100 milligrams of phytoplankton is delivered through each serving, allowing you to gain the benefits of this nutrient rich natural resource as the ingredients absorb through the mouth. Up to 30% Off Select Products. The Marine Phytoplankton is estimated to occupy approximately 25 percent of the earth's vegetation. Phytoplankton offers a powerful clear burst of energy which is pretty much … Marine phytoplankton contains many known immune system enhancers – including alanine, beta-Carotene, bioflavonoids, and vitamin E. In a 2008 clinical study performed by the University of Utah, researchers found that participants showed a significant increase in their number of antigen fighting cells in their bodies and also reported feeling an overall positive increase in their physical and psychological well-being. BODY ACIDITYAcidity in the tissue is the main cause of inflammation and inflammation is the underlying cause of disease. Formulated from plankton harvested in Nanaimo by marine farmer Tom Harper, Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton available through Island Healthworks apply a patented process that makes the nutrients in Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton bioavailable to humans. The hard silica coating cannot be digested by a species lacking the enzyme silicase. Lacking gathering adaptations such as an aquatic lifestyle or filter feeding long prevented humans from ever gathering and consuming marine phytoplankton, but we are just as capable of utilizing the ageless benefits of this natural resource through modern advancement and a recent innovation in health care products. People may confuse regular algae with the true microscopic super food, Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton. An estimated 80 percent or more of us are, deficient in certain vital trace minerals, Recent research at the University of Madrid confirms, overdependence on land – based food sources often leads to deficiencies in micronutrients and trace minerals, Ionic trace minerals are an integral part of a healthy human system for, The Race Is On: Big Pharma VS The CBD Supplement Industry, Petroleum Jelly Vaseline — Don’t Rub It On Despite What Tyra Banks Says, the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine, Check Out The Brand New Evolutionary Peak Of Superfoods! Other benefits that people may commonly note from taking Karen Phytoplankton (and that I hope to notice as I continue to take this product) include: increased mental focus, better sleep quality, less aches and pains, weight loss, lower blood pressure, and the list goes on and on. … Linda Miriam Aziz-Zadeh is a freelance writer and editor who is passionate about preserving the natural beauty and wonder of our bodies, this planet, and the world. Recent research at the University of Madrid confirms overdependence on land – based food sources often leads to deficiencies in micronutrients and trace minerals. Marine Phytoplankton is the most basic form of life one can find. Of the many life sustaining nutrients found in marine phytoplankton. Physical activity is crucial for weight management. There are many nutrients found in marine phytoplankton that are known to help improve mental clarity as well as memory and mood. An exciting new development in natural health care is drawing increased attention. High cholesterol is a problem faced by millions of people and is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. Vancouver Island based Marine Engineer Tom Harper has developed a patent pending process that actually breaks the silica shell and makes the nutrients biologically available to humans. Phytoplankton also contains riboflavin, which is known to. We are pleased to present this video by Nanaimo based aquaculturist Tom Harper on his personal experience with Marine Phytoplankton and his health and recovery story. The Truth About Marine Phytoplankton! By exploiting nutrients sourced directly from the ocean through phytoplankton use, soil content depletion can be bypassed! The plant is unique in how rapidly it can reproduce itself; this makes it a sustainable food source for marine life as well as humans. Lack of proper cellular regeneration leads to many of the disease people develop later in life. These tiny single-cell creatures live deep in the ocean, and they’re responsible for creating over 90 percent of the earth’s oxygen supply – far more than all the forests on the earth combined! One of those rare products that contains almost everything you need for life (and the rebuilding of cells) is marine phytoplankton.”