My advice for anyone going to an interview is to not be too nervous, be yourself and natural and make sure to show your strengths and skills. What Is an Interview Portfolio? Sometimes it may be, other times not. Creating a portfolio can help you prepare for the interview process. At the end of the interview, when everything else has been said and done. Lengthy onboarding time’s a luxury most managers can’t afford, and if you can show how you can start contributing to the team immediately—you’ll have his undivided attention. 1. Impress recruiters by supplying them with a portfolio. After your interview, it is appropriate to ask either your interviewer, hiring manager or recruiter about what you should expect next. If you’re planning to give a copy of your digital portfolio to an employer, use a USB flash drive or a link to your website. Fourth Year Multimedia Design Student | University Of Ulster. The interviewers were friendly and appreciative of my work which put me at ease during the interview. It will sound something like this, “Tell me about a time when you had to step up and lead your team, even though you had no direct authority.” The best way to think about answering these questions is to use the STAR format: describe the situation, outline the task you identified, tell what action you took, and then describe the result. Whether you’re fresh out of school, looking for a new challenge, or are searching for a stylish, modern, and effective way to advance your career, you’ll be amazed at the difference that a professional portfolio can make. 8. Talk about what worked and what didn't. It’s also a good way for you to highlight the strongest aspects of your career experience. Getting nervous and forgetting to say something impressive, or worse, saying something that doesn’t sound as good out loud as it did in your head is normal. This portfolio speaks for itself. That goes a long way with both HR recruiters and hiring managers because they want to not only see that you want a job, but also that you want this job. This give you a chance to further touch on areas that may have been missed, but that would impress the interviewer. Call the day before to confirm that you stillhave an interview or a drop off, who to see and when.Brush up on the firm’s work. Professional Interview using a portfolio presentation. Bring a basic, black portfolio to the interview with multiple copies of your resume, cover letter, references, and business cards. Professional Interview using a portfolio presentation. Behavior questions often give hiring managers … Offer your portfolio for review again the end of your interview. Your goal is to get the hiring manager to visualize you solving problems for him. You should wait for a good time, and a good time comes when: We ask about your working experience. I read a lot and consult recruiting professionals so you don’t have to. The easiest way to create an interview portfolio is to create it in PowerPoint—but more on that later. Here is what you should include in your portfolio and items to consider: Portfolio Cover. Use the interview not only as a chance to highlight your qualifications, but also, to determine whether this job and employer are a good fit for you and your career goals. 6 Tips on Creating the Perfect Two-Page Portfolio to Win a Job Interview. Often you have to produce your work at A1 whilst at uni, which is all very well but a complete pain hauling an A1 portfolio from interview to interview, especially in the rain! A better way to do this is to identify a specific problem that is either common to the industry you’re in, or one that you uncovered in your company research prior to your interview. This is frequently overlooked as many candidates assume that the work they are presenting is more important that what holds them. How to Present Your Portfolio on a Phone Interview. While the content will be similar to what’s on your resume, the portfolio takes it a step further to “show and tell” your skills with specific examples. Along with demonstrating your enthusiasm, a portfolio prepares you for the interview better than any other method out there. Ask about next steps. Here are our tips on how to present your portfolio in it's best light and ensure the interviewer is fully engaged. Professional Introduction—Example . Peter Herbert Barnaba, Designer. Remember Manners Matter at Job Interviews . This will give you a chance to touch base points further that you may have missed. For in person interviews, the applicant should present a physical portfolio of work that represents their primary, secondary research and completed projects Whether putting together a first portfolio or updating an existing one, many creative professionals don’t know where to start or find themselves paralyzed by indecision. In the present world, assembling an architecture portfolio can be considered as the best mode of presentation for any architect. Give me a second chance so you don’t ever need it. Don’t read the text in your slides. She wrote her first book in the third grade (Rainbow Brite meets Michael Jackson), and has added online courses to her preferred outlet. It is my security blanket. Tell them a story. Everyone that shows up to an architecture interview … Although this is considerate, it’s the wrong approach. Find out how to calculate your points based on your predicted grades with our handy calculators. Use the STAR format like you did in the previous section to keep it simple. 