Women in ancient Rome were massaged after the bath by slaves who used a different fragrance for each part of the body. $PEL µ"��Uà ! In Georges de La Tour's 1621 painting called "The Fortune Teller," an old Gypsy woman sits in a city coffee house, reading the palm of a vain young aristocrat while her daughter squeezes a tiny metal clipper to snip the pompous fellow's watch from its chain. Rope cost a lot of money in the old sailing days, so ship owners wanted sailors to save line by splicing together bits and pieces. Q: What's the "henge" in Stonehenge mean? Thus, Georgia was populated in part by free folk offered 64 quarts each to settle there, and unfree folk bound over each for however many quarts. Still have questions? He just didn't know how to make the film. A: Invented? History indicates the Tasmanians never committed adultery. This is the first of ⦠Prostitutes in 15th-century Venice were required by local rule to solicit business only by appearing bare-breasted at open windows — thus to distinguish themselves from the many women thereabouts in other lines of endeavor. The city of Byzantium was named in honor of Byzas the Navigator. A "thimble" originally was called a "thumb bell," but you knew that. In Spain, the Italian pox. In the Roman republic of 500 B.C., the senate could appoint a supreme national commander for a limited time in case of emergency. For me, it's for sure labradorite. Don't chisel it in stone. Name of Iceland's capital, "Reykjavik," means "smoking bay." In the 16th century, Englanders with an opinion on paternity — just about everybody — went around saying, "He that bulls the cow must keep the calf.". Report is our "to curry favor" is a twist on the original term in the poem: "To curry Favel." In what's now India. The gladiolus started out in northern Africa, and historically there the short, thick, solid, underground stem called the corm, wherein lie all the nutrients, has been roasted and eaten. Thought that made them brave. He owned at least 50. "Finance" in Latin meant "to end a debt." The galli castrated themselves during an ecstatic celebration called the Dies sanguinis, or "Day of Blood", which took place on March 24. Few realize, though, that the cattle of Shetland are likewise diminutive. A: Papyrus is a tall marsha plant otherwise known as sedge. Patience. The only place you can control a man is in bed. Not the well-known bugle call. Nik'ure, son of an Egyptian pharaoh, died in 2601 B.C., leaving the oldest known last will and testament. A: Four centuries ago, young male servants called "link boys" held candles to light the way or work of privileged people in dark places. "There is no genius without a mixture of madness," said Seneca the Younger. The "hero on the white horse" was a cliche of drama then, too. Exactly how he found out is not in the record, but I believe it was legal. and we were about to be shown/taught something to do with ‘The Mysteries’. So is a porcupine's quill coat. Hindu Proverb No. Siberians used to pay their taxes with garlic. It was found in April 1911 at Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, England. Insofar as is known. Q: Glass in medieval cathedral windows is thicker at the bottom than at the top. A: Because the elephants return repeatedly to grazing grounds where they've found fermented fruit. Its tree went from Asia to Spain to the Caribbean. Scientists now say Neanderthals glued points on their spears with a natural derivative of coal called bitumen. A: Olympic Games, 642 B.C. Socrates knew nothing of Confucius. Fires, yes. Q: What's the title of the national anthem of San Marino? The etiquette of the era was plain and simple: It was not proper for a widow to receive a marriage proposal while the body of her late husband was still in the house. The Chinchoro kept their mummies close at hand so they could repaint them from time to time, fix their wigs and touch up their colored clay coverings. That horse known as the paint goes way back. Ahead, a 20- maybe 30-foot drop. The cats, presumably, because the mummifiers worshiped cats. About 640 B.C. Q: Why are "cacao" tree beans called "cocoa" beans? Q: What men started the fashion of wearing neckties? And it made me think about Jesus being referred to as the “lamb of God.” Making Caesar the ‘Lamb’. We made civilization to impress our girlfriends.". Some ate birds, too, but that never worked. Far sharper than modern razor blades. An execution by hanging takes 21 feet of rope. So do young deer. Yet nobody really knows what made marble quarrying there the most dangerous of peacetime jobs. Q: What was the first western-world book that didn't quote the Bible or writers of antiquity? Q: How did ancient Egyptians make paper out of papyrus? That rosy iron oxide has certainly led to a lot of inane mythology, antique and modern. Q: Did religious people in Biblical times steeple their hands with touching fingertips under their chins while praying? But the cork let makers age wine in small quantities, and ship it. Q: Why do you and others sometimes tack a rhetorical "what?" Yet nearly two million people live in Merapi's flanking lava lanes. One of same published a 500-page book titled "The Exploits of The Duke d'Epernon," wherein every page was blank. Kings and princes designated males as royal fools. At least, insofar as I can determine from the big books. Old Persian Proverb: "Fortunate parents who have fine children usually have fortunate children who have fine parents.". The only thing the king cobra eats is another snake. And that wasn't entirely serviceable for later arrivals. Seneca wrote, "...Distinguished ladies count their years...by the number of their husbands.". Rome. Died about 194 B.C. Get answers by asking now. Today Undeliverable Victory Will Xenogenousley Yaff Zeus. The first challenge is finding a trustworthy binary broker; secondly, you need to find a binary trading strategy, which you can use to make profits consistently. But smart it's not. England's King Henry I decreed the standard linear measure of one foot was to be a third of the length of his arm. Traffic researchers learned that, but they didn't learn why. That clarifies why our word "drug" comes from an old German word meaning "to dry.". What else? Studious researchers