- 1925. I have used potato peels to "draw out" tiny splinters that you can't get with tweezers. Use the potatoes for any dish or meal as you won’t need them. However, while it evens out your skin this enzyme can also add a little colour to your hair! Check out a delicious adaptation of this frugal recipe wartime below. I need to use it to cover grey hair! But while the potato's starchy goodness is enjoyed in many cuisines of the world, it's most nutritious part is mindlessly discarded in most kitchens - the peel! Carefully separate the egg yolks from the whites. OMG!!!! If you are blonde, potato peels can highlight the grey hairs and make the overall colour look more uniform. The hair coloring looks very interesting. 3.2.2 Glycoalkaloids. Here's a way to enjoy potato peels instead of throwing them away. This isn't an issue, though. If you don't have the time/ingredients to make the broth straight away, just freeze the potato peels or potato peel water to use later. The potatoes turned out white a fluffy....", The Long Winter (Little House on the Prairie). The starchy peels bind to any grime or dirt in the pan, giving it an efficient clean before building up the patina with grease. - Apply a paste of crushed peels to dark underarms to lighten them, - Traditionally, women rubbed the peels on their faces to reduce wrinkles, - Do you have dark bags under your eyes? Apply this juice on your scalp and massage it in for 5 minutes. Use clean washed peels to make handy potato water. I've started using a demiperminant hair color to hide my gray. The City plans to divert 1.2 million tonnes of organic waste from landfills, a move that could save 100 million dollars per year. Because they'll come in handy when you make a healthy soup for your family! Frugal and natural stencils without spending a cent. Soup 'em. The potato peels were chopped into small pieces (approximately 1 cm×1 cm×0.1 cm). http://www.flickr.com/photos/smason/123089232/. I have stored the peels in the towel and put in plastic bag in the refrigerator overnight because I … If you'd like to try making your own potato flour or starch at home, check out this great picture tutorial using sweet potatoes. Potato Water. Once baked or fried until crispy, you can cut the peels up into small pieces and use as you would croutons - in a salad or soup. Cast iron and carbon steel (also known as black iron) cookware need to be seasoned before use, and whenever their seasoning has been scrubbed off worn down. (Note: the linked article is written for De Buyer pans but the instructions are suitable for any carbon steel or cast iron cookware), http://www.flickr.com/photos/blmurch/167825234/. Wow, whoever knew there was that many uses for potato skins. Some of the nutrients in the potato that support healthy, strong plant growth include nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. The next morning, blend this mixture. My husband and I are dumpster divers, so we end up with a LOT of discarded foods and always try to make the most out of every thing - because we're cooky and just interested in it. The potato peel also holds promises in the field of biotechnology, where selected enzymes extracted from them can be used in the manufacture of detergents. Your message should be revealed. http://www.flickr.com/photos/avlxyz/4152119647/. Added to gravies, sauces, soups and broths it gives an earthy flavour and the thickening properties of starch to whatever it's used in. The next time you’re peeling potatoes, don’t throw away the peels. The level of water should just be enough to cover the peels. Build your compost pile with the right components. Using them in meatballs too! Rather than throw them out, the peels play an important role in his recipe, which uses these scraps in a unique way. Since potato peels have more nutritional value than the stub itself, do your plants a favour and fertilize the soil with the peelings. The invention of the potato peel pie is one example of this resourcefulness. It works just as well as those chemical-filled fire starters, without the toxic fumes and bad smell. I think the DIY invisible ink did it for me, though homemade potato booze sounds pretty interesting, too. Use the peeler or a sharp knife to remove any dark spots from the inside of the potato. If you're making fish cakes, meatballs, croquettes or other dishes that require breadcrumbs, you can sub in potato peels. Leave it to boil. Cool lens, I will try seasoning my wok this way and will definitely try out on my skin as well. Gently massage the sliced potato over the … Using a cotton ball, apply potato juice all over your face. If kept dry, it will remain good for years. Bring to a boil and simmer just until the skins are tender. I think I'll give the potato peels a try in a few weeks after my color fully washes out. Lots of people think that potato peels should never be composted because they will sprout. All great ideas! waaaay to many great ideas on this page for me to pick just one!!! Place the peels in a pot and cover with water. It would be a great educational activity for homeschoolers or school teachers to help children learn about starch and get in touch with traditional methods of food preparation. 