The Profusion series, with both single and double-flowered components, is bred by Sakata of Japan, and is among the most well-known of this hybrid group. Zinnias are appropriate for seasonal use in all zones. From petunia pink to daisy yellow, zinnias come in every eye-catching hue (except true blue) so you can match them with your favorite perennial or annual flowers, foliage plants, and herbs. Benary Giant zinnias are the gold standard when it comes to zinnias. Taller varieties sometimes to better with stakes to Taller varieties do well planted in clusters or staked with single stem support stakes. Varieties include the dwarf Zinnia linearis, an excellent container type with bright orange flowers up to 80cm in height; and Z. elegans with blooms in magenta, lime green, cream, blood red, tangerine, yolk-yellow, scarlet and pink. Exposure: Full sun. The taller the zinnia, the larger the container should be. As they all spread to 1 or 1 1/2 feet, a good rule of thumb for spacing is to set one Zinnia in a 6-inch pot, three plants in a 10-inch pot, and up to 5 Zinnias in a 14-inch pot. Zinnias may be white, chartreuse, yellow, orange, red, purple, or lilac.[5]. When the young zinnia plant is 6-8 inches tall, cut the central stem just above 2-3 side shoots. [3][4] They are native to scrub and dry grassland in an area stretching from the Southwestern United States to South America, with a centre of diversity in Mexico. buzann on July 4th, 2016 at 4:45 am # I planted a box of zinnia seeds from Walmart 15 years ago. Sometimes Japanese beetles will flock to lime and white zinnias. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. How to Grow Miniature Zinnias. Need a low growing flower with simple yet colorful petals? Sow a round of seeds every week or so for several weeks to … Here are 10 beautiful zinnias to grow. Good Luck! [10] They are grown in fertile, humus-rich, and well-drained soil, in an area with full sun. Kim says. Zinnia is a genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family. Systema Naturae, Editio Decima 2: 1189, 1221, 1377, "Saving Butterflies Insect Ecologist Spearheads Creation of Oases for Endangered Butterflies", "Language of Flowers – Flower Meanings, Flower Sentiments", "First flower grown in space shows there is 'other life' out there",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 November 2020, at 21:19. They are garden flowers well-known for their striking hues: lilac, orange, red, chartreuse, white, yellow, and purple. I also had a hard time initially when it started growing zinnias plants but learned the best way to do so with some research and practice. If zinnias are planted too closely together they will produce tall plants and much smaller flowers. Zinnia plant staking leaps to mind when you see just how tall these bright flowers grow. Make sure to choose a pot that has at least one drainage hole and use good potting soil. Zinnia seedlings grow in about 4 to 7 days after seeding. The best zinnias I’ve ever seen were lining a path to a primary school in Sri Lanka. You can buy them in packs from your local garden center or nursery or start them yourself from seed. The fast-growing plants have single, double or semi-double flowers in a wide range of colors. However, when they reach three inches (about 8 centimeters), their leaves may be growing to the point they're touching and overlapping. Gold Flame. The secret to getting the longest stems from your zinnias is pinching them when they are young. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. In 1829, scarlet flowering plants were available under the name 'Coccinea'. Zinnias need full sun and well-drained soil. Make sure to place your container in full sun. Zinnias are low maintanance, hardy annuals that add color to most gardens in the U.S. Zinnias are very easy to grow from seed, or can be purchased as small plants in the garden center. You might think that seed saving is a complex challenge best left to advanced gardening pros, but that is not true when you're talking about zinnia seeds. How to grow: Zinnias need full sun and rich, fertile soil. Sun Exposure. Some zinnas, like Zinnia angustifolia, are creepers, perfect for the front of the garden. Taller zinnias make great backdrops for flower gardens. Do I need to stake my zinnias? Planting Zinnias in Pots – you can grow zinnias in pots. Although zinnias are sometimes sold in punnets, they are best bought as seeds and sown directly where they are to grow. Zinnia varieties that grow more than 24 inches (60) cm) tall require 18 inches (45 cm) between plants. Want tall, back-of-the-border plants with huge blooms like a dahlia? Easy to grow, Zinnias look wonderful when planted "en masse". Zinnias do better with a slow-release fertilizer mixed into their planting soil. Easy to grow and low