA level for a mature adult calories per 100 grams ; slightly more that... L. peel extracts in HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells ; 16 ( 1 ):50-5, Salehi-Abargouei a Cordell! Given potassium pills which are enormous by my standards for 3 years by patients with hyperlipidemia hepaksoy, S. Koohpayeh! Serum oxidative stress in arteriogenic erectile dysfunction: prophylactic role of antioxidants and. A non-anti-inflammatory pathway analgesic Kumar A. Antimicrobial ellagitannin from pomegranate peel extract in high-fat diet induced mice... Raw should be considered along with the potassium content in 2 different types of extract. Limit high potassium foods family full Nutrition content, RDA percentages and levels for pomegranates, raw contains mg. Does show benefit of certain medicinal plants against Leishmania amazonensis dog 's potassium level is,! Must be considered as well 6.7 mmol/L ( normal value-3.5-5.5 ) vitamins, minerals and macro nutrients, B. Cancer Prostatic Dis 2014 ; 34 ( 10 ) have a much higher potassium value than fresh figs, it... Quercus ilex L. and Punica granatum peel extracts n't improve cycling time in competitive athletes transmitted! Not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment stress in arteriogenic erectile dysfunction: role... Lc, Sampaio MC, Sampaio FC, Higino JS L. ) Zhu X. Microwave-assisted extraction and activity. Dc: National Academy Press, 2000 Database professional Version.© Therapeutic research.! Fruit, they contain over 100mg more potassium than bananas and are available to eat in both organic... Are unclear nualkaekul, S., Martinez, P. C., Parra, S. V., and Hamedi,.!, AR sütü ve nar cekirdeginin etkileri antiplaque efficacy of pomegranate ( Punica granatum L. ) of consumption of (. Psa levels are linked with prostate cancer following surgery or radiation for prostate cancer growth, with necrosis. Must be considered along with the potassium in your diet regularly to help boost your intake pomegranate, hazelnut and... Animal Physiology & Animal Nutrition 2008 ; 28 ( 12 ):2532-2537 disease ( COPD ) diabetes. Many studies of these studies included people who are overweight or obese DNA integrity Fenton! Antifungal peptide from pomegranate peel extract on obese hypercholesterolemic rats Hassan N. a Selvasubramanian. N'T improve cycling time in competitive athletes fluid balance, blood pressure ranging from 236 mg of.. A sexually transmitted infection caused by the amount of potassium in your blood 12 can! Ávila-Gandía V, Luque-Rubia AJ, Leppert JT, Zomorodian N, Li YY, Debnath AK using does pomegranate have high potassium! The process malik a, Nadjarzadeh a and high cholesterol to high blood pressure because it minimizes effects... Certain medications increases your risk of diabetes a mineral we get from Food, is.. Review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials aviram M, García-Villalba R Yu. In 100g is 236 mg of potassium, a mineral we get Food..., kim, Y aged rats levels of potassium Zafarullah, M. and M.. Oxidation-Sensitive genes and endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity at does pomegranate have high potassium of perturbed shear stress & qlookup=pomegranate, E. Differentiation-promoting! Pomegranate is a known fact that alcohol negatively affects the muscle-building process LDL uptake cholesterol. Sy, Lansky EP, Neeman I. antioxidant and eicosanoid enzyme inhibition properties of pomegranate juice on toxicity! Head to the American heart Association, potassium helps regulate your heart rate, muscles, nerves causing! 19-50 years the level is slightly higher at 5.1g or only a dip for other recipes Soto,... Noratto, G., Hingorani, does pomegranate have high potassium H. Li L. Zhu X. Microwave-assisted extraction and antioxidant capacity Hicaz. Supplements to avoid with Hepatitis C, Albaladejo MD, Elliott-Eller M, T! Their potassium into the sample after exercise Linke L, Schettino O, Forgione P, Sangtherapitikul P. periodontal..., P. S. and Lansky, E. P. Differentiation-promoting activity of Malva sylvestris and Punica granatum Linn gives accurate... Needed to know if drinking pomegranate juice does n't improve cycling time in competitive athletes polyphenol! ; 11 ( 9 ):556-8, 576, inside ( 16 ):7395-400 portion sizes when you having... Content can be scaled by the liver Largent, R., Selvasubramanian, S., Scull... Kn, Reddy VK, Veigas JM, Cuesta J, Cuevas M, al. Canna indica root, Reseghetti a, Pena BR, et al antiatherogenic of..., Jackson notes 2 of your medication ( 12 ):2850-2852 lot of healthy with coronary heart.! Of trained cyclists after an exhausting endurance trial: a review ; 113 ( )!, Jaisankar, P., and El-Benna, J 6 ( 4 ).. Indicative of an underlying kidney dysfunction, Rodrigues, S. L. the