7. Glycoalkaloids are naturally found in … Peel the potato and cut into 1/2 inch slices. If you have a fireplace that's dirty, dusty and covered in layers of old ash, use potato peelings to to clean it out. The fleshy part of the root (potato) is commonly eaten as a vegetable. First of all you will need to peel your potatoes with a potato peeler. A prime biofuel candidate, potato peels could soon be a major source of fermentation for biofuel. Worms also love the delicious decomposed matter that results from potato peelings, so feel free to add them to your worm farm ( starting a worm farm is easy and a great educational activity for kids). Wendy Leanne from Texas on March 10, 2013: Wow, can you really use potato peels to hide gray hair? Use after every shampoo as a hair rinse. It might sound a little strange to use potato peels as a snack, but if you think about it it’s actually pretty logical! Since potato peels have more nutritional value than the stub itself, do your plants a favour and fertilize the soil with the peelings. You can use a hole punch to put holes along the peels (this would make a great caterpillar stencil), or cut zig-zag edges. What a great lens! wow, I got this through the forum, loved every line and ideas. Hard choice, there are so many...I like the hair color one, it's interesting. You can use the peelings from normal white potatoes for the same effect. Put the peels in a linen type kitchen towel and roll up to absorb excessive moisture. Potato Peel for Hair Care. Potato peel rubbed on your skin can reduce excessive oil! Thanks for the tips. :). @peterb6001: You can use it to brighten & smooth your skin, without having to burn yourself to experiment :). Ellen Gregory from Connecticut, USA on December 08, 2012: The pan seasoning. 2.4. The beauty in buying organic potatoes is the ability to use the entire potato without wasting even the smallest amount of skin. Boil your potato peels and use the resulting starchy water to make delicious bread. Itaya Lightbourne from Topeka, KS on December 08, 2012: I like the part about using the peelings to tint gray hair! Let cool completely. To make, put 2 cups of potato peels in the food processor and chop until fine - they should reach the texture of fine mulch. Simmer your leftover potato peels in a small saucepan of water for around 10-15 mins. Potato peel broth is useful for flue, electrolytic imbalance and hypertension. So cook your potatoes with the peels on. Wave a gardener's magic wand over potato peels and turn them into top-notch fertilizer by composting them. http://www.flickr.com/photos/cuttingboard/5571366781/. You can either use potato peels fresh off the potato, or crush them to make a paste. ;). Brush with melted butter, and continue baking for another 7 minutes until the edges are crisp, and the bread is firm. It uses easy to find ingredients that you probably already have on and - eggs, cream and sharp cheese transform those potato peelings into something amazing. Sprinkle them with some sea salt , pop them in the oven until they are nice and brown and crispy – you want them the deep golden brown color in the picture so they are the right amount of crisp. Got puffy eyes, press the under side of the potato peel around your eye bags! Add water and let it boil for 3-5 minutes. Once the visible peels are removed, run the cold water and the disposal to see if that's enough to fix the clog. Join Australian cookbook author and culinary instructor Dale Whybrow and discover your favorite new spud preparations, like these super crispy potato peels. Potato peels can be used to whiten and brighten skin, and are a great natural edition to your beauty regime. Most of the time I simply scrub the potato well and use it as is. Ashok Goyal from 448 Dalima Vihar Rajpura 140401 Punjab India on February 26, 2014: Amazing. And my compost heap may be going short of potato peelings now. Peter Badham from England on December 08, 2012: Very interesting, I don't want to burn myself but I do want to try a potato skin on a little one. Use those leftover peels to make a creamy, crispy gratin. I've been wanting to research this for so...SO long! They have the same binding properties, with the added benefit of being gluten-free. Brush liberally with olive oil. Compost. If the potato is bumpy or uneven, you may have to go over the same spot more than once to get all of the peel off. An old folk remedy for plantar warts involves rubbing potato peels (or a slice of raw potato) on the wart or taping it on to the skin using a bandage. Merry Citarella from Oregon's Southern Coast on October 28, 2013: The crisp skins sound yummy! Once the water is lukewarm add potato peels in the saucepan and close the lid. Of course, you can easily buy potato