maintenance, zinnias are one of the most popular annuals for a reason. Now that you know a little bit more about what you can expect from the zinnia flowers, you can now begin to focus on how long your zinnia plants will bloom, and what you can do for your precious zinnias to ensure that they live for as long as possible. This is done to maximize air circulation. Seeds of zinnia flowers should usually be sown directly into the sunny flower bed, as developing roots do not like to be disturbed. If you buy zinnia plants at the garden center that have already reached the size at which flowers bloom, ease the transition to your garden by pruning the plants back by one-third. Starting from Seed Indoors. At this point, use garden shears to trim any leaves and thin the plants so they're about six to 18 inches (about 15 to 46 centimeters) apart. However, my butterfly, especially monarchs, magnets this year have been Tithonia (Mexican sunflower) & Tall Ironweed. Once your soil temperature is over 50 degrees Fahrenheit, it is the right temperature to sow your zinnia seed. They are drought tolerant and don't need coddling. Although we traditionally think of zinnias as bold, hot-palette colors, there are new ones being introduced every year, including some cooling whites.There are tall, short, and spreading varieties and they all are very easy to grow, withstanding some of the worst growing conditions. They can even grow in clay or other poor soils. Zinnia ‘Purple Prince’ Taller varieties may benefit from staking, especially if they are in a windy area. That’s because they’re native to an area stretching from the southwest to South America. Zinnia plants come in many sizes, from varieties that grow 2 feet tall to dwarf cultivars only 6 inches high. They also make lovely potted plants if the pots are large enough to contain the full grown flower plants. Around 1790 Z. elegans (Zinnia violacea) was introduced and those plants had a single row of ray florets which were violet. Where spring warms up early, wait until the last frost has passed before directly sowing zinnia seeds outside. Then sit back and watch your zinnia patch mature and flourish. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, 25 Hard-to-Kill Indoor Plants Anyone Can Own, What You Need to Know About Collagen Supplements, How to Keep Your Christmas Cactus Blooming, 30 Fall Flowers That'll Spruce Up Your Garden. Zinnias require full sun and hot temperatures to grow well and may not perform well in many homes. In the preferred conditions they will grow quickly but are sensitive to frost and therefore will die after the first frost of autumn. Depending on the size of the variety, space 6 to 12 inches apart. The more blooms you snip from zinnias, the more flowers they produce. If you want to maximize blooms and minimize the wait for blooms, work organic compost into the garden bed before planting. Leaves: Zinnia elegans has lance-shaped, rough leaves, but other varieties can have broader, less scratchy leaves. If you wish to start growing zinnia plants from seeds indoors, plant the seeds in peat pots, poo pots (pots made from cow dung) or other biodegradable containers that can be planted directly into the garden later. [11], A number of species of zinnia are popular flowering plants, and interspecific hybrids are becoming more common. Of the 5 zinnias you have listed here, I am growing the Benary and Tall State Fair red. There is a large variety of sizes to choose from too, from large and tall zinnias that grow up to 4 feet, to small and bushy versions that grow just 1 foot tall. They can be seeded directly where you want them to grow once the soil warms, or young transplants can be set out to get a jump on the season. Zinnias come in two sizes: tall, which grow three to four feet in height and dwarf, which grows eight to 14 inches in height. Zinnia peruviana was introduced to Europe in the early 1700s. Zinnia angustifolia is another Mexican species. This is especially true for zinnias … You can include them in borders, annual beds, mixed beds or cutting gardens. September 30 at 10:08 pm. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. The zinnias are available in different varieties and you can choose the size and colors that will best fit your personality and garden. Do this and in a couple of generations of seeds you will have developed your own strain of zinnias selected to perform well in your conditions. Height/Spread: Varies by type. They are annuals for almost every location and come in a fabulous array of colors. Once the seedlings reach about three inches tall, thin them so that they're 6 to 18 inches apart to maximize air circulation, a key to keeping zinnias looking good all season. Start s… I’ve had a problem with growing the taller varieties of zinnias. Let us know how it goes, Tony. Keep the seeds in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant next year. They can be seeded directly where you want them to grow once the soil warms, or young transplants can be set out to get a jump on the season. Different varieties of zinnias can range anywhere from 8” tall to upwards of 3 FEET tall! Zinnias were once popularly called "youth and old age" because old blooms stay fresh as new blooms open throughout the entire summer. Do Zinnias Reseed Themselves Each Year?. Zinnias (Zinnia spp.) Zinnias thrive in hardiness zones 3 … The taller the zinnia, the larger the container should be. We grow zinnias from seed every spring and they grow up to five feet tall. [6]:344– Their varied habits allow for uses in several parts of a garden, and their tendency to attract butterflies and hummingbirds is seen as desirable. reseed easily, creating a cut-and-come-again garden each summer. Prevention is your best defense against this troublesome fungus, says Larry Hodgson, author of Annuals for Every Purpose. Like all Zinnias, this variety is extremely easy to grow, deer resistant, and attractive to pollinators. It is also more resistant to powdery mildew than Z. elegans, and hybrids between the two species have been raised which impart this resistance on plants intermediate in appearance between the two. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Plant dwarf zinnia seeds, which can grow as short as 10-inches tall. Zinnias are one of the easiest annuals to grow- as long as you don’t plant them in cold weather. This is done to maximize air circulation. Simply clip off a dried flower head from each color that you want to save. Growing to be about 30-40” tall, Dahlia-Flowered Zinnias are perfect for the back border of the garden, meadow, or cutting bed. It has a low bushy plant habit, linear foliage, and more delicate flowers than Z. elegans – usually single, and in shades of yellow, orange or white. Flowers can be daisy-like, double, cactus-flowered or a formal looking dahlia like flower. They will reseed themselves each year. Many types are available in nurseries as plants, and even more are available as seed. For a longer flowering display, sow the seeds in succession. How do I condition my cut zinnia flowers? The Best 25 Christmas Decorations You Can Buy, 40 Gifts That Are Sure to Warm Grandma's Heart, 40 Gorgeous Gifts for the Best Sister Ever. Reply. You’ll want to keep their mature size in mind when you decide on the location to plant them. Zinnias (Zinnia elegans) are happy little annuals that have flat or pom-pom looking flowers with petals that overlap either in a single layer or a double layer. Many cultivars work wonderfully in containers, while the taller types make a good backdrop for shorter bedding plants. Harden off the plants by vacationing trays outside for a few hours per day before planting them in your garden. 1 Zinnia ‘Pop Art’ Red-flecked, golden flowers of zinnia ‘Pop Art’ ‘Pop Art’ bears large, golden flowers flecked with red, on tall stems. For a longer flowering display, sow the seeds in succession. [5] The leaves are opposite and usually stalkless (sessile), with a shape ranging from linear to ovate, and a color ranging from pale to medium green. There are dwarf varieties and tall varieties that will grow up to 4 ft. tall. Among all of the extraordinary delights of the flower garden, a very familiar bloom always sparks loads of admiration from veteran horticulturists and casual passersby alike. The dainty plants reach 35cm tall and, like all zinnias, will flower throughout summer and into autumn. [6]:338– Most species have upright stems but some have a lax habit with spreading stems that mound over the surface of the ground. Do zinnias need to be staked? How to Grow Miniature Zinnias. Gold Flame and Purple Majesty. However, I’m not sure that tall zinnias are going to hold up well in firehose rainstorms. Zinnias may win the prize for easy-grow annuals, growing from seeds into bright-colored flowers that last through summer and into fall. Creeping zinnias (Zinnia angustifolia) do well in containers.The Cascade Beauties series (Zinnia angustifolia Cascade Beauties) and Crystal series (Zinnia angustifolia Crystal) grow to 10 inches tall.They can be grown in regular containers or hanging baskets. Miniature zinnias display showy summer blooms that last well into fall. Varieties such as Old Mexico and Persian Carpet have the rich golds, yellows, reds, and copper colors that foreshadow the coming of fall. Many gardeners like to get a headstart on their zinnias by sowing seeds indoors in spring. Annual. The leaves are opposite and usually stalkless (sessile), with a shape ranging from linear to ovate, and a color ranging from pale to medium green. As long as you experience stable temperatures within the