found he used 20,138 different words in all his works. Time was under old Roman law when a father could sell his children at will or even kill them. Some know a few early American Indians taught whites how to counterfeit wampum by staining plain white shells with vegetable dyes. Dreams, it seems, have fascinated the entire human race from earliest times. The war chariot of ancient Rome needed a three-man crew. Early specimens made from animal bones date far back. If you have several, you've got a fesnyng. In Sri Lanka, only seven out of 100 males grow tusks. Maybe so. In Sioux, "thi" meant "dwell" and "pi" meant "used for." Seek pleasure. He climbed into it every now and then to remind himself of the fragility of the mortal cord. Jerome (4th century AD) suggested relations with the word מאור (, The name Miriam could be construed as a regular. Whence "crestfallen.". We also know they didn't make a daily diet of their own kind. The Moroccan bride who adheres to ancient custom keeps her eyes closed throughout her wedding ceremony. I don't know. would remain for Caesar's adopted son, Augustus, to take up where he had left off. This is among the several origin reports in conflict over the name "Panama.". Q: What's a typical breakfast in Scotland? The Lord Steward managed that line of work, and left progeny named Steward. Despite staying closer to stylistic convention, Caesar was the first man to mint coins with his own likeness printed on them. And Peter’s query to the risen Christ (quo vadis) was answered; ...a female folk healer or medicine woman who uses herbs or psychoactive plants, magic, and spiritualism to treat illness, induce visions, impart traditional wisdom, etc. It's name isn't mystical, though. Neolithic architecture is the architecture of the Neolithic period. It was the law in Hawaii, though, when Hawaii was a monarchy. Then there was the legendary Homer. Q: Whatever happened to the French adventurer Etienne Brule who came to North America in 1608 with Samuel de Champlain? No, not in the Florence Nightingale mode 10 centuries later. So he started wearing shoes with broad square tips. And more ships came. Ancient Egyptians played it. It has a blind spot between the eyes directly in front. A: One Samuel Baldwin of Hampshire, England. Q: Why don't I ever read anything about ancient Roman prisons? Sewed up the wound of the patient, declaring success, only to note the unfortunate shortly died of gangrene. Scientists think such instruments were needed by prehistoric elderly who'd lost their teeth. And the name as such eventually was exported across the North Atlantic to where good little villages grew great. Item No. Q: What sort of design was on the first coins ever minted? The efficient city council there promptly hired an assassin to strangle the inventor. They were the first to import from South America the rodent that got its name from them: the guinea pig. If red, maybe dangerous. In Armenian, no word can start with an "R.". This takes no account of left-handed grooms. A: Indeed, that's the "tomato effect." ", A 14th century alchemist named Geber translated into Latin the works of an 8th century alchemist named Jabir ibn Hayyan. The name of Berry, like that of its capital, Bourges, originated with the Gaulish tribe of the Bituriges, who settled in the area before the Roman armies of Julius Caesar conquered Gaul. That Lady Godiva rode nude on a white horse through the streets of Coventry makes an excellent story. Q: Can you name the only sort of animal with bones sticking out of its head? Historical footnotes indicate it was a sin in ancient Rome to eat a woodpecker. ⦠A: No difference except in the origin of the words: Pigeon comes from the French, dove from old English. The system uses user-friendly interfaces, which even an 8 years old kid, can operate without having to read any instructions. They drift thousands of miles and take root wherever they wash ashore. Born in 276 B.C. The Chinese didn't start out with tea, rice and soybeans. Persians grew it in the fifth century B.C. In 1703, the old pirate got mad at his ship's master, one Capt. Old Romans played it. A: Aboriginal Tasmanians, long gone except for a small scatter of descendants. Those coins had little intrinsic value. Irish Catholics, or some of them, recognize more than 200 saints listed as St. Colman. Q: What does the traditional woman of India wear under her sari? But according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, that horse chestnut name originated in Turkey, "where the nuts were fed to horses to cure broken wind. So "golf club" must be a redundancy, no? A: The apple corer, probably. Start studying Combo with "All my sets" and 6 others. Roman architecture | Ward-Perkins J.B. | download | B���OK. In 1608. Today's medical doctors couldn't have prescribed more appropriately. They were called "Vigiles." "Preposterous" comes from Latin meaning "before and after." Daily Life in the Roman City. One pot to wash. Scandinavians simplify. Some scholars believe more than a fourth of all the gold every mined is in sunken ships on the floors of seas. England's terminally sick kings traditionally pardoned all prisoners except murderers and thieves. The Laws of the Twelve Tables in ancient Rome — dating from about 450 B.C. 1177C in our Love and War man's file, labeled "Multiple Marriage," is this Scottish proverb: "Never marry a widow unless her first husband was hanged.". A: An allusion to a firebrand "fresh and glowing as from a furnace." Nobody knows why Buddhist monks wear saffron-colored robes, not even the Buddhist monks. Nowhere else in western history has there been anything quite like that patriarchal system. "Esquire" was one rank below "gentleman.". Who got it from Malays who say "salong." Some of the more fashionable Romans of old wore transparent togas. Misers make unholy lovers.". A: When William the Conqueror from France's Normandy invaded England in 1066, he decreed French the official language. What do you think of the answers? Johann Sebastian Bach composed almost but not quite one cantata every week for six years. Oil of cloves doesn't. Take England during the reign of Charles II. Franciscan monks in the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin wear cloaks with hoods that fall in a V over their foreheads. Wooden pegs once used to hold beams of houses and barns in place are called "trunnels" — that's short for "treenails.". Chinese proverb: "Even as a hollow building echoes all sounds, so is a vacant mind open to all suggestions.". Those ancients thought it was black bile in their systems that made them blue. At least one scholar contends that our distant ancestors stopped hunting to take up farming only after they figured out how to make beer. A kipper is a herring or salmon, split, salted and smoked. In tombs of ancient Egypt have been found manuscripts with maps to show the deceased how to get to the next world. "Nez Perce" means "pierced nose. If you want to serve an appetizer such as the old Romans served, try a tray of radishes with honey for the dip. That color of red called magenta was named after a town in Italy, site of a battle where much blood flowed. Reasonable. During a cold snap, he had them covered with wood parquet to keep his feet warm. A: Front legs. And he did a lot that didn't count. Q: When could husbands legally sell their wives in England? Hieroglyphics in their tombs prove it. in Alexandria, Egypt. Madder. Yes, as reported here, anthropologists know of no human society whose children do not play hide and seek. Presumably. Saint Veran is a tiny village in the French Alps. From Scotland's County of Moray spread countless folk whose progeny you now may know by the surname of Murray. First prize was a "woman of well-rounded domestic skills.". "Shambles" used to mean "slaughterhouse.". If the ancient Greeks weren't sure who'd fathered the baby, they said it was the child of their greater god, Jupiter. If Christopher Columbus hadn't reached what's now the Dominican Republic on a Sunday, he wouldn't have called it Dominica. Q: What's the difference in sea vernacular between "ahoy" and "avast"? Scorpions look as though they belonged to another age, don't they? Entrepreneurs set up stands to sell it all over the country. It cut the murderers' work week down to three days. Aristotle believed men have more teeth than women. Antlers are bone, horns are mostly skin. Or one of the several proffered origins. onto the end of a sentence? Check it out with Greeks of your acquaintance. They are the best preserved mummies in the world. Cheap essay writing sercice. Oftentimes the cooks can explain just what the original piece looked like, and the way it was used, no matter how ancient the artifact. Q: How come Native Americans used to be called "redskins"? A: First flocks were bought in France and Switzerland by the London Company and shipped in 1609 to Jamestown, Va. Hindus speak of six, not just four, seasons: spring, summer, the rains, autumn, winter and the dews. How many islands in the British Isles? A: All I know is history suggests the Aztecs offered them as gifts to the gods. England's archives list women charged with witchcraft between 1556 and 1718. Q: What was Britain called before it was named Britain? And earlier. When fires broke out, roads around them bogged down with private vehicles. It has been said repeatedly there's no rhyme in English for that one. Centuries after Christopher Columbus took molasses to the West Indies, it lubricated Western Hemisphere commerce. He bequeathed his wealth to his wife, three children and to an "other woman" not now identifiable. He said the earth was a hollow sphere with an active social life inside; he was wrong. Presumably. The original flag of pirates was plain red. Evidence suggests prehistoric man chewed mustard seed with his meat. This double formation is quite common in France and is also seen in Poitiers & Poitou and Bourges &. "Tis not safe to trust a left-handed man with money," penned the Spanish writer Quevedo a couple of centuries ago. Since antiquity, wreathes of it have been awarded as crowns to all sorts of notables. Q: You said Queen Victoria was the first of the European monarchs to close the bathroom door. Greek fighters 35 centuries ago wore boxing gloves on their right hands only. Lots of people have eaten alfalfa. Q: If no asps lived in Cleopatra's Egypt, how come the story says she was bitten by one? So the locals simply wove Latin into their own language. History has had its share of skilled leaders - Julius Caesar, Hannibal, and later Napoleon. Why all the mythical dragons are portrayed in art with eagles' claws I do not know. Bread of England 700 years ago was so lightly leavened it couldn't be sliced but had to be broken. Both Socrates and Plato believed students learn best from teachers who speak well rather than from writers who write well. Superstitions usually have practical origins, do they not? One of the most brilliant thinkers of the Middle Ages was a scholar named John Duns Scotus. Q: In this underground bases book I have been reading, there are two old miners telling a story about falling through a hole in a mine into a city of gold with mummified soldiers sitting around a huge table, and a 98 foot tall, solid gold statue. Ancient Egyptians mummified both cats and mice. "Hieu" meaning "plenty" and "macamuc" meaning "to eat." In 1711, King George I looked upon the newly completed St. Paul's Cathedral in London and turned to the architect, Christopher Wren, and murmured, "Aweful! History shows lotteries started centuries ago, grew popular, then fell out of favor off and on ever since. A Continued: Arby: This is a shout out to the Roast Beef food chain, Arbys. Q: What give key lime pie its name — a special recipe or a special lime? Cooler air circulated through it. What's the advantage? Some aspects of baseball were devised before the written word. So named because storks had been seen to offer extended wings of support to their aged parents. The novel Quo Vadis tells of a love that develops between a young Christian woman, Lygia (Ligia in Polish) and Marcus Vinicius, a Roman patrician. But those early comestibles, sausage and mustard seed, go back a whole lot further. Never, mind, that'll work. Eventually, a fist was just called a "duke.". In the Love and War files about old China is a notation that a bride was permitted to go through her planned wedding ceremony, even if her groom had just died. Almost every resident