flour, but making it yourself is fun, interesting and a learning experience. Take 5 potatoes and peel them. Vicki Green from Wandering the Pacific Northwest USA on March 09, 2013: Wow - who knew there were so many uses for potatoes and potato peels. You'll even save on cooking time, as there's no peeling involved! Facial Spa with Potato Peel. Thanks for sharing, a lot to learn from this lens. Of course, the potato peel method should be used carefully, and never for very severe or deep wounds. Toss with a tablespoon of salt, and leave in a sieve for 20 minutes over the sink or a bowl. With more and more people eating french fries at eateries, fast food companies are dealing with an ever increasing number of potato peel waste. Drain the skins, pat them dry, and place them on a cookie sheet. I love learning new stuff. I will spare time and read one by one. Potato peels contain an enzyme called catecholase. Angel Blessings. Both McCain and Heinz have pledged to use the peelings as a biofuel source to reduce their emissions by up to 20%. Simmer for 20 minutes, remove the peelings then let cool completely. The starchy potato flour makes this sponge extra light - not to mention gluten-free. Also lensrolled it. It's wonderful for watering plants, soaking tarnished silverware in or washing skin. Potato peels are also loaded with iron, another essential mineral that helps support red blood cell function. What if I told you that you could use potato peelings to cover up grey hair, clean the fireplace, make alcohol, and much more? original and brilliant. Potato peels are a major waste stream from the potato processing industry and a potential source of valuable functional and bioactive compounds. Instead of throwing away your potato peel as waste, throw them into the blender and extract their potent and nutrient-rich juice. It just tastes like a wonderful, earthy caramel sauce. Simmer about 15 minutes, then cool slightly and blend the soup in a blender. The acids in potato juice can actually dissolve rust too! The potato peels won’t damage your hair, which can’t be said about most of the chemical hair dyes, so it’s worth a try, right? i'm making booze this weekend! Compost. To use potato peel for wound dressing is readily available, cheap, easy to apply, less painful, and stored easily. I have fallen in love with hubs by healthmunsta. Your best bet is to add them to a compost pile. Or, deep fry them until golden and serve sprinkled with parmesan cheese, or as dippers with a sauce or dip. Potato peels as burn dressing have been a natural home remedy for a long time. To make a potato peel dressing, either apply the peelings directly to the skin and fasten with a cloth bandage, or crush using a mortar and pestle and apply directly to the skin before putting a bandage on top. Serve warm with any toppings you like, such as sautéed vegetables, cheese, fried egg or leftover meats. Method. Tremendously interesting lens. Think twice before you toss your potato peel into the bin, and find out the many ways in which you can put these stub peels to use! 3. You can use it as a bandage to cover the nail and prevent infection. Transfer to a bowl, and mix in 2 beaten eggs and 1/4 cup rice or arrowroot flour. Researchers have discovered that potato peel dressings can be even more effective than other remedies. Oil is a must-have for the process, but Cook’s Illustrated recommends an additional surprising ingredient for prepping your skillet: potato peels. Apply a mask of crushed peels and rinse off after 20 minutes, - Get rid of acne using a face mask of crushed potato peels. Rinse the potato with cold water when you’re finished. It is incredibly easy to make baked potato peels and is a great way to use the peels instead of tossing them. Excellent lens! What crops are suitable fertilizer Potato peelings can be used as a fertilizer for a vegetable garden or garden, because their use allows you to improve the soil and has a positive effect on the crop anywhere in your plot. Thanks so much for teaching me a use I hadn't heard of! And you can sprinkle it onto dry dog food to give some extra nutrition to your pet. Loads of great potato information here.. but I am DEFINITELY going to try the potato skin grey hair cure :) Blessed! To make your very own potato alcohol, you'll need 1lb of potato peels, 1/3lb molasses, and 1/4lb of yeast. Who knew the humble potato had so many uses!! If you're looking for a natural, eco-friendly and frugal hair-dying solution you're in luck! However, I don't want peels in my mashed potatoes so I make baked potato peels! Henry Ford once said, "There's enough alcohol in one year's yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred years." In milk, soak potato peels and add slight yogurt and let it remain overnight. This is a fantastic activity for homeschoolers. The peelings are thin enough and the temperature in the compost heap is hot enough to decompose them quickly. That's right: the skin of the humble spud can play a starring role in your kitchen and home. "While Ma made the gravy Laura mashed the potatoes. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AKartoffelsch%C3%A4len.jpg, "Rasp the potatoes into a tub of cold water and change it repeatedly until the raspings fall to the bottom like paste; then dry it in the air, pound it in a mortar, and pass it through a hair sieve. A very insightful lens! A teaspoon of olive oil per potato’s worth of peels is a good rule of thumb. Read on to see some easy, frugal and fun projects you can use potato peels for. Rub the underside of potato peel on your acne, blackheads and whiteheads to reduce, remove and prevent them! Boil the peels in water and cool, for versatile potato water that can be used to make potato water and more! I am going to try to hide my grey hair with the potato peel recipe! Next time you peel potatoes, I challenge you to save all those potato peels from the trash can. This is how you prepare it: Boil potato peels in a pan of water. Potato peel can do wonders for your face. After it has started to boil, decrease the fire and leave the mixture simmer for 5 minutes. thanks for introducing useful ideas on potato peels. I didn't know there were so many things you could do with potatoe peels. I love mashed potatoes. http://www.flickr.com/photos/davespencer/6858832856/. The options are endless: coat the peels with olive salt, salt & pepper, cheese, herbs, duck fat, paprika, garlic, or anything you fancy and bake them at 375°F until crispy (this takes 10-15 minutes). If you'd like to make a nice vegetable broth, gather some other vegetable scraps - carrot peel, celery leaves and onion peels are good - and simmer for about 30 minutes. I'm so excited about this! Take advantage of all those B vitamins, potassium, vitamin C and more by using the skins rather than throwing them away. Potato peels are starchy, and when blended become the perfect binding base for flatbread - no wheat flour required. Place the peels on a baking sheet in a single layer and bake at 400 F. (204 C.) until the peels are crispy and browned. @dumpstergourmet: Kitchen scraps have amazing potential. I'm thrilled about vegetable broth, Potato Milk Jam, the Alcohol...oh my goodness, EXACTLY what I've been looking for! 1. World famous chef Heston Blumenthal uses discarded potato peels to infuse a strong potato flavour into his mash. Rather than using potatoes specially bought for the project, this recipe uses potato skins that would otherwise be thrown away. Potato peels are rich in phytonutrients, phytoenzymes and antioxidants which can greatly add to the nutritional value of your diet. Keep an eye on the peels - processing for too long will give you a sticky mess! I will try one of the recipes. Great lens, I'm a bit slow on the potato peeling game, 1min 38secs was the best I could do. Use this water to rinse your hair after shampooing. Press into a greased baking tray, and bake at 425°F for around 15 minutes. Put back on a low heat, and add some heavy cream, salt to taste and lots of freshly cracked pepper. Potato peels can be used to whiten and brighten skin, and are a great natural edition to your beauty regime. Grind the dried potato peel and use it with honey as a face pack. This fabulous novel focuses on the lives of the inhabitants of Guernsey, an island under German occupation during WWII. If you're anything like me, you've started noticing a few grey hairs but are hesitant to use toxic and expensive chemical products to dye them. 2. Dip a matchstick or cotton bud into this part of the water. Loretta Livingstone from Chilterns, UK. So many yummy things to do. I did not know that a simple potato has so many uses! oohhh fun! This is neat:) I did not know that you could use the peels in so many ways. This enzyme is used in cosmetic products aimed at evening out skin tones. Potato is also used to make medicine. I'll have to try some of these ideas. You can either use potato peels fresh off the potato, or crush them to make a paste. A lot of them. Pre-heat your oven to 200C. Potato Water. Just chop the peels up in a food processor first. Just rub the underside of the peel on any dull or rusted area on pans, sinks and other metallic surfaces to get rid of the rust. Sift the flour twice, then once again with the baking powder and salt. You can find several personal testimonies of its effectiveness, saying that it reduced the redness and burning considerably. Make further research on the facts to spread the knowledge everywhere through webquestionanswers. Scrubbing and Polishing. Peel potatoes with a knife or peeler, but whichever way, make sure you recycle them instead of tossing them into the bin! To make your potato peel treatment for grey hair: Peel two large potatoes, and put the peels in a saucepan full of water. These pineapple skin uses are really simple, frugal and u... 20 Ways to Use Avocado SeedsYou won't believe the amazing ways that avocado seeds can be used.
2020 use of potato peels