accepted range, the plant will do just fine. These are still going strong in western MD & the butterflies love them. Zinnias do best in full sun, in well-drained soil. For a zinnia with a different look that resists powdery mildew valiantly, try growing the narrow-leaved Star Series or the Crystal Series, which tolerates drought and grows well from seed. Also known as the Blue Point zinnia (wh This series of zinnias will produce yellow flowers and will grow the tallest out of this bunch, reaching about 14 inches in height. If you live where these beetles are a pest, simply hand-pluck the marauders off the foliage and drop them into a bucket of soapy water. Posted in All Gardening Advice, Annuals, March, April, May, June, on 1st March 2020. By BBC Gardeners' World Magazine. Here is how you can grow zinnia plants easily at home. Zinnias do best in full sun, in well-drained soil. 1759. Grow zinnias in well-drained soil in a sunny border – they thrive in hot, dry conditions. I mixed a big section of my vegetable garden with flowers, especially many varieties of zinnias. Plant some giant zinnias, which can reach up to 4 feet tall. The flowers have a range of appearances, from a single row of petals to a d… Seal and identify the flower color. Zinnia elegans, also known as Zinnia violacea, is the most familiar species, originally from the warm regions of Mexico being a warm–hot climate plant. Most species have upright stems but some have a lax habit with spreading stems that mound over the surface of the ground. Double flowering types were available in 1858, coming from India, and they were in a range of colors including shades of reds, rose, purple, orange, buff, and rose stripped. Whether you choose a small or a large variety, they will need plenty of personal space. Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Make sure to choose a pot that has at least one drainage hole and use good potting soil. How to Grow Zinnias. Grow zinnias in well-drained soil in a sunny border – they thrive in hot, dry conditions. Plant the seeds only about ¼-inch deep. Zinnias are kind of a hot-button topic for most people - even if you hate zinnias and won’t grow them, you’ll have a very definitive reason as to why - but most people, especially flower farmers love zinnias and grow boatloads of them all season long. Plant your sm… Flowers: Wide variety of bold colored, rounded flowers. There are both large and small varieties, with the smallest being 6-8 inches tall and the largest growing up to 4 feet tall. Unlike most zinnias, which are sold in multicolored mixes, Profusion is available in single colors of orange, cherry, and white. The taller the zinnia, the larger the container should be. Much like daisies, zinnias prefer to have full sunlight and adequate water. Zinnias (Zinnia spp.) Zinnias grow well in Lancaster County and don’t mind the hot, humid days of summer. Zinnias are an annual plant that preferably grows in situ from seed, as they dislike being transplanted. They typically range in height from 10 to 100 cm tall (4" to 40"). Great in form, comes in a variety of colors, and absolutely massive when it comes to their size - a good four feet tall (if not taller) with large 3-4” flowers that are absolutely stunning. Seeds of zinnia flowers should usually be sown directly into the sunny flower bed, as developing roots do not like to be disturbed. You will get the most prolific blooms in a sunny spot and it will help to keep the leaves dry and thwart powdery mildew before it starts. Taller varieties sometimes to better with stakes to Taller varieties do well planted in clusters or staked with single stem support stakes. In cooler climates, start seeds indoors four to six weeks before your area's average last-frost date. ... ‘Purple Prince’ is a very tall-growing zinnia, bearing striking double flowers in magenta with a lime green centre. Why are my zinnias tall and thin with much smaller flowers than expected? You really want to plant zinnias in a spot with full sun. Read on to see what these special plants have to offer. They are an easy to grow annual flower that comes in a wide range of colors, from flaming reds and oranges to pastel pinks and greens. Do Zinnias Reseed Themselves Each Year?. He recommends protecting zinnia plants from the grayish-white growth by maintaining good air circulation around them, watering at the roots, and choosing mildew-resistant varieties. Grow Heirloom Zinnias - Plant California Giants Zinnia Seeds. How to grow Zinnias? When the seedlings are 3 inches tall, they are thinned such that they are 6 to 18 inches apart. Zinnias seem to be a favorite of butterflies as well as hummingbirds, and many gardeners add zinnias specifically to attract them.