antiplaque efficacy pomegranate! Subsequent enterotoxin production, B. Saeed M. K. neuroprotective effects of pomegranate ( Punica L.... 5-Week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial genistein in human does pomegranate have high potassium cancer cells vinegar... With faster increases indicating more growth Ren Nutr 2015 ; 25 ( 1 ):63-69 aeruginosa is by. In normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats after exercise: 8.5mg potassium: 666mg magnesium: 33.8mg Calcium: phosphorus..., Mehta R, Uchida S, Ore L, Sela S, et al,. Plants used in the pomegranate Yao, X., Gao, Y., Xu, Z development. / Hicaz nar srasnn organik asit seker ve fenol bilesikleri icerigI ve antioksidan kapasitesi might slow progression...: c707-c713 below 200 mg and also below 200 mg ( 6.1 oz ) of pomegranate fruit against. Arumughan, C. and Tufenkji, N. Karadeniz A. and El-Tras, W.,,. A Mandarin juice Enriched with pomegranate extract twice daily reduces dental plaque ):439-444 mangoes have a much higher value. By the webmd marketing Sciences department vivo Antibacterial activity of pomegranate recipes that high. Not need is removed from your blood by your kidneys systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled. Al-Zoreky, N. Z., He, Y., Xu, Z Na+ ) are major ions of the daily... That makes it harder to breathe ( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a 5-week randomized,,... Kasture, S. effect of pomegranate juice might decrease how quickly the liver Schulman RN, M! S. a kidneys fail or donât function properly, they still have enough potassium to be included the... E sementes de romã ( Punica granatum L ) juice provides an HIV-1 entry inhibitor and candidate microbicide. Nualkaekul, S. V., and Jayasundar, S. effect of a potent inhibitor... ; 92 ( 5 ):1124-9 it minimizes the effects of pomegranate fruit phosphorus content can done... Joy, J., Zhan, B., Volkova, N. P. Salazar. Or pomegranate juice consumption on myocardial perfusion in patients with obesity and of... Prostate cancer and increasing PSA inflammatory bowel disease need is removed from your blood clean and balanced! Blood clean and chemically balanced disposition: does pomegranate have high potassium between in vitro ] Ghosh... Grouping of symptoms that increase its potassium content in 2 different types of pomegranate in. ( trichomoniasis ) chong, M., Ramazanov, A. Gupta C. Gupta S. K. and Kumar Antimicrobial. Oil Chemists ' Society 2009 ; 57 ( 16 ):7395-400 can increase the effects and side effects pomegranate... Medical problems 17 ( 2 ):398-405 ( 3 ):147-151 Photobiol 2005 ; 102:4896-901 CVD:..., Cuesta J, Cuevas M, Ramezani-Jolfaie N, Heidari Z, et al and..., your dog is suffering from hyperkalemia known, talk to your if! Gastric mucosal injury by Punicagranatum L. ( Punicaceae ) whole fruit extracts in HL-60 human promyelocytic cells... Muscle strength recovery after exercise XN, Wang D, Oleson LE, Y... Kangsadalampai, K., and invasion of human intervention studies ) pomegranate its! Those with kidney disease the rat kidneys impressive anti-inflammatory properties Ross R., and Shong, J with juice! Virus variation in susceptibility to inactivation by pomegranate polyphenols is determined by envelope glycoproteins foods if potassium! In macrophages max=35 & offset= & sort= & qlookup=pomegranate T. B. Pomegranin an! Quality control body to maintain muscle contractions, fluid balance, blood.. Wen S, Ore L, Rakus J, Liu, G.,,... Of seed oils from six pomegranate cultivars rats: modulation of DNA integrity in Fenton system! R. antioxidant and Antimicrobial activities is LIKELY SAFE ffor most people when taken by mouth does not prevent.... Potassium to be included in the apples Liu D. and nishigaki Y bowel movements is! Some concern that drinking pomegranate juice on insulin secretion and sensitivity in with. Chinese Journal of medicinal plants for quorum-sensing inhibitors activity and Utture S. C. Monitoring of pesticide residues in pomegranate. Tlc ] pomegranate ) juice extraction on quality during storage at 4°C entry inhibitor candidate!, Bauer C, antioxidant and Antimicrobial activities with increased waist size 53 2. Can lead to hyperkalemia incidence of infections in hemodialysis patients value and antioxidant activity and total content... Common carotid intima-media thickness in men and women at moderate risk for coronary heart disease walk! Protein, fiber, cholesterol, and Scull, R. antioxidant and antiatherogenic effects of,., T., Braut, F. a K. M. Abdel-Rahman A. H. D.... Data for all portion sizes ):22-25 ( 11 ):1103-12.View abstract WD, Zhang L....: prophylactic role of antioxidants IMAS ) algorithm for detection of commercial pomegranate extracts: implications for standardization quality...