3. My advice for anyone going to an interview is to not be too nervous, be yourself and natural and make sure to show your strengths and skills. In a recent Bridge workshop, Tiffany Ng, a product designer at Square, talked to us about what it takes to stand out from the rest in your portfolio presentation. A professional presentation of your portfolio will impress your supervisor or potential employer. Still putting together your portfolio? Posted by 7 months ago. Your portfolio should be organized in a way that makes it easy to reference during your interview. If you don’t have enough cumulative information yet for each section, just focus on your education and career path by combining the two into one timeline. You should wait for a good time, and a good time comes when: We ask about your working experience. Paving the path to a job offer often starts with creating — and presenting — a killer creative portfolio. Second Year Fine Art Student | University For The Creative Arts, Fourth Year Cinematics And Photography Student | Edinburgh Napier University, Third Year Design Studies Student | Manchester Metropolitan University, Third Year Architecture Student | De Montfort University, Fourth Year Multimedia Design Student | University Of Ulster, First Year Fine Art Student | University For The Creative Arts, Higher apprenticeships – a fee-free degree. Russell Group universities – what are they? Advice is always given on what to expect from a portfolio, just read it carefully and make sure you're prepared for common questions before your interview - pick a favourite artist and their work for example. If you are called in for an interview, let the hiring manager know that you plan on bringing your portfolio so that they know to expect it. Developing a creative portfolio can be pretty intimidating. How To Successfully Present Your Portfolio 12/06/2018. Interview portfolios are common in many design-focused fields, including illustration, graphic design, and interior decorating. Your résumé may have gotten you an interview, but once in the interview, you want to make sure you really stand out. This is a dangerous oversight, especially when applying for a creative position, as it may bring into question your aesthetics and even o… The job seeker was asking whether or not he should prepare interview materials other than some clean copies of his resume. Think infographic-like in appearance. You decide to go job hunting in the tech industry. For your portfolio, think of at least three different examples of situations that not only show off your top skills, but that also fall into a soft-skills category such as leadership or teamwork. How to Present a Portfolio at an Interview? A professional portfolio is a collection of documents that highlight your career achievements and includes extra copies of your resume, reference letters and introductions. Cookies help us deliver our services. If presenting fills you with dread, remember it’s a skill you can learn – and the more you talk about your work and your abilities, the better you’ll become at it. 4. Your goal here is to get the recruiter to visualize you solving a problem for him now. It’s an easy way to stay on track and not go off into a ramble because you’re nervous. Daunted at the prospect of presenting your portfolio during a university interview? For interview purposes, you should prepare 2-3 ideas – at least 1 Long and 1 Short – and you can adapt them to different funds as necessary (e.g., you could recommend underweighting your Short pick if you interview at a long-only fund). 4) Present your portfolio for review again at the end of the discussion. In this section you’ll reiterate in two to three sentences your theme, along with any overarching problems that you can solve right now. While you can do that with a … Helps you stand out from the crowd. And if you're showing them workbooks, you do need to annotate them. The interviewers were friendly and appreciative of my work which put me at ease during the interview. How to Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for a Job Interview. "Offer to send your full portfolio electronically later on," Button says. You can either insert a page with all your contact information, or insert your traditional resume. I couldn’t believe I was actually reading an exchange in which an expert was telling someone not to go the extra mile—telling him to not to do something that would help him stand out. Dan Dalton / Getty Images. Fonts. 3) To build your credibility. During your interview you can verbally expand on each, but for the portfolio keep it short and simple. How to Present Your Project Portfolio. If used correctly your portfolio is an important tool in your job search as it allows schools to see snapshots of your past teaching work, your credentials, and planning skills. 1. Interview portfolios are common in many design-focused fields, including illustration, graphic design, and interior decorating. Regardless of the job you are applying for, you will be expected to act professionally throughout every phase of the interview process from … Explaining weaknesses which you have overcome is also a good idea, because it shows how you've improved. As I continued to apply for promotional positions, it made me sound polished and professional and I quickly moved into specialty positions. A digital version will make it more convenient for the recruiter to share it with others. This will give you a chance to touch base points further that you may have missed. Find out more…. First, the portfolio is a great record that should make you feel good about your career. Not all organizations require a formal presentation, but it’s become the norm for many. So consider an A3 portfolio, it is also much easier to present in an interview. You've landed a job interview, and you've got a strong portfolio behind you... but how can you make sure the interviewer sees the full quality of your work in that short time? Questions. Since by definition the sample portfolio is only several pages long, it doesn't need to be bound like the longer interview portfolio. We’ve all witnessed or even experienced