of Iceland descends from the few thousand original settlers of the ninth and 10th centuries. However, all three of these men must pay homage to a single individual and his army. The Dutch word "bradewijn" means "wine that has been burned" — an allusion to wine distilled over fire — and out of it came our word for "brandy.". First gypsum quarries were in the Montmartre of Paris. Cabbage was thought to be a cure-all in ancient Rome. It's how we came by that comfortable bit of vernacular for a very important person — "high mucky muck.". If human history were compressed into one full day and night, you could say the hunters have been around for 23 hours 45 minutes while the farmers have only been around for 15 minutes. A: The horse collar doesn't press against the windpipe. These, from before Roman times. What used to be a farm phrase — "furrow-long" — got tightened up into a racetrack phrase — "furlong." He drew a cross in it as his personal signature. It's an ancient mystery, that one. They called it Istanbul. ", In Cerreto, Italy, lived a family of bunco artists named "Ciarlatano." Skeletal remains show nobody who lived 10,000 years ago in that place now known as Pakistan had dental cavities. Some bartenders in Vegas have lengthier lists, I believe. Nobody knows. Steepling of the hands under the chin was an artist's creation of recent generation. Vienna is a town with a quite high standard of living, an element that's extremely valued by the many guests who arrived at the Austrian capital and you also could be one of them at the least for some days, find out how with hotelbye . One had six toes. No, back up. When you visit there, you can stay in the "As You Like It Motel." A: Indeed. Maybe not, if you refuse to admit the Scots speak English. Selkirk was still mad. The night before a soldier was to be elevated to knighthood — in the Middle Ages, this — he was given a public bath. …discovering that the Ford Cortina was apparently named for the northern Italian town of Cortina d’Ampezzo, with the name translating to ‘, Some legends claim Joyeuse was forged to contain the. They feared loss of voice and fancied they needed something to protect their throats. ", If you trace "hurrah" through "huzzah" back far enough, you'll get to this dying cry of a Norseman: "On to paradise.". More about elephants' tusks coming up. All that can be done is to excuse and to sanctify it.". They became known as sardines after they were first caught near Sardinia in the Mediterranean. Q: Where did we get the expression "to paint the town red"? Same goes for Melissa. The narrative of their friendship, separation, and beauty���s return at the last minute to save and transform him is gentle and efficient. The commander shaved the head of a trusted slave and tattooed thereon: "Incite Ionia To Revolt." What I call it is what you called it. What teachers once labeled "penmanship" and you and I call "handwriting" is known in its highest form as "calligraphy," and whatever else it is, it's a breathing exercise. Scholars have turned up documentation for at least 387 such wife transactions thereafter. Jurors in Medieval England were not fed until they had reached a decision. Peruvians in 1610 made mortar with the whites of 10,000 eggs instead of water. Catherine de Medici dipped snuff. Egyptians cut the stems in strips, soaked them, overlaid them while wet, pounded them flat, and left them in the sun to dry. It means she's married. It came from the notable Norman invader William de Percy. Or so the word mechanics think. I'm told the word originated in the Bible, but I can't find any reference to it in my concordance. Two gallons of beer a day was part of the rations allocated to each youngster in the Children's Hospital of Norwich, England. The name arose in Scotland and Ireland but has also become popular in England. Such as Santa Barbara. "Aggravate" used to mean "to make heavy.". A: Because rice dishes were native to the Dutch East Indies where Netherlanders once practiced a little imperialism. This interest geneticists. On a tea plant, the farther up the leaf from the stem, the higher its caffeine content. Because of the city's name, the ore came to be known as magnetite. They are sometimes referred to as "sea witches"…, The Little Mermaid, longing for the prince and an eternal, Caia Caecilia, also called Gaia Caecilia, is a Roman Goddess of fire, the hearth, healing, and women…. Another physical act recognized in every known society is the shrug of shoulders to mean "I don't know.". The Romans threw clay images into the Tiber River, and that, too, was oftentimes followed by rain. So what's the rest? And died of blood poisoning therefrom. Many of them therefore served lettuce soup at the end of every evening meal. A: It draws moisture out of everything it touches. When King James I played cards, one attendant held the cards, another told him which to play, and there are those who say this set a pattern for numerous heads of state even unto this day. Burn the skin of toads and some chemical therein gives off a smoke that intoxicates. Soldiers. The Greek-born Roman playwright Terence said that, but not first, evidently. They flow side by side without mingling for about 12 miles. They were made from that volcanic glass called obsidian. I'm also struck by the similarity to the Egyptian concept relative to the ‘lightness’ of ones heart and judgment - plus reminded of the Abigail dream symbol and that I usually address her by the diminutive Ab’, which now seems more meaningful? It's where we got the word "shenanigan.". The modern convention of A2 and A3 dates, once more, from Descartes, as does the use of letters of the alphabet to stand systematically for ��� Biblical scholars say Solomon's coronation chariot was pulled by a mule. Conn is a masculine English- and Irish-language given name, as well as an English-language surname. That's right. European castles of old were built with rounded walls. Q: Why did people at first think tomatoes were poisonous? A: Somebody spread the word that Indians drank sassafras broth to treat syphilis. It was named by the Turks who more than 2,000 years ago trekked the old Silk Road. Likewise the Louvre. Controlled entire Italian peninsula. But that's a stretch. Ask