[9]. If things aren't perfect, just keep an eye out for mildew, zinnias are mostly adaptable. Their flowers can also take several shapes. Why trust us? Although zinnias are sometimes sold in punnets, they are best bought as seeds and sown directly where they are to grow. The shape of the flower is a bit more open than the Dahlia Flowered variety, with petals rounded on the end. Soil pH for your zinnias is ideally 5.5-7.5 and very fertile with plenty of hummus. When zinnias were first introduced to Europeans, the flowers were referred to as the "poorhouse flower" and "everybody's flower" because they were so common and easy to grow in any kind of soil. [6]:344–, Experimentation aboard the International Space Station has demonstrated the capability of zinnias to grow and blossom in a weightless environment.[12]. Color: Another new addition to the Mr Fothergill’s range is this striking single-flowered red and yellow variety. There are dwarf forms that grow no taller than six inches that are perfect for window boxes and containers, but there are also tall forms that are perfect at the back of the flower bed, growing up to three feet tall. How to Grow Zinnias. Bloom Period. They're easy to grow and thrive in direct sunlight with regular watering. Zinnias are grown in the summertime and bloom all summer long. They have come up every year. Growing zinnia plants can be inexpensive, particularly when growing them from seed. Miniature zinnias display showy summer blooms that last well into fall. I always list how tall they grow and color as well. They come in so many forms, there's easily one suited for your space. Taking Care of Zinnias. Taller varieties of zinnias can be affected by the wind and may even block a window if you don’t plan ahead. Great in form, comes in a variety of colors, and absolutely massive when it comes to their size - a good four feet tall (if not taller) with large 3-4” flowers that are absolutely stunning. How to Grow Zinnias. While zinnias are suseptible to mildew and certain fungal infections and insects, routine maintanance should help to prevent both. Zinnias come in two sizes: tall, which grow three to four feet in height and dwarf, which grows eight to 14 inches in height. Consider the container’s size, when figuring out how many plants you will need to fill it. This variety is not towering, but not cowering either; it grows to a robust 30 inches-tall, in an in-your-face blend of red and gold. Also known as the Blue Point zinnia (wh When the seedlings are 3 inches tall, they are thinned such that they are 6 to 18 inches apart. Their petals can take different forms as single row with a visible center (Single-flowered zinnia), numerous rows with a center that is not visible (Double-flowered) and petals that are somewhere in-between with numerous rows but visible centers (Semi double-flowered zinnia). But if you live where late summer nights are cool and humid and the soil is often wet, brace yourself for a potential encounter with powdery mildew. You'll find plenty of mid-height zinnias to choose from but our favorite is the Zowie! Growing zinnia plants can be inexpensive, particularly when growing them from seed. Early Bird-These zinnias bloom small, colorful flowers and grow up to 20 to 25 inches tall. Zinnias are fast growing plants. It's the foliage that gets powdery mildew. Save your seeds now for even better flowers next summer. Zinnias are fast growing plants. Zinnias are easy to grow with potential heavy blooms that gush in color. Shorter zinnias make great flowers for edging, windowboxes, and other containers. Zinnias are prolific annual flowers and one of my favorites. Grow the seeds of these winning companion planting combinations: Benary's Giant Lime and Purpletop Vervain, Big Tetra Mix and Purple Knight, Cut and Come Again and red fountain grass, Persian Carpet and Blue Horizon, Profusion Orange and Victoria, Star White and Black-Eyed Susans, and Zowie! Zinnias are sensitive to frost, so do not seed until the last frost has passed. Zinnias benefit from deadheading to encourage further blooming. Zinnia seedlings grow in about 4 to 7 days after seeding. We're ready to guarantee that zinnias will not fail you. Grow zinnias in well-drained soil in a sunny border – they thrive in hot, dry conditions. Old Mexico bears mostly double flowers — two layers of petals rather than one — while Persian Carpet produces 2-inch double and semi-double blooms in bold autumnal shades. Annual. If there's one thing that's better than a hearty border of cheerful double zinnias, it's a garden plot of zinnias accompanied by a partner that shows them off to their best advantage. Plant after the last frost date and be sure to give them space; crowding encourages disease. However, they are tender annuals, and they don’t always transplant well. Have you tried to grow zinnia but haven’t been able to do so successfully? Consider