the question that ends with, “I’m sorry—I can’t remember the question,” after five straight minutes of babble. Hi, Today, I am sharing with you how to do your own portfolio for archi students when you want to apply for a job. portfolios and interviews for creative arts students, portfolios and interviews for creative courses. My job is to provide job seekers with expert advice on career-related topics. Be prepared to articulate your design thinking and defend your design decisions. COVID19, Job Loss, Work From Home. And if there’s one thing all recruiters agree on, it’s that you need to take every opportunity to stand out among all the other talented candidates. If you have the ability to convert your files into a high-resolution PDF before you send to the printer, I highly recommend it for cutting down on printing errors since they they all take ppt/pptx files and PDFs. Physical Portfolios. Always include some third party reference of your skills, whether it’s an award you won, a few quotes from a recent performance review, or even a few examples from your LinkedIn recommendations. 4 comments. Give specific examples from your past experiences when answering questions. Use one page for each example and write one or two sentences for each step of STAR. GOOD; My name is Maciek, and I’m a career writer. Current arts students share their tips on how to make sure yours makes an impact with admissions tutors... Do you know what Ucas points are and how to calculate them? Deciding on how many design pieces to present in an interview is one of the most difficult aspects of being a designer. I would think of some questions to ask the person who is interviewing you to find out a bit more about the course, as this shows that you are really interested in the course (not that you wouldn't be) but it gives a good impression. Whatever form your portfolio takes, it should offer concrete examples that show the abilities and skills you’ve acquired in your career and life so far. The page you are visiting was formerly part of the Which? Your résumé isa simple typographic design problem, displaying vital informationabout who you are, where you’ve been and what you’ve done in anorganized and structured fashion. Decide what you are trying to tell the person viewing your portfolio, and remember that you may not always be there to explain your work. 4) Present your portfolio for review again at the end of the discussion. It should be an easy-to-skim, impressive outline of your accomplishments. While there are lots of different ways to do that, one way I’ve discovered works wonders is to put together an interview portfolio. Make sure to carry spare copies of your portfolio and include a link to the digital copy, if available. You should not interrupt them at the beginning and tell that you want to present your portfolio, or certain project with the help of MS PowerPoint. See where your A-level subjects will lead you. Even freelancer designers and illustrators occasionally need to explain their work in order to win new briefs. She’s written almost 500 articles for The Muse on anything from productivity tips to cover letters to bad bosses to cool career changers, many of which have been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, Inc., CNBC's Make It, USA Today College, Lifehacker, Mashable, and more. Copies of your interview portfolio. Also remember - art tutors hate plastic wallets, so don't waste your money! It can answer a lot of questions for a potential employer before an interview even takes place. An interview portfolio consists of six main parts: an introduction, a professional background summary, STAR behavioral examples, awards and recommendations, sample solution(s), and a closing page. Toggle navigation. Featured below are some examples from a professional in the social and public policy sector: During your interview, you’ll most likely be asked a behavioral interview question at some point. Change your emotion and voice level Don’t just speak continuously without looking at the listeners. Search, shortlist and compare thousands of courses to find that perfect one. There are many people who have been doing this type of preparation for years. I use my iPad 2, and have a multi-page PDF assembled in iBooks that I use to present my work. Film or animation reels should be two to five minutes long. What is the Story your arehere to tell is important. In some instances, the interviewer may ask to keep the portfolio. Taking time to write out some examples of your brilliance ahead of time will aid you in having a successful interview. Organise your portfolio into categories such as a personal statement, employment experience, training certificates, voluntary experience and references. Specializes in Cardiology. Career General Career. A portfolio is your one shot to show you can do the job. The employer will also be determining whether or not you are a good fit for their corporate culture. Archived. 5 steps to nailing your portfolio presentation in design interviews. Don’t open it up for a conversation. The portfolio demonstrates enthusiasm for the position. First Year Fine Art Student | University For The Creative Arts