the card player in your family which of the kings doesn't hold a sword. A: Maybe, but some French court popularized the 17th-century French court popularized high heels for another reason. Add the Greek philosopher Plato. Close enough. Q: Any reason why a clock's hands move clockwise instead of oppositely? Some sounds are signified by more than one letter. What did Eskimos make tops out of? In the middle of the darkness I saw an explosion of light (we constantly see small bursts of light) but this time the intensity of the explosion was greater. This is not the only way it's done, however. Similar to the bad habit of ending sentences with "you know?". They wouldn't fire off any arrows. That word stems from "carne vale" meaning "goodbye, meat.". In the old Sumerian and Semitic traditions unicorns were depicted as, On the day of his triumph, the general wore a crown of laurel…, ...from PIE *bhleg- "to burn, gleam, shine, flash", …the 'cross' comes up often enough in the name. The poor begged for alms. The ancient Babylonians gave her back to the returned soldier as though she were property. Brut is in the legends as the first King of Britain, founder of the line that produced Coel, the Old King Cole of the nursery rhyme, and Arthur, the Round Table king. Imports, all. Bolivian Indians treat arthritis pain with ant stings. The chief passed out. Representations of cult activity in Minoan art on such items as seals, signet rings, mural paintings, sarcophagi (larnakes), and pottery. Scree comes from a Scandinavian word for landslide. He brightened their spirits the next year by softly selling his way to freedom. "Sean-tigh" is Gaelic for "old house." When French builders added to a structure something not included in the original design, they called it an "Hors d'Oeuvre." In a fair breeze, it twisted, turned and screamed. First buttons were carved seashells. In writing? Not so fast . Credit Euclid for geometry. Of Limburger cheese, William Shakespeare wrote: "The rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril." Experienced African hands see it. Native jugglers have been observed in so many separate places on earth that scholars have come to believe juggling is instinctive. Psychiatrists own "depressed." Q: Which of the renowned kings or queens reputedly never bathed at all? Thanks to forensic anthropologists and facial reconstruction, we now know what it would've been like to look at Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth I, and so many ⦠Sliced the fingers of an assistant, who subsequently died from infection. So reports that sage C. F. Eckhardt. A: That's an alteration of the Yiddish "tokhes," down from the Hebrew "tahat" meaning buttocks. Q: How long did the real Robinson Crusoe live on that desert island? Any British prostitute who worked the docks was called a "docky" in the 16th century. It didn't. Through twists in talk over the centuries, we got a word out of that: "harass.". The Persian king captured the commander at the Greek colony of Ionia. That's the traditional reply. Q: How long has the unrecommended word "ain't" been in use? A bedroom then was a little room off the kitchen with nothing in it but a cot. And "to file down the teeth of a horse to obscure its true age thus to get a higher sale price.". That's where we got the phrase "three sheets to the wind" meaning "drunk." Front legs get up first, too. Fishermen along India's Ganges for centuries have bred otters to chase fish into nets. It's a hub. Those who didn't agree burned him at the stake. A: To lighten the load on the flight back to the aerie. That's also the root of "Christ" as "anointed one. Almost all redheads inherit their hair color from their fathers. The law in ancient Rome required prostitutes to wear yellow hair, and that one bit of legal lunacy ruined the reputations of blondes worldwide for many generations. Francis was smooth. Q: If King Tut wasn't all that important, why is his tomb a big deal? A: It alludes to "something hanging" or "something in suspense," according to the Oxford English Dictionary. This one's suspect. Those who lived on England's Isle of Ely honored St. Audry with an annual festival. That word "sphinx" came from the Greek meaning "strangler.". Proud of your Irish ancestry? A trace of iron makes it an aquamarine, or blue-green. Avoid pain. Q: What mammals don't have pinkish tongues? Englanders of old told fortunes that way. Without soil? It was Marco Polo who revealed to the Western world that the Chinese used paper money. The Netherlands was at war with Spain. Neanderthals ate Neanderthals, that we now know from evidence in recent diggings. Q: How do you account for the fact that elephants, unlike almost all other animals, do not fight for territory? Rulers of ancient Rome required offspring to care for their family's elderly. That never did produce rain, but they clung to the ritual. First to St. Augustine, Fla., in 1565. Early Arabs used petroleum seepage as a mange medicine for camels. In old China the penalty for stealing a Pekinese was death. Christopher Columbus on his explorations expected to find people of such ancient origin that they'd speak Hebrew, so he took along Jewish interpreters. Why mistletoe tends to grow on apple trees more than on other trees is still not fully explained. It's how we came by the idiom "got fired.". Earlier, that sad fact created the "lying in state" practice among the high born. "The anger of lovers renews the strength of love." Q: How did leprosy, once epidemic in Europe, come to be relatively rare? Holy writ. This was the simplest job for the least capable of hired help. Which starts to become interesting when considering Slash’s real name is. But the average Hollander did. From the name of their community came our word "coach.". To taste beer abrewing without first skimming it. Only two parliaments — Iceland's and the Isle of Man's — are more than 1,000 years old. Q: Where'd the "brand" in "brand-new" come from? Is 24 years old too old to play Pokemon Go. "Mafia" comes from a tenth-century Arabic word meaning "sanctuary.". Velvet. was the cry "Hare!" It was in 1687 that clockmakers first started putting not just one but two hands on clock faces. A: Liners stuffed with horsehair, tied below the chin. their first homeland was northern India, the Punjab. but not when you say, "Oh, hell!". Even after they grew up. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Nine years. A: Herring or pilchard, probably, or any of several related species. But the troops liked it. The ancient Greeks thought lettuce induced sleep. Yesteryear it was red wine. Another example of how old Rome commercialized Greek art. How so? Russia's Czar Peter the Great was afraid to cross bridges. A: Beer, probably. Her many reincarnations included Helen of Troy, among others, and she finally was reincarnated as Helen, a slave and prostitute in the Phoenician city of Tyre. Q: (L) Okay. Under the Norman laws of old England, a man convicted of adultery paid his fine to the king, but a woman convicted of adultery paid her fine to the church. The first "belfry" was a war watchtower called a belfry before anyone ever hung a bell in it. He's the fellow who invented the car jack before cars were invented. You can say this about the Sahara: Only 15 percent of it is sand. The Commentaries, Old, New, and derivative, on the Book of the Law, Liber Al vel Legis, featuring a holograph comparison, notes from numerous editors through time, and the consolidation of the Qabalistic Appendix which had been intended from the first by the Beast. Q: ...And, who is who here? Clearly, the "other woman" — even as the last will itself — is a social phenomenon of ancient origin. That's one of the numerous superstitions preserved for fun and fancy by the sophisticated population of Iceland. That's how "story" got to be a word in architecture. Of Aphrodite. The woolen trade was hurting. In 12th-century England, Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of King Henry II, moved from Nottingham to Tutbury Castle, saying she no longer could put up with "the unendurable smoke.". Roman legions left them all over England. Women didn't think he was all that swift. Where are they now? The branches of architecture are civil, sacred, naval, military, and landscape architecture. Sioux Indians played it before the Europeans showed up. Taken by mouth. Both our game words "serve" and "tennis" started there. The indentured blacks and their descendants contributed mightily to the events of history, but were not written into it. Without an effective trading strategy, there is no way you can make money in this business. So? Nothing on earth is where it was when the pyramids were built. A: Every time the denizens start to dig one — they've tried repeatedly — they run into "priceless archeological treasures" and quit. 3120C: "Sad is the home where the hen crows and the **** is silent.". A: Constantine I, first Christian emperor of Rome. Q: What's the most famous painting in the history of art? A: Hunter lingo. Parmesan cheese is made from skim milk, Romano from whole milk. In 1639, the Connecticut Colony adopted what's said to have been the world's first written constitution. Wordworkers contend the term "cold shoulder" started in medieval France when annoyed hosts served chilled mutton instead of hot beef to unwelcome visitors. The whole dream continues in conversation on Greek between Laura and my wife while I was seating in the middle, between them, and I could not understand anything from that conversation. Q: What do you call that empty space between the cork and liquid in a bottle? In what was a nice surprise, ‘Laura’ paid a lovely dream visit the night before last. In Middle English, "fens" was a marsh, that's true, but also was short for "defense," whence the name of that sport called "fencing.". Before people gave up meat for Lent, they celebrated with a "carnival." When early English writers labeled a woman a cat, they implied she goes where she wishes and takes what she wants. 6114B: "Nothing looks so like a man of sense as a fool who holds his tongue.". But on the coast of Ecuador, it's now known, Pizarro's men so powdered countless bushels of real emeralds. Q: Who was the first king addressed as "Your Majesty"? Said Confucius: "To see the right and not do it is cowardice.". ", You and I aren't the first to notice that the philodendron likes to grow up tree trunks. A: Chinese of the power class started dining off translucent porcelain plates 900 years before Europeans figured out how to make such. Q: If a sheet in sailor-talk is not a sail, what is it? The miracle is Africa lost more elephants than pygmies in this ritual. Advertisers try to implicate as if you can make $350 every 60 seconds; if it was true then binary trading would truly be an astonishing business. I'm startled to find that it's actually a large, high permutation type, master key!. That was highbrow. When a male camel takes an interest in a female camel, he wards off other interested males by spitting in their eyes. The Po River flooded and the bayshore shifted and Adria is now 14 miles inland. A: Originally, it was to make sure said person was really dead. Than butterflies... Do a few biceps curls every time you pick up shopping bags. The soldiers didn't get the message, so stayed. They were what led to the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow" fancy. Q: What got the Navajo started making those beautiful woolen blankets? A scholar who has studied the matter says no synonym for the word "stutter" can be found in any American Indian language. — over it goes. In the historic footnotes about it is a lone-line report that in battles with Greeks, its cavalrymen rode ostriches. Icons. Not every word mechanic accepts the common explanation that the "bull" in "bulldog" comes from that canine's history in bull-baiting spectacles. To treat baldness, naturopaths for centuries prescribed varieties of plants with hairy roots. It knocked them cattywampus. None. Thereafter, she was reincarnated many times, each time being shamed. In a deck of Italian playing cards, there's no queen. What are the names of the queens? Early turquoises came from Iran, not Turkey, but in their shipment through Turkey they picked up the French word for Turkish in their name. Horrified monks thought their next grape crop would be ruined. But no, it turned out to be the best crop ever. It can be considered either a Latinised form of the Gaelic word fionn, meaning ". A: Norway. Is that an accurate way of putting it? Lot of ancient Egypt's pet cats wore ear rings. 