. This life-giving substance also has interesting science behind it that suggests a possibility in having the ability to raise consciousness. Marine Phytoplankton is one of the most nutrient dense plants in the world with high levels of Chlorophyll (type A), Antioxidants, Beta Carotene, and Zeaxanthin. Well suited to addressing the modern challenges of increased environmental toxicity and nutrient depletion with potential relevance to increased chronic health complaints, Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton offers a wide range of potential values for human health. (SOD), which is produced by virtually every cell in the human body. Marine phytoplankton, a type of seaweed, has been nourishing an abundance of sea life for billions of years. Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton is offered in a newly bioavailable form that may offer a wide range of potential areas of interest for those seeking natural health care and nutritional approaches. As the name suggests, it is originally derived from the ocean, where it is responsible for creating over 90% of the earth’s oxygen supply. Marine Phytoplankton Offers an Incredible Wealth of Nutrients in a Safe, Bioavailable MannerTwo growing problems are facing our food supply and the environment we live in. Rich In Phyotoplankton And Other Potent Superfoods, Prevent Dementia With These 12 Lifestyle Changes. Perhaps one of the most important benefits of marine phytoplankton is its unique ability to strengthen cell membranes and induce cell regeneration,” states Lauren Feingold, nutritionist and co-founder of the organic Shanti Bars. As organisms feed on other organisms, toxins accumulate in their bodies. There are many nutrients found in marine phytoplankton that are known to help improve mental clarity as well as memory and mood. Benefits Cellular Energy. Marine Phytoplankton is a micro-algae supplement that can offer amazing health benefits due to the incredible nutritional value delivered by its marine phytoplankton component. Phytoplankton are a strong source of omega 3 fatty acids, amino acids, DHA, EPA, carotenoids, antioxidants, nucleic acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and an assortment of minerals including copper, iodine, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. This is because L-arginine is known to increase blood flow, and may be able to increase blood flow to the liver where flow was once restricted. Privacy & Cookies Policy | Terms of Service | Disclaimer©2011 – 2019 HoneyColony LLC. it reduces free radicals formed during normal metabolic cell processes , and protects against oxidative damage . known to be 100 times more potent and powerful than blue algae, resveratrol, Many chronically depressed patients have reported improvements in their symptoms after taking incorporating marine phytoplankton as a supplement to their daily diets. My biggest challenge is to b... An exciting new development in natural health care is drawing increased attention. Formulated from plankton harvested in Nanaimo by marine farmer Tom Harper, Not just any marine phytoplankton is recommended by, Lung Cancer Exclusive Information - Everything You Need to Know, Asthma - Different Types of Asthma, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment. Reviewing the Benefits and Downsides of Oceans Alive 2.0 Marine Phytoplankton Oceans Alive is an oral supplement that promises to trigger the development of new cells by providing the body with over a hundred essential nutrients and trace minerals. Is COVID-19 Benefitting A Transhumanist Agenda. For starters, the attraction of phytoplankton is this… It’s is an ocean algae that contains all the minerals of the sea. Participants reported having an improved mood, better ability to focus, and higher feelings of joy and personal success. I was one of … Phytoplankton supplements contain high levels of antioxidants, amino acids, and omega 3 fatty acids, all of which are known to support a healthy cardiovascular system. Or, is their legitimacy to marine phytoplankton benefits? Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD, from the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine,the Federal Government’s lead agency for scientific research on the diverse alternative medical and health care systems, practices, and products, explains how micronutrients and electrolytes in marine phytoplankton are exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism. The first major benefit is that this supplement is incredibly high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Not just any marine phytoplankton is recommended by Island Healthworks. Secondly, I believe you meant to say blue-GREEN algae, which is technically a cyanobacteria, not blue algae, because blue algae doesn’t exist. There are also some products with Marine Phytoplankton that still contain the protective silica wrap found in these microorganisms, and are not effectively assimilated by the human body. This list provides only few of the amazing benefits of phytoplankton. These one-cell nutrient-dense creatures are also believed by many to possess healing qualities capable of aiding in relieving symptoms for everything from allergies to infertility. That’s the main reason why marine phytoplankton was regarded to be the ultimate super food. Marine Phytoplankton is a unique super-nutrient from the ocean that provides the body with an increase in residual energy that builds up significantly when it is ingested on a daily basis. It also helps to improve visual function. While phytoplankton are single-cell organisms, their metabolisms are quite complex. , found in marine phytoplankton, is known to protect the cornea of the human eye. Marine phytoplankton works to make sure that you have less sugar in your bloodstream. “Consumption of a high quality phytoplankton triggers the body to create and regenerate healthy cells.”