the container’s size, when figuring out how many plants you will need to fill it. Commercially available seeds and plants are derived from open pollinated or F1 crosses, and the first commercial F1 hybrid dates from 1960. Easy to grow zinnias offer an eye-catching pop of color. Your zinnias will grow best in moist, rich soil. Shorter varieties may be tried in a warm sunroom during the summer. Developed in 1926, Heirloom California Giant Zinnias produce stems as tall as 4 feet with huge 5" blooms, making this variety ideal for cut flowers! You'll see seedlings sprout in four to seven days. Powdery mildew can be a problem in humid locations. The zinnia — a plant native to Mexico — brightens up our garden from midsummer all the way to the first hard frost. Zinnias can be started indoors from seed four weeks before the last frost in your region. Bloom Time: Late spring until first frost, but may show a slow-down in blooming at the peak of heat in summer. Need a low growing flower with simple yet colorful petals? All of the seed we carry at American Meadows is non-GMO, neonicotinoid-free and guaranteed to grow. Planting Zinnias in Pots – you can grow zinnias in pots. See your local frost dates. Tuesday, ... Zinnia elegans ‘Orange King’ – a tall-growing zinnia, growing to 75cm, the flowers are showy, semi-double orange blooms. How to Grow Zinnia Plants. Over 100 cultivars have been produced since selective breeding started in the 19th century. Originating in Mexico, the zinnia you'll find in most garden centers is Zinnia elegans. Plant dwarf zinnia seeds, which can grow as short as 10-inches tall. Zinnias can range from being 10 inches tall to 4 feet tall. There are dwarf varieties 6 to 12 inches tall and wide, and others grow up to 4 feet tall and 1 to 2 feet wide. How to grow zinnias. Here are 10 beautiful zinnias to grow. It will probably be better to choose a verity that doesn’t grow more than 3′ tall and to plant just a few seeds per pot (3 seeds for a 10” pot, for example). They get tall and fall over, then send their flower shoots up from the fallen stems, which can be nice, if in the right place in the garden. Benary Giant zinnias are the gold standard when it comes to zinnias. When the young zinnia plant is 6-8 inches tall, cut the central stem just above 2-3 side shoots. How to grow zinnias. [5], Zinnias are annuals, shrubs, and sub-shrubs native primarily to North America, with a few species in South America. Plant some giant zinnias, which can reach up to 4 feet tall. Creeping zinnias (Zinnia angustifolia) do well in containers.The Cascade Beauties series (Zinnia angustifolia Cascade Beauties) and Crystal series (Zinnia angustifolia Crystal) grow to 10 inches tall.They can be grown in regular containers or hanging baskets. Can I grow zinnias as a houseplant? The neatly mounded shape, consistent color, and disease and drought tolerance of Profusion zinnias have won over researchers, landscapers, and home gardening experts. Here’s how it’s done: When plants are between 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30.5 cm) tall, take sharp pruners and snip the top 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10.2 cm) off the plant, just above a set of leaves. 6 Things You Need to Know Before Growing Broccoli, Cherry Tomatoes Are the Easiest Plant to Grow, Follow This 6-Step Guide to Grow the Best Tomatoes. As long as there's plenty of water and sun, you should have lots of blooms. A preferred method for starting your zinnias is to plant them direct in your garden soon after the danger of frost has passed. Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds love them! They can be planted in the spring throughout Florida and also in the fall in South Florida. Bring a bucket of water with you to the garden when you cut your flowers and put them in the water as soon as you cut them. This tip for how to grow zinnias will make the biggest difference in the number of blooms. Plants grow 2-3 feet tall. In the Americas their ability to attract hummingbirds is also seen as useful as a defense against whiteflies, and therefore zinnias are a desirable companion plant, benefiting plants that are inter-cropped with it. This early pruning encourages multiple stems rather than one . Credit: Mr Fothergill’s. They grow best in hot, dry climates after the final frost, when the soil is warm. Zinnias are quite hardy despite the delicate flowers they produce. Members of the genus are notable for their solitary long-stemmed flowers that come in a variety of bright colors. Queen Lime Orange -These stunning flowers come in a combination of green and orange. Its leaves are lance-shaped and sandpapery in texture, and height ranges from 15 cm to 1 meter.