I recently read some bad advice from a supposed career expert. Clips or staples are fine. Bringing a well-planned and constructed career portfolio to your next job interview gives you a powerful tool to present your career and sell your value to a new employer. Present →Don’t read. Creating a portfolio can help you prepare for the interview process. An interview portfolio consists of six main parts: an introduction, a professional background summary, STAR behavioral examples, awards and recommendations, sample solution(s), and a closing page. If you have created an infographic resume summary, use the same information in these sections. A teaching portfolio is a large and well-organized binder that holds all of your important and relevant documents and evidence of your best teaching work. Close. From the content point of view, check our interview portfolio article to understand what you should include on your presentation, ... You should not interrupt them at the beginning and tell that you want to present your portfolio, or certain project with the help of MS PowerPoint. How long does it take for universities to reply? How do you present confidential work during portfolio presentations in an interview? You can use any program of your choice, but keep in mind that most commercial printers like FedEx Kinko’s, Staples, OfficeMax and the like are not compatible with a lot of different file types. If you attend your interview in person, you will present a variety of work in the form of a physical portfolio and supporting sketch books. Portfolio by Derek Pirrozi. I have selected 10 portfolio samples; to give you guys a brief idea about the format, hierarchy, template etc. Guiding a prospective employer through your portfolio is a key part of any design job interview. If you complete a 30-60-90 day plan for your next interview, you will portray yourself as a high-quality candidate. University website, but is now being provided by The Uni Guide — part of The Student Room. Got to put a portfolio together for a creative course? First in the portfolio, second on the interview. Personalise your search by expected grades and more. Be especially kind and respectful to everyone you interact with during the interview process. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. You need to think conceptually about why you did something and why you like something. Everyone that shows up to an architecture interview arrives with the same thing. Phone interviews are usually done where the interviewer has your portfolio on their screen and you have it on yours. The reality is that presenting for an HR interview or an executive final round interview often requires presenting you, not your projects. Please. When applying for a job, you need to present your work twice during the application process. If you’re in a creative industry—like advertising, journalism, graphic design, architecture, or fashion—you should bring samples of your work that you can give to the interviewer. Then, depending on what you learn during your company research, you can decide if creating a customized “sample solution” page is necessary. They offer a way to show interviewers examples of your past projects, the kind of work you’re passionate about, and particular skills you have. But the problem with that is that it always sounds generic. While you can do that with a … Every impression in an interview process matters. I would think of some questions to ask the person who is interviewing you to find out a bit more about the course, as this shows that you are really interested in the course (not that you wouldn't be) but it gives a good impression. Portfolio/work samples. For more information please click here. You can review your portfolio before an interview in order to recall specific examples of your accomplishments. Follow up with a phone call andmake an appointment. At some point of your interview presentation, you go “off the script”, pull out a bunch of documents, supporting your statements. A designer’s portfolio is a representation of his or her personality, abilities, and talent. It might take some time, but don't be afraid to put in the work. When you're headed for that big job interview, one way to show off the work you've done in the past is to present the employers with a portfolio of some of your best work. Portfolio Table of Contents. “Well, some industries are known for preparing presentations or portfolios of their work or examples of previous projects, but it’s not for everyone. Even freelancer designers and illustrators occasionally need to explain their work in order to win new briefs. 2) To make a good impression. We accept all sizes of portfolio from A3 to A1. Second, you can use it at performance review time or job interview time. Curious to know how you've presented your portfolio during an interview (iPad, laptop, etc), and if you rely on wifi. What Is an Interview Portfolio? Programs to consider: Indesign, word etc. Honestly, I would feel naked going into an interview without it!”. Get tips, tricks and wise words from students and experts at each stage. Please. Are diligent. For now, let’s talk a little bit about each section. Helps you stand out from the crowd. For best results, use a portfolio that … Peter ... s hiring committee. Yes, but don’t just take it from me. Below is a recap of her tips by Ximena Vengoechea. An architecture portfolio can be defined as an architect’s identity. Guiding a prospective employer through your portfolio is a key part of any design job interview. Explaining weaknesses which you have overcome is also a good idea, because it shows how you've improved. This will guarantee that you have done all you can to display your abilities and work ethic. At most companies you’ll be presenting your work to 4-6 designers of all stripes (visual, interaction, junior to senior), plus or minus a few product or engineering counterparts. Portfolio by Alessandro Fussi It was my first personal interview after receiving my diploma from the Basel School of Design. They offer a way to show interviewers examples of your past projects, the kind of work you’re passionate about, and particular skills you have. The landscape of technical communications has changed in every way imaginable, including how we interview for and work at our jobs. On top of all that, this physical packet serves as a tangible reminder of your talents. A key element to your portfolio is that it should be visually engaging. University)|11 February 2013|2 min read. Give your card to your interviewer, or anyone else you talk to about the job. Make sure to carry spare copies of your portfolio and include a link to the digital copy, if available. You can review your portfolio before an interview in order to recall specific examples of your accomplishments. A1? 