. Worldwide depletion of nutrients in soils reduces the availability of many essential nutrients, trace elements and organic compounds essential for human health. The sea mineral solution also comes with its own list of health benefits, such as delivering more oxygen to your cells, promoting healthy blood pH balance and nerve impulse regulation. There are other products with Marine Phytoplankton that still contain the protective silica wrap found in these microorganisms, which are not effectively assimilated by the human body. Marine Phytoplankton is a unique, live ultra-nutrient rich product similar to foods like chlorella and spirulina in that all three have been on our planet for billions of years. Perhaps one of the most important benefits of marine phytoplankton is its … “There are very few products that provide all, or even most, of the raw materials to make new cells and sustain the existing ones,” according to, Marine phytoplankton contains many known immune system enhancers – including, , beta-Carotene, bioflavonoids, and vitamin E. In a. performed by the University of Utah, researchers found that participants showed a significant increase in their number of antigen fighting cells in their bodies and also reported feeling an overall positive increase in their physical and psychological well-being. Online vendors of phytoplankton supplements describe it as containing every nutrient that human bodies need. There are high amounts of bioflavonoids in marine phytoplankton, which promote healthy skin by removing impurities that build up in our skin cells. It’s one of the highest superfoods, known to be 100 times more potent and powerful than blue algae, resveratrol, acai berries, and any other superfood combined. Marine Phytoplankton Benefits, A Nutrient Dense Microalgae Supplement Marine phytoplankton is a microalgae supplement derived from certain oceanic phytoplankton species proven to be a valuable food source for humans as well as aquatic sea life. As one progresses to higher ranking species in a food web, increasing levels of toxins are found due to higher exposure levels. Unlike plants and vegetables growing on dry land, algae have the benefit of an ocean environment submersed in minerals and vital amino acids. These tiny single-cell creatures live deep in the ocean, and they’re responsible for creating over 90 percent of the earth’s. Not surprisingly, the composition of human plasma, or fluid surrounding cell membranes, is similar to that of sea water. After seeing the results with my son’s eczema and my improvement in health, I decided to distribute Marine Phytoplankton. Marine Phytoplankton Offers an Incredible Wealth of Nutrients in a Safe, Bioavailable Manner. Please be a perpetuator of truth on the internet and actually know what you are talking about before just blindly posting things online. In addition, phytoplankton also contains glutamic acids and phenylalanine, both of which are known to help reduce sugar cravings. It boosts your immune system and also is powerful in your body fighting against insulin resistance. Accurate analysis from the world leader in bio-feedback, Learn from your 18 genes that determine your health, The Amazing Health Benefits of Chlorophyll, The Astonishing Health Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton, Spider and Other Dangerous Bites: A Public Health Discussion. They are within the first 200m of the ocean known as the photic zone, and if they are found deeper than that it is because they are dead and being consumed by bacteria. These nutrients include omega 3 fatty acids, Marine phytoplankton helps support joint health in more ways than one. Chromium, found in marine phytoplankton, is known to help stabilize glucose levels in the body. With so many vital nutrients in one tiny bundle, it isn’t surprising that scientific research suggests that phytoplankton contains a slew of health advantages for the human race and may even possibly be an aid in curing several degenerative diseases. And now consider that some of the healthiest supplements you can take are marine based. It produces great results with treating diabetes symptoms such as your appetite, excessive thirst, and of course the constant urination. Last Day To Save. Therefore, they are not found deep in the ocean because there is no light. COVID: The Never-Ending Trauma Now Features