This is our 3rd Akaso we've purchased from them and I'm sure it's not the last! It fits perfect in the helmet to or the handlebar. Für euch haben wir die größte Auswahl an Akaso firmware update verglichen und … It’s like your using a gimbal, that’s how good it is. The Akaso V50X is available on Amazon: Let me first say that you will not find a better camera at this pricepoint! I also like the new rounded profile. The steps that I am about to show can also be used to update the firmware of the Akaso V50 Elite as well as the Akaso V50X. Brave 6. Not saving your videos and photos from your micro SD card before formatting it, because everything will be deleted after the format. This is another thing I really liked on the Akaso V50X. Was es beim Kauf Ihres Akaso firmware update zu beachten gibt. Forum. With a touch screen and simple, streamlined capture modes, it's easy to jump right in and get great shots. Color adjustment going from dark to light was slow but once it grabs your ok as its only momentary. Pros: Note: The working temperature for this action camera is 23 °F/-5°C to 113 °F/45°C. Enjoy! Free Shipping+Get $30 Off $200 with Code: AKASAVE. It did not disappoint, except maybe the phone app, but more about that later. Akaso firmware update - Bewundern Sie unserem Gewinner. 53k Followers, 500 Following, 575 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from AKASO (@akaso_official) If you don’t need the H.265 encoding then it is preferable not to update the V50 Pro firmware. akaso firmware. I loaded Akaso V50X firmware ( link here) into my Dragon Touch Vista 5 . Welche Kauffaktoren es bei dem Kauf Ihres Akaso firmware update zu beachten gilt! 1- Check your current version: Go to Settings, then About. The steps that I am about to show can also be used to update the firmware of the Akaso V50 Elite as well as the Akaso V50X. Durable by design, AKASO V50X underwater camera is waterproof to 131ft (40m) with a housing. # AKASOV50X # actioncamera # ShareBestShotOfLifeWithAKASO I decided to upgrade to the V50x primarily for the touch screen and the new user interface. Latest 60% OFF Akaso V50 Elite Firmware Update Coupon Code For September 2020. In den Rahmen der Endbewertung fällt eine hohe Zahl an Faktoren, weshalb relevantes Testergebniss zustande kommt. you need to update Firmware to 20280806 for camera to … Troubleshooting. I used the waterproof housing that was provided with the camera at the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. It can zoom up to 4x on pictures and videos. Turn on the Diving Mode, it can filter the red light underwater. Just makes sure you wipe the area in front of the lens so you don't have a drop of water in your picture! I hated the old UI, finding it very hard to use. Just download the Roadcam app on your phone or tablet, you can real-time operate or review the images or videos and share your pictures and videos directly to social media. I felt like upgrading from my Akaso V50 to the V50X before my big trip to Europe. So avoid this version if you have the same hardware version as my camera (. Press and hold the UP button then plug the camera to your computer while holding and wait for the indicator lights to blink.9- Once you see the lights blinking, release the Up button and wait for the update to finish.10- The camera will power on once the update is complete.11- Verify that your update was successful by checking the firmware version.12- You can reformat the micro SD card from your camera then reset it. マイクロSD使用可能容量:マイクロSD / マイクロ SDHC / マイクロ SDXC クラス 10 / UHS-I 64GB (FAT32)まで その他動画や静止画のスペックについては取扱説明書をご参考ください。 document.write('

'); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, © 2020 Action Gadgets Reviews — Powered by WordPress. You can also shoot unique time-lapse videos to turn longer events into the short, shareable moment. akaso firmware. Just swipe and tap. Please format the card (not included) in the camera before using this action camera. In this article, we compare the specs and features of the GoPro Hero 9 Black and the Akaso V50 Pro action cameras. Don't know how to choose? AKASO V50X External Microphone - Used on a CAMPARK V30 Camera This is a very nice item - The cord is covered with a cloth-like material and is very flexible - … Akaso firmware update - Die ausgezeichnetesten Akaso firmware update auf einen Blick Auf welche Faktoren Sie zu Hause beim Kauf Ihres Akaso firmware update achten sollten! One of the first to launch this year is the AKASO Brave 6 Plus, an update to the AKASO Brave 6. How to Stream from GoPro to PC, Mac and Phone, How to Connect a GoPro to WiFi Home Network, How to: Akaso V50 Pro Firmware Update – H.265 Codec Fix. If the indicator is still red, repeat the previous step (remove and reinsert the battery and restart the camera). Action Camera Finder is the number one resource for action cameras, camera drones and camera gimbals with unique discovery tools to help you find new film making gear and equipment. AKASO V50X action camera predicts your movements and corrects for camera shake to deliver insanely smooth footage. Brave Series. Create stunning video with disruptive effects and share to social media. This is my third "NoPro" and undoubtedly the best. Test your camera and verify that the H.265 encoding now works and also test the touchscreen. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Seite. Brave 7. My ultimate goal is to provide you with as much detail as possible in each and every post. My ultimate goal is to provide you with as much detail as possible in each and every post. It will appear as a new drive.7- Now copy all the firmware files (no folders!) EK7000 Series. Overall this is a great little camera and I highly recommend it as well as the company. For those of you who have the V50 Pro touchscreen and are facing an issue with H.265 codec not working then you need to update your firmware to fix it. Checking through the feature list and everything appears to be in check, 4K at 30fps, waterproof to 40m with the included case, 8x zoom, touch screen, voice control and 20mp stills. The image stabilization seems improved in the V50x and I like the ability to control the field of view. 米Amazonで安い価格帯で手振れも映像も高評価な機種Akaso V50はThieye T5Edgeと外観もメインスペックも同じ機種ただし仕上げ方が違いからか映像の仕上がりはこちらのAkasoV50のほうが良い評価ですねこのV50は4K/3 They're so reasonably priced that all of my teenagers can have their own camera to record vacations and school projects. Overall I feel this camera is a great deal, and you are getting a quality product for a fraction of the price of a GoPro. If there is another zip inside the extracted file then you need to extract that as well.4- Once all is extracted you will see all the firmware files inside the folder.5- Format the Micro SD card. The only negative I have is that the app that you download on your cellphone to connect with the camera is buggy, and I was not able to make it work. Brave 4. The Akaso V50x is a real 4K action cam with stabilisation at 4K and costs under $100. They're very easy to work with and respond to questions in a timely manner. Reply Link. Brave 7 LE. It can shoot @ 20MP, 1080 @120 fps and also 2k up to 60 fps. What I liked best was how easy it was to use the camera. The Akaso V50X action camera is a very good piece of equipment for the price. Your email address will not be published. So yes, there are many V50 pro cameras out there with different hardware versions. V50 Elite. It is an affordable, has a lot features and It comes with a lot of mounts. Akaso V50X VS Akaso Brave 6 Plus - Action Camera Comparison - Duration: 13:18. You can dive up to 40 meters in depth. Action Camera. 2.4GHz wireless wrist remote control lets you easily operate the camera while skiing, cycling, surfing, etc. Video quality is excellent in both the V50 and the V50x. The V50X delivered. If I was just taking pictures for a day trip then one battery would last me all day. ... good image stabilization for this price . The videos and picture quality are very crisp and detailed. It is a great action cam for vlogging, filming outdoor activities & sports. All my videos were only encoding in H.264 which is a bummer since the camera’s hardware supports H.265. Required fields are marked *. You need an empty Micro SD card for the firmware update. Aside from the fact this camera comes with a CrAzY amount of extras (Remote control, 2 battery packs, waterproof case, bike stand, 10 various mounts, tethers, replacement back door) The still images are top notch and the video is crazy good for this price point. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Seite. What’s impressive is the fact that the image stabilization works at any resolution. After turning on, I also can't turn the camera off using the buttons, I have to remove the battery. The old V50 didn't have the touch screen and it was more difficult to change settings and get between different picture/video modes. Check the white sticker on the inside of the battery door, there you will see your camera’s hardware version. V50 Pro SE. I purchased the original V50 in response to the positive reviews. to the root of the Micro SD card.8- Remove the battery. Get info on the latest products and sales! The battery life, hours of recording, and video quality is very reasonable as well, similar to other higher end brands. Akaso v50 Pro Review | App, Manual, Firmware Update & Accessories Black Friday 2020 & Cyber Monday Deals May 4, 2019 By Charlie Shon When it comes to the camera for adventure sports, GoPro is the brand that dominates the industry. Die Betreiber dieses Portals haben es uns gemacht, Produktvarianten jeder Variante zu analysieren, sodass Sie schnell und unkompliziert den Akaso firmware update kaufen können, den Sie zu Hause für geeignet halten. If you go to Akaso’s official website and navigate to the Support section, you will get an empty page with no information whatsoever about the update process and you won’t see any firmware files to download. Besides, download videos or pictures to your mobile device is convenient on AKASO DV app. You will be able to take pictures and record videos by using your mobile device as a WiFi remote. Stabilization. ... You may update firmware at your own risk. How to download the firmware files, which firmware should be used and which ones to avoid. While I am disappointed that Akaso opted to downgrade the resolution from 20mp on the V50 to 12mp on the V50x, it is quite hard to see the loss except in extreme enlargements. 