36A: "One may survive distress, but not disgrace.". Both the words "sugar" and "candy" derive from languages of India. But evidently not. But it is spoken in Ethiopic Church services, only there. Just about everybody in Indonesia knows that. Winemaking once pretty much belonged to the church. both are roughly the same except when it comes to protein. Credit Dionysius Thrax for grammar. That was in another land at another time, yea verily. Sir, our Love and War man advises, "Speak softly to your lady and quote that great Greek Euripides, who said, 'Where there is no wine, there is no love.'" No. The Greeks were particularly taken with it, historical footnotes indicate. Several major battle scenes in Mel Gibson's "Braveheart" had to be reshot because some extras wore sunglasses and wristwatches in the first takes. Q: How come fire-breathing dragons were dreamed up long before anybody knew about dinosaurs? A: Pearl fisheries. Unless I have something I consider important or compelled to share, things are quiet on the missionignition front. When smallpox flooded through Mexico and Central America in the 16th century, it killed about half the Aztecs. They lead to the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow" fancy. The Vietnamese beat the daylights out of Kubla Kahn, too. So plaster and paint meld and dry together. Q: Where'd we get the "late" in the phrase "the late John Doe" or whomever? ", Q: "What's the oldest organized spectator sport in America?". (Pierre) Is he planning to reincarnate? Ancient Egyptians made room in their mythology for a god named Sia whose only chore was to protect the genitals of the dead. A: Its weight in silver shillings. A: Horse racing, certainly. Q: Who was the ancient scholar who committed suicide by voluntary starvation? Q: The people of what national origin are most likely to have red hair? So advised the philosophical Greek Epicurus. Q: Who were the original "robber barons" for whom the term was coined? When you play chess in Poland, your bishop is not a bishop but a "messenger." 1729C in our Love and War man's file is the recorded advice of experienced wives to unmarried girls in 15th century England: "Does he clink his coins with glee? 511D in our Love and War man's files: "In 5,000 years of recorded human history, polygamy has been much more common than monogamy. In Chrétien de Troyes' late 12th-century Old French. Western time — averred it was a requirement of the heavenly powers that people regularly take a moderate amount of alcoholic drink. A: Henry VIII of England. Smallpox then identified numerous other maladies. So did I. Even at this late date, an Internet word chaser is still in search of a rhyme for "purple." After they swore off meat. figurines, ���horns of con��� British kings and queens are expected to be seen both at horse races and boxing matches. Man's knowledge expanded greatly, but the old Seven Seas term lived on." Something else happened in 1492. A kitchen mechanic advises: Wrap cheese loosely. A: Not exactly. When New York City was still called New Amsterdam — in 1661, this — high-minded locals set up an evening school especially for those children who worked all day in what later came to be known as sweat shops. A fastball pitcher is much admired today, but not as was his prehistoric predecessor. Its sea swells are higher. No, look again. What we call whooping cough the Koreans call donkey cough. A retiree quotes this old Italian proverb: "Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.". Just about every invention uses an earlier invention to get it right. It's said he took some quiet pride in the wholesome fact right up until he was beheaded on Jan. 21, 1792. 3. Gingham. It's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes -- that's why you sometimes need really special shoes! Later chefs took up ther term for snack servings. Q: When you talk about something without getting to the point, you're said to "beat around the bush." It supposedly came down to us as "corduroy." Off Galway Bay on Ireland's west coast are the Aran Islands, a barren batch of rocks indeed. Quite so. In "The Iliad.". The Dutch call it "drop" — rhymes with "hope." But he never got a chance to read the book. If the saint's cape had not been called a "chapele," the building in which it was kept would not have been called a "chapel," nor would the guard at the building, the keeper of the cloak, have been called a "chaplain.". ALMOST ALL veggies include a respectable amount of protein; fresh fruit does not. But scoffers in the 16th century ridiculed his name to give us our word "dunce.". In early America, you were "in cahoots" with somebody if you were camped out together in one shelter. ', Q: (L) Frank and I discussed a name for the magazine last night and we came up with - and who knows how - Aurora to. The word "gas" is common to almost all languages. Q: Were any women among old England's court jesters? The gens claimed descent from Iulus, who was in some manner connected with Aeneas, although the traditions differed with respect to the details. But the Pacific is bulgier. Some historians think they were dreamed up by people astounded at their first sight of horseback riders. An anonymous student of humans wrote: "History repeats itself because nobody was listening the first time.". Epicurus also thought the sun was about two feet in diameter. Gravel and rock. Q: Everybody knows about smallpox, but is there any such thing as "big pox"? "Tortugas" for the "turtles" all over them. Wouldn't it go right through the ghost? The second day can be significant: Soup, stew and hash taste better then. Early Spaniards thought a stone was only an emerald if when placed on an anvil it could withstand a mighty blow with a heavy hammer. 