6 Tips on Creating the Perfect Two-Page Portfolio to Win a Job Interview. For example: My name is Tim Jones, and I have an interview scheduled with John Smith at 2 p.m. or I'm Janine Bellows, and I … However, how would I go about presenting the same work in an interview setting? Below is an example from a professional in the communications industry who details a common project management problem and solution. The length of your design portfolio for the interview depends on the position and the company. A coaching portfolio (also known as an interview portfolio) is a tool that provides a potential employer insight on how you operate as a coach and person. Now that you know how to make your portfolio, how do you present it at an interview? But I will tell you that one of the shortcuts I’ve learned over the years is to just customize the cover page—it makes them think, “Wow, she went through a lot of effort for this specific interview!”, Jennifer Little-Fleck, for many years, was a writer trapped in a pharmaceutical rep's body. Follow the tips above to maintain a Career Portfolio file. Previously an editor for The Muse, Alyse is proud to prove that yes, English majors can change the world. It may be more appropriate to present your portfolio using a USB drive, DVD or website. No matter what industry you’re in or job title you’re after, it almost always impresses. For a Shorter, Smarter Job Search. 5 steps to nailing your portfolio presentation in design interviews. During the interview process, an employer wants to see if you have the artistic skill, as well as the ability to present and explain your work. If presenting fills you with dread, remember it’s a skill you can learn – and the more you talk about your work and your abilities, the better you’ll become at it. April 18, 2018. Use more Visuals try to avoid text in the slide. The length of your design portfolio for the interview depends on the position and the company. See what makes a university special and discover where you belong. Such a reminder will help your self-confidence, which will subsequently help you to do well in an interview. You probably don’t need one.”. Can do the job, 2. For example, you can give away a quick plan indicating a number of things the employer could do today to save money, even if they don’t hire you. What format will you present your portfolio? Here’s one of my favorites, along with some personal branding pages: This section consists of an At-A-Glance section of your cumulative knowledge, a visual timeline of your career path, your education, and any certifications you have. By Laura Kennedy(Intern, Which? When you're headed for that big job interview, one way to show off the work you've done in the past is to present the employers with a portfolio of some of your best work. Both are important and one can’t work without the other. 3. So, why are you being asked to give an interview presentation? When you arrive at the interview site, introduce yourself to the receptionist by stating your name and the reason for your visit. №3. My jaw hit the ground. Having a portfolio at an interview makes you seem more put-together and prepared, which is impressive for potential employers. Have strong communication skills, 3. Consider the details. How do you present confidential work during portfolio presentations in an interview? Because employee turnover’s costly, the powers that be want to get it right the first time—meeting with someone who is obviously excited for the opportunity can make all the difference. Well, here’s the trick: I recommend starting with a general portfolio that’ll work for most interviews in your field. So often when I sit down for an interview or portfolio review, the designer asks what kind of “stuff” I’d like to see. How to Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for a Job Interview. First and foremost, this is your interview time—your time to present who you are as a designer and what you do best. Explaining weaknesses which you have overcome is also a good idea, because it shows how you've improved. You’re in it to win it. Whether this is the administrative assistant helping you schedule the interview or the receptionist who greets you at the office, treat everyone you come into contact with as if they’re going to be the ones interviewing you. It is an indigenous expression of you and your abilities as a professional architect. COVID19-Job Search; When the interview is over, give yourself the best chances of moving forward by doing the following: 20. I am going to be graduating in a couple of weeks and I heard some rumors that my first choice hospital I applied at is starting to call external candidates this week to schedule interviews. Art directors will try to figure out if the applicant can design, work with their team, bring a new creative approach, and meet deadlines. Make sure to be meticulous, your work will speak for you. By asking candidates to deliver an interview presentation as part of the process, the interviewer is looking for proof that you 1. Posted May 11, 2010. You’re giving yourself an edge because now the hiring manager can quickly reference your skills and accomplishments. There are multiple steps in the typical design interview process. My advice for anyone going to an interview is to not be too nervous, be yourself and natural and make sure to show your strengths and skills. Before going into your interview, acquire a portfolio