Duration 4 Semesters Enrollment Winter and summer semester Admission restriction No restricted admission Entry requirements Relevant/appropriate Bachelor's degree (at least 180 CP) and an average score of at least 3.0 as determined from the examination results. Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical and Manufacturing Engineering in top quarter for world leading outputs. Das „Applied Research Project“ bereitet Sie auf eine erfolgreiche Durchführung der Masterarbeit vor. September 2018. The programme provides students with the opportunity to apply theory to practical issues, with scope for interdisciplinary collaboration. MSc Mechanical Engineering. Moreover, by combining modules of different research areas in a targeted manner, students are enabled to develop highly individual cross-sectoral or sector-linking qualification profiles. These include mechanical, plant and vehicle engineering or, equally, the aerospace sector, as well as associated suppliers and service providers. Stattdessen wird der Ansatz verfolgt, flexibel anwendbares Fach- und Methodenwissen zu vermitteln, so dass auf der Basis dieser wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung Übertragungen auf zukünftige Fragestellungen ermöglicht werden. Dann ist der Masterstudiengang „Mechanical Engineering M.Sc.“ genau richtig für Sie. Digital technology, AI and data science are integral and essential parts of the 21st century mechanical engineering discipline. Electronics, B.Sc. // -->, Prof. Dr.-Ing. The international Master's programme in Mechanical Engineering at Lübeck University of Applied Sciences is based on a prior Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Some courses may, however, be taught in English. There are many career paths available, ranging from hard-core engineering to consultancy and even banking, once you have completed this course. We recommend that you submit the documents for enrollment as soon as possible after receiving admission. Students who enrol in the MSc in Mechanical Engineering programme have the option to select from a wide range of subjects offered under the Postgraduate Scheme in Engineering, and from those offered by other Faculties, including Accounting, Business, Computing, Construction and Environment, Logistics and Management. In the initial stages, the grades you obtained during your bachelor's program, as well as your written documents, will be evaluated using a point system. After receiving admission, you will see in TUMonline which documents you have to submit for enrollment, and in which form. Minimum requirements to apply for a Master's program at TUM are a recognized undergraduate degree (e.g. Accreditation is a mark of assurance that the degree meets the standards set by the Engineering Council in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC). Generally, applicants with a qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. das im Studium erworbene Wissen und dessen Anwendung im Berufsalltag umzusetzen. Cranfield, United Kingdom This MSc is a general, advanced mechanical engineering course particularly relevant to the energy sector which includes mechanical engineering design and assessment. Our MSc Mechanical Engineering is accredited to CEng level by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers under licence from the UK regulator, the Engineering Council. If you are interested in continuing your studies, you will find information of doctoral studies at TUM, here. Tel. The curriculum offers students the breadth of a traditional mechanical engineering education, with the technical part of the course comprising a set of … is a continuous program in which a st… Alexander Klein Degree Conferred Master of Science (M.Sc.) Der Masterstudiengang offeriert bewusst keine fachliche Spezialisierung der Absolvent*innen auf eng eingegrenzte Themengebiete. An MSc qualification in Mechanical Engineering will give you a practical edge as the discipline overlaps with a number of engineering profession. In addition, an MS in Engineering (no field designation) is available to students who wish to follow an interdisciplinary program of study. , http://www.hochschule-rhein-waal.de/de/studium/studieninteressierte/kontaktformular-faq-fuer-studieninteressierte, Hochschule Rhein-Waal | Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences Marie-Curie-Straße 1 | 47533 Kleve | Telefon: +49 2821 806 73 - 0 | Telefax: +49 2821 80673 - 160 When displaying, data may be transferred to third parties or cookies may be stored, therefore your consent is required. - Master Full-time. – 31.12. The mechanical and plant engineering industry works innovation based on future challenges every day. Available specialization options are, e.g., materials science, thermodynamics or fluid mechanics. 21st century mechanical engineers must be versed in both the classical design and construction of complex mechanical systems, as well as the physical, mathematical and digital representation and analysis of these systems.