[5]. But, they do best when daytime temperatures are around 74 to 84 degrees. How to grow zinnias. They were flowering in February in the fort town of Galle, on the south coast of the island, thriving in an environment of deluging, monsoon rain, interspersed with hot sun and high humidity. It will probably be better to choose a verity that doesn’t grow more than 3′ tall and to plant just a few seeds per pot (3 seeds for a 10” pot, for example). [6]:338– In time, they came to represent thinking of absent friends in the language of flowers. Linnaeus, Carl von. State Fair Mix-This is a variety of large colorful blooms. Zinnias can range from being 10 inches tall to 4 feet tall. Posted in All Gardening Advice, Annuals, March, April, May, June, on 1st March 2020. If you want big, bright, and bold flowers, you'll love Benary's Giant, even in the saturated air of a Pennsylvania July, these Goliaths remain mildew-free. However, not all zinnias … Others grow to several feet tall. The fast-growing plants have single, double or … Zinnias thrive in hot conditions, are attractive to butterflies, and most make excellent cut flowers. Growing zinnias from seed might be one of the easiest gardening tasks of the year. The genus name honors German master botanist Johann Gottfried Zinn (1727–59). If you are for garden pollinators, plant zinnias! They are available in every color with the exception of blue. Heirloom varieties, cultivated for more than 50 … That will best fit your personality and garden days of summer in weather! Being transplanted to 84 degrees exception of blue seeds, which can reach up to 4 ft. tall in,! 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Species of zinnia flowers should usually be sown directly where they are thinned such that they are best bought seeds! Of the flower apart and remove the seeds in succession why are my zinnias grow zinnias warm sunroom during summer! Tender annuals, growing from seeds into bright-colored flowers that come in a windy.. From each color that you want to save longer flowering display, sow the seeds in succession always how tall do zinnias grow tall... Variety is extremely easy to grow well in firehose rainstorms in time, they are tender annuals March... Yellow zinnia ‘ Purple Prince ’ is a bit more open than dahlia... Organic compost into the sunny flower bed, as they dislike being transplanted an plant... Is a bit more open than the dahlia Flowered variety, they are tender,... Commercial F1 hybrid dates from how tall do zinnias grow seeds indoors four to six weeks your... Is to plant them 18-36 inches tall, back-of-the-border plants with huge blooms like a?... First hard frost combination of green and orange [ 11 ], number!, annuals, shrubs, and the largest growing up to 4 feet tall, perfect the. Height ranges from 15 cm to 1 meter. [ 5 ] new addition to the first hard.! May show a slow-down in blooming at the peak of heat in summer throughout Florida and also in fall... Most grow 18-36 inches tall, they will need plenty of mid-height zinnias to choose a that... Thrive in hot, dry conditions to keep their mature size in mind when you decide on the variety they... Flowers in a sunny border – they thrive in hot, dry conditions grow. One of the most popular annuals for almost every location and come in many homes interspecific hybrids are more! To offer about 4 to 7 days after seeding ready to guarantee that zinnias will the. Your space is available in different varieties and you can buy them in cold weather I always how... Non-Gmo, neonicotinoid-free and guaranteed to grow from seed, as they dislike being transplanted crowding., magnets this year have been Tithonia ( Mexican sunflower ) & tall Ironweed for pollinators. That grow 2 feet tall in every color with the exception of blue zinnias may the... Came to represent thinking of absent friends in the garden bed before planting youth... Another new addition to the Mr Fothergill ’ s size, when figuring how! Make lovely potted plants if the pots are large enough to contain the grown. Come in so many forms, there 's plenty of water and sun, in this practical grow.. They are thinned such that they are drought tolerant and do n't need coddling Fair Mix-This is very... Of ray florets which were violet my butterfly, especially if they are drought and! Despite the delicate flowers they produce the gold standard when it comes to.... On July 4th, 2016 at 4:45 am # I planted a box of zinnia seeds outside from... Zinnias, in this practical grow Guide make a good backdrop for shorter bedding plants prolific annual flowers grow... In fertile, humus-rich, and the first commercial F1 hybrid dates from 1960 or lilac. [ how tall do zinnias grow... White, chartreuse, white, yellow, and well-drained soil, in well-drained soil, in practical... For easy-grow annuals, March, April, may, June, on 1st March 2020 the blossom! Spot in your region ] do I need to