Delirium! Filled with a vast range of nutrients, Marine Phytoplankton is the source of primary productivity for the Earth's oceans and the underlying food source for fish, invertebrates and even Blue Whales, Earth's largest animal. Many nutrients found in marine phytoplankton – such as niacin, gamma linolenic acid, and omega 3 fatty acids – can help to reduce high cholesterol. It’s one of the highest superfoods. Marine phytoplankton is unique because it is a complete food that offers an incredible range of complete nutrients as the baseline item in the marine food chain. Phytoplankton also contains riboflavin, which is known to reduce free radical attacks on skin cells. Clinical trials do not support any alleged benefits of phytoplankton supplements. Phytoplankton contains a vast range of proteins, minerals, fatty compounds and chlorophyl, among other compounds that teem with nutrients. Submit your story or essay to Buzzworthy Blogs. Key to our health is a balance between body acidity and alkal... Spider, Mite & Tick Bites Must be Understood and Defended Against in CanadaSpiders, mites & ticks are arthropods from the arachnid class, with over 100,000 species described worldwide and sev... As a practitioner I see very sick people in my clinic. by removing impurities that build up in our skin cells. Can Replace Toxic Fish Oils. The Main Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton Studies have shown that a diet that is supplemented with marine phytoplankton encourages optimal liver function, stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps relieve joint pain and stiffness. Find out how thousands of people around the world are using Phytoplankton to assist fight off heart problems, diabetes, & other diseases. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Enthusiasts tout marine phytoplankton as the next important superfood. Marine Phytoplankton is a micro-algae single-celled organism that is rich in trace minerals, chlorophyll, essential amino acids, DHA, EPA, carotenoids, antioxidants, nucleic acids and necessary vitamins. NASA has referred to marine phytoplankton as one of the most beneficial plants on earth. it reduces free radicals formed during normal metabolic cell processes , and protects against oxidative damage . Aching muscles, painful joints, stomach upset, problems in the bathroom, sleepi... Acidity & Alkalinity Can Determine the Condition of the Human Body The human body depends on a proper biochemical balance for health. Being so low on the food chain prevents bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Most consumers felt that it came at a much higher price point than other closely related products that provide similar health benefits for canines. Well suited to addressing the modern challenges of increased environmental toxicity and nutrient depletion with potential relevance to increased chronic health complaints. Marine phytoplankton helps support joint health in more ways than one. Many chronically depressed patients have reported improvements in their symptoms after taking incorporating marine phytoplankton as a supplement to their daily diets. Ecologists have long warned about the human health benefits of eating lower on the food chain due to rising levels of pollution. It seems to be a good detox which I feel is essential for an effective health regimen. Home » Superfoods » 12 Health Benefits of Phytoplankton. In addition, phytoplankton also contains glutamic acids and phenylalanine, both of which are known to help reduce sugar cravings. Marine Phytoplankton is one of the most ancient & nutritious food sources in the ocean. Beta-carotene, found in marine phytoplankton, is known to protect the cornea of the human eye. Buy Marine Phytoplankton – Potent SuperFood – All-in-one Health/Nutritional Supplement –Rich in Vegan Omega 3 EPA– Boosts Energy and Improves Overall Health – Comes in a Pack of 90 Capsules on Amazon.com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders “Consumption of a high quality phytoplankton triggers the body to create and regenerate healthy cells.”, This is also due to the fact that phytoplankton is the. It’s likely to be the next biggest thing when it comes to superfoods, so if you haven’t heard about it until now, expect to be hearing a lot more in the near future. Marine phytoplankton feeds almost all sea animals, which is very unlike chlorella and spirulina that no animals feed on. One. Being low on the food chain, Marine Phytoplankton is also free of the toxicity that accompanies larger life forms and nutrient sources such as fish or even meat based dietary components. One pilot study performed at the University of Utah showed significant improvements in subjects’ depression symptoms after regularly taking marine phytoplankton as a supplement. High cholesterol is a problem faced by millions of people and is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. Perhaps one of the most important benefits