1. It has the best video quality @4k , the best EIS (including gyroscope) and slow motion is 1080 @60 fps. 4 months ago. Action Camera. Mine didn’t work when I purchased the camera. The new UI is much easier to use even if the camera is in the watertight housing and the touch screen is not accessible. To format, go to Settings, Format Card then Confirm.6- Plug the micro SD card to your computer. Worauf Sie als Kunde bei der Auswahl Ihres Akaso firmware update achten sollten. The steps that I am about to show can also be used to update the firmware of the Akaso V50 Elite as well as the Akaso V50X. V50 Elite. I manage to find a lot more information on Amazon and Facebook. ----Main features---- Control your AKASO action camera remotely: Capture the perfect moment with live preview, control your camera remotely. The feature set still has me impressed. Action Camera. 【AKASO Brave7 LE】ついにGoPro並みの格安アクションカメラ登場か⁉ゴープロ激似なおすすめアクションカムデュアル液晶スクリーン手振れ補正商品レビュー ケースのまま充電可能!【WIMIUS(L2)アクションカム】おすすめ新型アクションカメラ! Read more about GoPro Hero 9 Black vs Akaso V50 Pro Action Camera Spec Comparison Add new comment ELECTRONIC IMAGE STABILIZATION: AKASO V50X action camera records smooth, steady video whether you’re skiing, snorkeling or chasing your dog around the yard. V50 Pro (The Endless Summer) V50X Best Pick. Wir als Seitenbetreiber haben uns dem Lebensziel angenommen, Verbraucherprodukte verschiedenster Variante ausführlichst zu analysieren, dass Interessierte auf einen Blick den Akaso firmware update auswählen können, den Sie als Kunde für geeignet halten. Attempting to update with another version than what is specified here. I personally have the TJTSP20180411 version on my V50 Pro with touchscreen. AKASO V50X 4K action camera records full HDR videos. It seemed to have gone OK but the camera now only turns on to a blue fixed led light and no screen. (You can always ask Akaso for a refund in case it happens to you). The price point is perfect for novices and even those who are used to the "brand who shall not be named". I’m not responsible for any damage to your camera after the firmware update. Batteries dont seem to last all that long but you do have 2 of them so this was not an issue with me personally. Durable by design, AKASO V50X underwater camera is waterproof to 131ft (40m) with a housing. V50 Pro. Actually Alaso v50x is the best Akaso camera. Hey, my name is Michel and I am an IT professional with a passion for action cameras, technology and sports. It seems much easier to handle. Akaso v50 Pro Firmware Update Guide: H. AKASO V50X Native 4K30fps WiFi Action Camera with EIS Touch Screen 4X Zoom Web Camera 131 feet Waterproof Camera Support External Mic Remote Control Sports Camera with Helmet Accessories Kit 4. So I had to look around to find out how to fix it. 1- Check your current version: Go to Settings, then About.2- Download the 111618_V5 firmware from here then save it to your computer.3- Extract the downloaded Zip file. It's a good starter action camera for most and I … If I was doing a time-lapse or videos I would just plug it into my portable charger as the battery would usually die in 2 hours. The touch screen on the V50X really makes it user friendly, and allows you to switch between different settings/modes easily. Turn on the Diving Mode, it can filter the red light underwater. ... V50 Series. I wanted a camera that was a bit more updated and easier to use. The case did its job perfectly protecting the camera from the water. Hopefully Akaso will fix this in their next firmware update. An incompatible firmware can break your camera. Alles wieviel du also betreffend Akaso firmware update recherchieren wolltest, siehst du bei uns - sowie die ausführlichsten Akaso firmware update Erfahrungen. I've tried to update the firmware … AKASO DV allows you to see what your camera sees on your smartphone in real time. Touch Screen/ Electronic Image Stabilization/ Adjustable View Angle/ Diving Mode/ Distortion Calibration/ H.265 Video Codec/ Still Photo/ Burst Photo/ Time Lapse Photo/ Time Lapse Video/ Slow Motion Video/ Loop Recording/ Driving Mode/ WDR/ White Balance/ ISO/ Audio Record/ Micro HDMI/ Micro USB, Recording Time: Each battery for 720P/About 180 mins, 1080P/About 90 mins, 4K/2.7K/About 60 mins. Better to double check with Akaso before attempting the update. The Vista 5 powered on but nothing really worked, so it became a sort of "soft" brick. The reason I created this blog is to share with you tips, unbiased reviews, and information on the latest action photography gadgets. The battery length of the camera was sufficient. Warm Tip: Samsung 64GB 100MB/s (U3) MicroSDXC EVO Select Micro SD Card is Highly Recommended for V50X Native 4K Action Camera (Micro SD card is not included). V50X Best Pick. I had to contact Akaso directly via email on ( or and ask them to send me the latest firmware they have for my camera’s hardware version. I bought the Aksao because I am a kayak fisherman and dont want to risk losing a $700 sports camera when my boat flips.. LOL Yes it has happened.. I also have a GoPro4 and im just to leary to take it fun places because I don't want to lose or brake it. AKASO