that will hold your resume, your references sheet, and business card, as well as any other papers you plan to bring to your interview (e.g., a writing sample). Even if you don’t use it for every job interview, you’ll still have a more polished resume to present to potential employers. Let’s say you’re a talented rookie designer; the best in your class so to speak. They may ask you to pick one piece to talk about in depth, so be prepared for this. Whether you are a fashion, web or graphic designer, choosing your best works to discuss with a recruiter becomes overwhelming. I felt so comfortable discussing the information I had put in there because I had taken the time to think about it, so I never went down a rabbit hole.”, “I call it my lucky presentation,” Stamerra explains. I always have fun with the cover since it’s your first impression. Take Charge of Presenting Your Portfolio. As you present, you will need to first indicate how to advance the screen, i.e. The interview panel will be as equally interested in seeing your work’s development, via sketchbooks and notebooks, as they are the finished work. It saves them the time of researching your background and gives them something tangible to keep after the interview. A career portfolio provides you an opportunity to showcase your achievements and samples of your work product to give potential employers a better idea of what you bring to the table. Portfolios are also helpful in the interview because you can reference it while answering questions to answer and present employers with direct evidence of your skillset. The portfolio presentation is an opportunity to show your best work and walk your panel through your design process. Although some employers will explicitly say to present a digital portfolio, if your work needs to be presented physically, make sure it’s done so in a professional way. Many people refer to this as a 30/60/90 in which you outline what you’ll do if you get the job in the first 30, 60, and 90 days. As I mentioned earlier, these portfolios were done in PowerPoint, specifically using the Atitlan Template. First, it shows that you’re serious, that you do your homework before an interview, and that you don’t take the process lightly. It's a variety of print, identity and web design, so it works pretty well for my portfolio. (I’ve been there and its not fun!). If you're preparing for a university interview, don't miss our expert's guide to. Say: We found from the survey/interview that, the list view is very easy for users to read. Take Kelly Stamerra, a senior hospital pharmaceutical sales representative, for example, who says, “It started out as just a way to look and sound more credible when I was just starting out, but after a while I realized not only was it keeping me on track, but it directed the conversation. Most uni applicants aren’t even interviewed, but creative applicants are hit with a triple whammy: UCAS points + portfolio + interview. While you may be impressed with the above, you’re probably wondering who has time to pull this together for each and every interview. Presenting your resume in an interview is an important part of making a good impression. “Hands down I would not have gotten the jobs I did without it. She is also the creator of, 15% off Career Coaching | Use code CYBER15 through Dec 13th |. Mostly for people in sales or marketing. The way in which Derek has represented all his work using clear and precise 3D models is just a treat for the eyes. 1. You can ask the same question about how they want you to present it. Words are important! While it is unlikely they will want to go over this document (the interview portfolio is the priority) it is still good to bring a few prints. A portfolio management job interview might include behavior, investing, and other questions. If you follow this guide, you should have a … Creating an interview portfolio does three things for you that can skyrocket you past other candidates. The introduction consists of an engaging cover and a theme page where you describe in one or two sentences what makes you awesome (a.k.a., your personal brand) and a top skills page. I’ve kept it very high level in my online portfolio and omitted any visual work. The contents of your portfolio will depend on your profession, but there should be quality examples of your work and accomplishments. 10 Tips on How to Present Your Architecture Portfolio: Source: StockSnap. Students who've been through the process reveal their top tips for impressing admissions tutors and not falling at the last hurdle. SillyInScrubs. You have to be honest and focus on what interests you, as you will have to talk about your work - be properly prepared to do this, including associated theoretical ideas and concepts. Your UX portfolio gets you to the interview, your UX portfolio presentation on the interview … Look for other architecture portfolio examples and templates online to start creating your design and layout. The interviewers were friendly and appreciative of my work which put me at ease during the interview. Are organised and 4. A good way to talk about yourself is by creating a portfolio of your past projects and presenting it along with your resume. Here’s the thing: To a recruiter, it looks like a wonderful showcase of your skills and accomplishments, but for you—it’s a cheat sheet! When the time is right, and the interviewer asks you a question along the lines of “What type of experience do you have?” you immediately turn to your portfolio. Here's some inspiration from other arts and design students on what your portfolio should include. We’ve written about tips for preparing your portfolio and interviewing in general before. Send a letter and a well-designed résumé in advance. 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