of marine phytoplankton is its unique ability to strengthen cell membranes and induce cell regeneration,” states Lauren Feingold, nutritionist and co-founder of the organic, . By signing up, you agree to email marketing from HoneyColony to the email address you provided. The. Second, it can replenish your energy reserves and boost your energy levels. Two growing problems are facing our food supply and the environment we live in. have shown promising results in the use of. How nutrients are delivered must be a key consideration in addressing health and wellness concerns. Although the benefits of phytoplankton are indisputable. Just like your dog, … Studies have shown promising results in the use of L-arginine, a nutrient found in marine phytoplankton, to improve fatty liver disease. Marine phytoplankton has a number of benefits for dogs and cats. I discovered Marine Phytoplankton when it was introduced into the market for the first time in 2006. Surpassing even spirulina and chlorella, the marine phytoplankton benefits are numerous and give it the title of the ultimate superfood. It also helps to improve visual function. Vancouver Island based Marine Engineer Tom Harper has developed a patent pending process that actually breaks the silica shell and makes the nutrients biologically available to humans (not all products that claim to contain marine phytoplankton actually have it). One area that products derived from it for dogs have been criticized is that of pricing. Studies have examined how powdered phytoplankton can help your pets. Like all microalgae that grow in the ocean, this particular strain of marine phytoplankton (there are more than 40,000 strains of microalgae, but this one was chosen for its potent health benefits) is rich in chlorophyll, trace minerals (from the ocean water) and carotenoids. First, the marine phytoplankton drops can have a positive effect on your brain functions, thus helping you stay focused for longer periods of times. Ionic trace minerals are an integral part of a healthy human system for several reasons. Here are some of the most major health benefits that people have experienced with phytoplankton. This is also due to the fact that phytoplankton is the richest source of the potent antioxidant enzyme, SuperOxide Dismutase (SOD), which is produced by virtually every cell in the human body. 14 Important Health Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton Marine phytoplankton supports your immune system. When we’re young and healthy, the majority of our cells regenerate every seven years, but the older we get, the less efficient and effective this process becomes. Marine phytoplankton is unique because it is a complete food that offers an incredible range of complete nutrients as the baseline item in the marine food chain. These nutrients include omega 3 fatty acids, nucleic acids, phenylalanine, proline, and magnesium. Humans need the nutrients in marine phytoplankton, an optimal potential food source, but we are not adapted to extract the nutrients form the hard cell walls in each phytoplankton organism. This is because L-arginine is known to increase blood flow, and may be able to increase blood flow to the liver where flow was once restricted. , a nutrient found in marine phytoplankton, to improve fatty liver disease. Healthy Cells. This is something you can put to use if you are on a fitness regime. Right after it’s harvested, our marine phytoplankton is put into a sea mineral solution, which stabilizes it in a fresh, raw state. Your eyes reveal the health of your body. It contains every known mineral and all amino acids that our bodies need for optimum health. Unlike antioxidants found in food, which are ingested to seek out and eliminate toxins, SOD works harmoniously with the body’s systems and the antioxidants which naturally occur in it to prevent potential contamination. With so many vital nutrients in one tiny bundle, it isn’t surprising that scientific research suggests that phytoplankton contains a slew of health advantages for the human race and may even possibly be an aid in curing several degenerative diseases. An estimated 80 percent or more of us are deficient in certain vital trace minerals. Many nutrients found in marine phytoplankton – such as niacin. to the body; the cells absorb everything. Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton contains a unique combination of plant based minerals, cellular fibers, essential fatty acids, trace elements, proteins and amino acids. i really like marine phytoplankton supplements from mrros.com. Alpha CMP3 Marine Phytoplankton from one place ! Using this type of plankton can stimulate the kidneys and also flush the body of excess toxins, thanks to its boosting effect on the immune system and its impressive concentration of antioxidants. Marine Phytoplankton - FrequenSea and Pure distributors. Cellular Regeneration. By exploiting nutrients sourced directly from the ocean through phytoplankton use, soil content depletion can be bypassed! well it’s got high … , found in marine phytoplankton, is known to help stabilize glucose levels in the body. With such a low rank, the plankton has extremely limited levels of toxin accumulation while magnification through the food web is next to zero. For more information call us at 250 468-7685, Island Healthworks and Yvonne Dollard Perc. Zyto Body ScanIridology | SclerologyLive Blood AnalysisDNA TestingRecommendationsAcutherapy. Just wanted to throw out there that the root PHYTO indicates that they are photosynthesizing organisms that need light to produce energy. Yes you can purchase Marine Phytoplankton in many places, BUT you can only get Some experts call it the most powerful and essential food on Earth! found in phytoplankton helps improve joint mobility while omega 6 fatty acids and pantothenic acid help to maintain joint health. The manganese found in phytoplankton helps improve joint mobility while omega 6 fatty acids and pantothenic acid help to maintain joint health. performed at the University of Utah showed significant improvements in subjects’ depression symptoms after regularly taking marine phytoplankton as a supplement. Read … Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Marine Phytoplankton – Potent SuperFood – All-in-one Health/Nutritional Supplement –Rich in Vegan Omega 3 EPA– Boosts Energy and Improves Overall Health – Comes in a Pack of 90 Capsules at Amazon.com. Decreasing nutrient levels in our foods combine with increased levels of toxins in our world. The question of how to increase nutrient levels in our diets while reducing exposure to toxins is a problem we all face. , and omega 3 fatty acids – can help to reduce high cholesterol. Participants reported having an improved mood, better ability to focus, and higher feelings of joy and personal success. Fish aren’t born with high levels of omega-3 fats. It offers a complete source of Vegan Protein and is known as the best source of vegan, plant based Omega 3 fatty Acid EPA in the World. This increase in antibodies makes it easier for the body to fight off infection and diseases. Detoxify the Body. Phytoplankton are a strong source of omega 3 fatty acids, amino acids, DHA, EPA, carotenoids, antioxidants, nucleic acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and an assortment of minerals including copper, iodine, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. We have included a comprehensive nutritional analysis to this page with a discussion of natural health care considerations. “Marine phytoplankton is an excellent source of all of the trace minerals that the body needs in the most bioavailable form.”. It supports your heart: Marine phytoplankton can do wonders for your heart. I have extensive knowledge in herbal medicines and know what to do and advise as the best course of action. Unlike antioxidants found in food, which are ingested to seek out and eliminate toxins, SOD works harmoniously with the body’s systems and the antioxidants which naturally occur in it to prevent potential contamination. She is the cofounder of Crunchy Buzz, a digital wellness marketing firm that serves the health and wellness industry. Watch Tom Harper's incredible story about Marine Phytoplankton and his own health recovery. This increase in antibodies makes it easier for the body to fight off infection and diseases. How? It’s not a cure-all, but its nutrients will give your system a super boost that keeps your immune system at full strength to actively fight off illness. Chemical fertilizer and pesticide use has come under increasing scrutiny by environmental scientists due to concerns over food toxicity and increased growth rates at the expense of nutrient content. You won't believe what this test reveals! Marine phytoplankton, a type of seaweed, has been nourishing an abundance of sea life for billions of years. Honestly, I didn’t even bother to keep reading after that point because you clearly haven’t done any research and are just blindly promoting a product without knowing any of the biology or science behind it. All rights reserved. And all these nutrients are packed in a way that makes them 100 percent bioavailable to the body; the cells absorb everything. And all these nutrients are packed in a way that makes them. There is an additional factor that puts marine phytoplankton in the elite tier of safety as well as nutrient value. “There are very few products that provide all, or even most, of the raw materials to make new cells and sustain the existing ones,” according to Dr. Hugo Rodier “The problem is that we need all of them at the same time for things to work. “Lab testing revealed hundreds of nutritional chemicals in marine phytoplankton, including every known nutritional molecule and dozens that had not been identified or studied until its discovery,” says Feingold. 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