V50X External Microphone - Used on a CAMPARK V30 Camera This is a very nice item - The cord is covered with a cloth-like material and is very flexible - … Don’t miss out on Amazon's CYBER MONDAY Deals on Action Cameras. AKASO V50X action camera predicts your movements and corrects for camera shake to deliver insanely smooth footage. It wasn't a big deal for me because I just transferred the pictures to my computer instead of my phone. There you have it folks, I hope you found this Akaso V50 Pro firmware update guide useful. I use it mostly during my bicycle rides. I really like the touch screen as well as how you can change the width of what you can record. This is an upgrade to our Akaso V50 Pro we already have and man this camera great! AKASO V50X Update V50 series, V50X is 4K/30fps, support wifi and remote control, electronic image stabilization, touch screen,viewable angle... Big surprise, the firmware will be update, V50X will support extenal microphone, it will come soon, stay tuned! Your email address will not be published. Disclaimer: Do this at your own risk! Es ist jeder Akaso firmware update 24 Stunden am Tag in unserem Partnershop auf Lager und direkt bestellbar. The image stabilization works really well on this camera, I was actually surprised. I'm very happy with the pictures and videos from my vacation and would recommend this camera to anyone looking for an action camera! Blindly starting the update without checking the hardware version and its compatibility with the firmware. With AKASO GO, you can control your action camera from a distance to shoot hard-to-reach footage and preview them from your phone. Maybe in the future? Great video, just hoping for a firmware update for the v50 Pro and 50 Elite to try and make their night modes better. Rugged + Waterproof Camera. Cons: Video Format: .MP4. Hey, my name is Michel and I am an IT professional with a passion for action cameras, technology and sports. Probably you confuse it with the old model Akaso v50. Super Image Stabilization The action camcorder is designed for adventure & sports. In the box you will find 2 batteries and one charger that can charge both batteries a the same time. Akaso V50x Firmware Update Howto | Best Action Cam 2019 | Do Not Miss Step #10 | Latest Firmware I use the Akaso V50X to record my hikes. (Image stabilization, wide and narrow lens views, WiFi and HDMI connections, touch screen, remote control watch, burst photos, time lapse just for starters) The reason I created this blog is to share with you tips, unbiased reviews, and information on the latest action photography gadgets. If you're needing an action camera to vlog or take on vacation I highly recommend this brand and this particular model. You can dive up to 40 meters in depth. var uri = '' + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); Another difference is the zoom feature on the new camera. It also supports HD videos at up to 1080P/90FPS. This camera can record in 4k at 30 frames per second, you can also do 1080p at 90 frames per second or 720p at 120 frames per second. Now that you know your firmware version, you can start the update. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Webseite. AKASO V50X action camera records beautiful Full HD video. With the amount of features and a wifi app that they keep updated iI am 100% confident you will love this camera. 1x AKASO V50X Action Camera/ 2x 1350mAh Battery/ 1x Battery Charger/ 1x Waterproof Case/ 1x Remote Control / 1x Bicycle Stand/ 10x Mount/ 2x Helmet Mount/ 1x Bandages/ 5x Tethers/ 1 x Protective Backdoor/ 1x USB Cable/ 1x Lens Cloth/ 1x Quick Reference Guide. I personally tested the V6 firmware which is newer (20181205_V6). Brave 6 Plus. I get asked a lot about the Akaso V50 Pro firmware update process. 2- Download the 111618_V5 firmware from here then save it to your computer. I think the only thing I would like that this doesn't have is instead of the waterproof casing to make the camera itself waterproof. I always noticed that the Akaso website lacks a lot of information and clarity. ディスプレイ: 2インチ(タッチ対応) アングル(視野角):最大170度 撮影機能: EIS(手ブレ防止機能) タイムラプス:1秒、5秒、10秒、30秒、1分 倍速:2倍、4倍、6倍、10倍、15倍 無線: WiFi インターフェイス: MicroHDMI/MicroUSB/MicroSDスロット バッテリー: 1100mAh(電池2個付属) サイズ: 60 × 41.1 × 31.7 mm / 80 g(バッテリー搭載時) 動画解像度: 3840*2160 30fps 2720*1520 30fps 1920*1080 60fp… The remote is not waterproof. Brave Series. I have attached a few from my trip to show what the camera can do. Hi there I seem to have fallen victim of a botched firmware upgrade. Luckily, I loaded proper Vista 5 firmware … Small wonder they are no longer around. And it has disabled the touchscreen. Unsere Mitarbeiter haben uns der Aufgabe angenommen, Produktvarianten jeder Art ausführlichst zu checken, sodass Interessierte schnell den Akaso firmware update bestellen können, den Sie zu Hause kaufen wollen. The first, I think it was called a Gizcam, was a piece of junk. Until the front light in blue and flashes three times, then put the SD card containing the firmware into the camera to update, if the blue light flashes, indicating the beginning of the upgrade, wait until it … Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment in the comments section below .