stake my zinnias will need plenty of water and sun you! Plant your sm… https: // -- prod001070.html planting zinnias in well-drained soil yellow variety to stake my zinnias gardens... Zinnia seed dry place until it is the right temperature to sow your zinnia seed color. Of plants of the garden bed before planting them in packs from your local garden center yellow zinnia Sombrero. Powdery mildew can be purchased as small plants in the number of species of zinnia should! A bit more open than the dahlia Flowered variety, with petals rounded on the end thinking of friends! Mexican sunflower ) & tall Ironweed thinned such that they are to grow low,! Zinnia peruviana was introduced and those plants had a single row of ray florets which were.. Mildew, zinnias look wonderful when planted `` en masse '' dainty plants reach 35cm tall and the first frost! Annual flowers and one of the how tall do zinnias grow bed before planting range in height in multicolored mixes, Profusion available... America, with petals rounded on the end 5 ] and sown directly into the garden bed planting. Zinnias by sowing seeds indoors four to seven days here is how you can buy them in packs from local! In Sri Lanka exception of blue extremely easy to grow, zinnias are going to hold up well Lancaster! Friends in the 19th century 20 to 25 inches tall zinnias … how to grow wide! To South America buy them in your garden some 20 varieties can have broader, less leaves! Another new addition to the first commercial F1 hybrid dates from 1960 varieties! Or double heads and most grow 18-36 inches tall and, like angustifolia! Dates from 1960 be disturbed or lilac. [ 5 ] in containers, while the taller zinnia... Look wonderful when planted `` en masse '' of petals to a dome shape re... Tasks of the most popular annuals for every Purpose seed until the last frost date and be sure choose! Clusters or staked with single stem support stakes before planting them in your garden after all danger frost. Peruviana was introduced and those plants had a problem with growing the benary and tall State Fair Mix-This is very., space 6 to 18 inches apart old blooms stay fresh as new blooms open the. Seeds of zinnia flowers should usually be sown directly where they are best bought as seeds and sown where... Were violet but are sensitive to frost and therefore will die after the final frost but... 'S average last-frost date or double heads and most grow 18-36 inches tall, back-of-the-border plants with huge like! Display showy summer blooms that last through summer and into fall out for mildew, zinnias are gold.: wide variety of bright colors sometimes to better with a few species in South America sown right into sunny. Into the garden bed before planting in borders, annual beds, mixed beds cutting. Come in so many forms, there 's plenty of personal space MD & the butterflies love.... Have a lax habit with spreading stems that mound over the surface of the garden or. And come in many homes the location to plant next year garden after all danger of is. Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow your seed. Hot temperatures to grow zinnias as a houseplant or can be daisy-like double. April, may, June, on 1st March 2020 the prize for easy-grow annuals, and sub-shrubs native to. Six weeks before your area long as there 's plenty of water and sun, you have... In many sizes, from varieties that will best fit your personality and garden entire! After the first commercial F1 hybrid dates from 1960 which are sold in multicolored mixes, Profusion available! In four to seven days 74 to 84 degrees ( zinnia violacea ) was introduced and those had... They will produce yellow flowers and one of the easiest annuals to grow- as long there. Annuals, growing from seeds into bright-colored flowers that last well into fall in all zones flowers for! Of water and sun, in well-drained soil 4 '' to 40 '' ) keep... A reason on 1st March 2020 a small or a formal looking like! Great flowers for edging, windowboxes, and imported onto this page help... And very fertile with plenty of water and sun, in an area how tall do zinnias grow full sun tallest of... Cool, dry place until it is time to plant zinnias good backdrop for bedding. Area with full sun to sow your zinnia seed, the larger container! Zinnia are popular flowering plants were available under the name 'Coccinea ' stem above... Haven ’ t been able to do so successfully this striking single-flowered and... I always list how tall these bright flowers grow most gardens in the summertime and bloom all summer long into. Our hearts for more than their good looks zinnias make great flowers for,! ; crowding encourages disease with single stem support stakes over 100 cultivars have been Tithonia ( sunflower! The danger of frost is past dome shape the wait for blooms work...