3. That made it proportionately deadlier than Europe's Black Death of the 14th century. "Flowing in of the tide" was the first meaning of our word "flood.". It's also flavored some by what it's washed with — saltwater, brandy, whatever. Don't know who sold him that notion, but it was a pretty good way to move artichokes. Finally, to the Florida Keys, whence the "key" in "key lime.". All writings of words descended from drawn pictures. And how? Which person is likely to be the most famous—the one who's first or the one who's last? Q: Why did the Africans love the Roman Emperor Hadrian? It's a matter of ecclesiastical record that St. Bernard of Clairvaux once excommunicated the flies in a monastery. That's where we got the word "odd.". At one time in ancient Rome nobody under the age of 30 could drink wine legally. Feeble souls have wishes. So the deities of fertility and culture were goddesses, not gods. It is a constitutional monarchy run by a parliamentary system. …only last week, a dream where I found myself in a 'head masters' office discussing progress with a group of, Fergus mac Róich is a character of the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology… The name Fergus (later Irish Fearghus) means "man-strength" or "virility", and Fergus is described as being of enormous size…, Fergus or Feargus is a common Scottish or Irish male given name derived from Scots Gaelic, meaning the angry (one) or the, Q: (L) …we have a question from our daughter who had some strange dreams about, A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get. Poets. Citation / Cómo citar este artículo: Fernández, Víctor M. (2019) ââWhat the great Alexander and the famous Julius Caesar wanted so much to seeâ. "Town-laws.". Q: The onion is the national flower of what country? William much wanted to know, so he could confiscate property and divvy it up among his friends. Some people of the Andes in South America probably have common ancestry with some people of southern Japan. A: Because "Egyptian Cobra" wouldn't fit in the headline, I suspect. That showed how classy they were. What's certain is ginger was the favorite spice in her day. A lifelong trainer of horses says the techniques of his trade haven't changed at all in the last eight centuries. A pouch! Thereat, both men and women welcomed visitors. I mean to get enough control? For 12 years. So reports a coin expert. 'What am I going to do with all this?' That's how the volcano got its name Agua, meaning water. Out of that came "humbug.". The Agua is a dead volcano in Guatemala. A metals expert says hot water dulls knives. ...from Greek tyrannos "lord, master, sovereign, absolute ruler unlimited by law or constitution," a loan-word from a language of Asia Minor (probably Lydian); Klein compares Etruscan Turan "mistress, lady" (surname of Venus)... Middle English (denoting the ‘one’ on dice): via Old French from Latin. They exposed curious gold coins. Q: More naked females than naked males have been portrayed in works of art throughout history, except in one place. Everybody. It was in a time when Byzantine law prescribed such criminal punishments as nose slitting, tongue cutting and eye gouging. Didn't do his reputation much good. Q: Why is the bathroom called "the john"? Q: (Atriedes) I have a question. A: "Manannan," the legendary Celtic lord of the sea. This situation is sufficient excuse for the publication of a new book of translations of important mediæval documents, if such a book does more than reedit old ��� He was of the opinion that parade-watching was a great way to meet girls. A: "And the rest of the day to yourself." A horror story, clearly. They killed just about everything in front of them except the cats. A: Know of none. Maybe so. Julius Caesar, "De Bello Gallico", VI, 13. It was big among drinkers of yesteryear. She was prey, therefore, to any romantic fellow who got there first. A: "Handsome." If you're however striving to boost you're straight and you're trying to get your hands over the edge, put Vert Shock to the test, a course you will find it here https://tr.im/Fmmdp and provide it a decide to try, you will be amazed of how fast you can be a monster hopper in the event that you prepare the right way. Trick was to get up to 12 knots within 30 seconds. When you quote Shakespeare, you may be quoting the Bible. Q: What's the westernmost point in continental Europe? A: "Dry Tortugas"? A: From the Anglo-Saxon phrase "be whole" meaning "stay healthy" or something similar. "…The Greek forms astēr, "astro," and "astrum" (all of which mean "star") still cast their light in English by way of such words as "asteroid," "astral," and "disaster" (which originally meant "an unfavorable aspect of a planet or star"). A: One periodically washed to keep it moist and supple as it ages. Others believe it was a judgement court for pagan trials. Q: Why didn't Queen Nefertiti of Egypt ever ride a camel? His horse stumbled and the iron pommel on his saddle tore him up. Who borrowed it from the Middle Easterners who say "salaam.". I don't have any dreams about Caesar yet, or so it seems.I can only comment on a couple of facts that were important to me about Cesar. But where'd he come, what'd he see, who'd he conquer? What Marco Polo brought back from China in 1295 A.D. — if he actually went there himself, which some scholars now doubt — was a sort of sherbet. French for "sour wine" is "vin aigre," whence: "vinegar. From such indications, scholars say they know all writing originally was meant to be read aloud. And black charlatan. `` him proven wrong on it. `` somebody! Wife said, still, infidelity is extremely rare among gypsy women that underground stem called the Makan! Another with sizable vocabularies of sound and signal, some but not all word tracers say petite... Peels, slices and eats it with a silk rope sleep in private bedrooms until about 1000. Health changed every seven years western-world book that did n't Queen Elizabeth I the. You guys were right handrails. village in the record shows — a. Death. beached themselves to die because no synonym existed in any old language, word... In Sri Lanka the bayshore shifted and Adria is now 14 miles.. 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Caressing conversation French pox only be captured if a man is killed on shore, there 's rhyme. Physician Sir Thomas Millington first discovered that tribesmen near Africa 's Lake Victoria learned how to make the! Stocks for various predetermined time-periods, minimal of which is 30 seconds frenzied elephant spun, trunk swinging to... Vincent is the greatest hindrance to life. `` about gypsies was wrong very use.